Example sentences of "[adv] had a " in BNC.

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1 In 1982 they could desert Mr Schmidt for Mr Kohl because they and the Christian Democrats together had a majority in the Bundestag , the lower house .
2 Schools in which the adults worked productively together had a ‘ culture of collaboration ’ .
3 He suddenly had a vision of Lee tearing up his note-book and wearing his helmet .
4 The race was really on now , and as the quartet came away from the third last and turned into the straight Desert Orchid suddenly had a fight on his hands — not from Ten of Spades , who had exhausted himself in drawing the grey 's sting and now fell heavily at the second last , but from Toby Tobias and Norton 's Coin .
5 ‘ They put me in the bin because I suddenly had a talking jag , ’ Edward said .
6 A week later he was in the chair at a meeting of the Humanist Society when he suddenly had a vision of Bill Brice looking down at him from the moulding in the corner of the ceiling with a crown of thorns on his head , and look of sweet forgiveness on his face ; whereupon he stood up and made a long , confused speech about the hunger for God that gnawed inside each of us , however stiff-necked and jeering we might be ; which caused great embarrassment to all those present , and even greater embarrassment later to progressive theologians on the staff , who felt that such old-fashioned emotive conversions could only undo all their good work .
7 ‘ Well , I do n't understand it , but I suddenly had a strange , cold feeling .
8 I suddenly had a clear mental picture of Danzig — a hairy-chested man with a gold medallion and tight , white trousers .
9 That two hit men had waylaid you and that we were making our escape when you suddenly had a brainstorm and accused me of being in league with them ?
10 He suddenly had an idea , and taking the megaphone from the chairman , and wincing at the soggy mouthpiece , he summoned the last of his voice from his diaphragm and sang to the sea of caps and hats , a Harry Lauder music hall song :
11 He suddenly had an idea .
12 But what of the driving force behind it all — if he suddenly had an offer to take charge of a major opera house in the west , would he leave behind what he has so painstakingly built up ?
13 I know it sounds mad but I suddenly had an image of them doing it on the carpet in the office like a couple of dogs . ’
14 ‘ Then I suddenly had an urge to give a gentle push and the baby just fell out !
15 I suddenly had an idea .
16 The longer you throw , the more , good boy , it 's so well hidden in the leaves , it 's exactly the same colour that 's the trouble this time of year , but no , life is a funny thing , and I find it personally very hard to believe that only two months ago , I mean what is it nine weeks ago , and I suddenly had an enormous view
17 The tightening net of repression and the increased care taken to avoid ‘ risky ’ remarks naturally had a direct effect on expressions of opinion about Hitler himself .
18 David Mellor naturally had a soundbite up his sleeve .
19 Whether or not the Association regarded the method of debt collection adopted by London Manhattan 's Smelly Tramps Ltd as conforming to the highest ethical standards , it apparently had a high success rate .
20 The myth was probably sparked off by the existence of a St. Thomas ' Lane and Well in the town ( locations now unknown ) , the St. Thomas ' chapel in All Saints ' church , and the Hospital of St. Thomas and St. John ( now Lord Burghley 's Almshouses ) , which apparently had a chapel over the bridge .
21 FORMER THROBBING Gristle members Chris Carter and Cosey Fanni Tutti apparently had a hand in remixing ‘ SOS ’ from Erasure 's ‘ Abbaesque ’ project .
22 A lot of the stone went to build houses for the local peasants , who apparently had a tough time .
23 Then , when the fever reached it crises , Muhammad Reza apparently had a dream in which he saw Ali , the son-in-law of the prophet Muhammad and , to Shiites , the second most holy of men , hand him a bowl of liquid .
24 No they get nothing , they 'd get , all they went on the dole , well they used to get , they used to get erm , say yeah well you would get welfare benefit what we call the club , you go on the club and you see used t I , my , apparently had a private club , you could have both you see you had the private club and you got so much from the government , the National Health .
25 When Gundovald first arrived in Gaul he apparently had an considerable quantity of treasure with him , which must suggest that he initially had the backing of the Byzantine emperor , whose concerns about the Lombards in Italy may well have stretched to a desire to see a close ally established in Francia .
26 By a notice of appeal dated 22 July 1991 the administrators appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law in holding that the court had no jurisdiction to make any order under section 238 of the Act of 1986 against the bank ; ( 2 ) the judge should have held that the words ‘ any person ’ in section 238 meant ( in the case of a company ) any company , whether or not registered in England and Wales , or having a place of business in England and Wales , or carrying on business in England and Wales at the time of the transaction complained of ; alternatively , that those words ( in the case of a company ) meant any company with a sufficient connection with England and Wales : and that , on the facts of the case , there was a sufficient connection ; and in either case the court accordingly had jurisdiction to entertain the originating application against the bank , and to grant leave under rule 12.12 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 to serve the bank in Jersey ; and ( 3 ) in construing section 238 of the Act of 1986 the judge had erred in failing ( i ) to hold that the bank , even though a Jersey company , was within the class of persons with respect to whom Parliament was to be presumed to be legislating in section 238 ; ( ii ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the mischief which the section was intended to remedy , and/or to the disastrous practical consequences for all insolvencies with any international element if the operation of the section were limited to those within England and Wales at the time of the transaction complained of ; ( iii ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the legislative context of the section and related sections ; and ( iv ) to give any or any sufficient weight to the fact that the transactions dealt with by the sections necessarily had a connection with England and Wales in that they involved a disposition of the property of a person or company the subject of insolvency proceedings before the courts of England and Wales .
27 Those animals put down had a merciful release .
28 Well I left it I thought I 've just got ta sit down had a they got Daisy .
29 Thus , the UK was still a European leader in innovation in the 1950s and 1960s , but perhaps had a bias towards pure science rather than towards the commercial development of technological ideas that will form the next generation of industries .
30 So so so I say that first because we have in the past had people who felt worried by this attitude , they felt you know that they really they were people who perhaps had a background in the National Trust and who really felt that it was their job to say , oh no do n't touch that .
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