Example sentences of "[adv] at [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And she took the child by the hand and walked her to the settle , and when they were seated she looked at the small figure by her side , at the hair , like a golden halo round the oval face , and the limpid grey eyes gazing so trustfully at her .
2 He placed his right hand against the rounded stone of the upright , leaning over her , staring down fiercely at her as he spoke , more passionate than she had ever seen him .
3 She snapped angrily and frowned fiercely at me .
4 ‘ She came to my bedside , put her candle close to my face and stared fiercely at me .
5 He was becoming angry , and was staring fiercely at me .
6 ‘ How did she die ? ’ he said at last , staring fiercely at me .
7 Jinny looked fiercely at him .
8 Haavikko looked from one to the other , then , smiling fiercely at him , tears brimming at the corners of his eyes , he reached out and took Karr 's hand .
9 She twisted over on to her side , and glared fiercely at him , knowing that this was what she should n't do , that she was humiliating herself , that her face was red and puffy and ugly .
10 Seeing the car as its territory , the dog may attempt to snap fiercely at them .
11 Ruthven gazed gloomily at me .
12 While ideally this should be the chairman there may be someone even better at it in the group .
13 No it 's we 're not we 're not in there 's there are people who are more established at that Bill , better at it and longer at it than we are .
14 They 're taking blood all day , much better at it than I am . ’
15 She smiled trustingly at him and his heart melted the way it did when his small nieces slipped their hands into his when he took them out .
16 Or would you eat the chocolate very quickly without thinking or even looking much at it at all ?
17 The hamburger-flipper at the other end of the joint looked unhappily at us .
18 Father Poole gazed thoughtfully at him , noticing the way his hand shook .
19 Thomas was sitting , looking thoughtfully at him , a blade of grass between his teeth .
20 He looked back thoughtfully at her , taking in the brown eyes , the long , none-too-clean hair , and the patchy make-up through which broken veins in the cheeks were showing .
21 The doctor looked down thoughtfully at her , considered a moment and then placed a firm hand on her forehead .
22 More than one man had looked enviously at him .
23 So clearly now , the , there 's some merit in looking afresh at it in the light of five B , being able to match the kind of funding that 's available there .
24 Robbie looked doubtfully at him .
25 Once inside he removed his shoes and trousers very slowly then drew back her mosquito net and smiled lopsidedly at her before lowering himself unsteadily onto her cot .
26 And glancing swiftly at it , she saw that the named cigar was listed as a box of one hundred for thirty-five shillings and sixpence , while its superior compatriot was fifty-four shillings and sixpence ; and its sample of five was three and six , whereas five of this particular brand was only one and ten pence .
27 Almost dizzy with relief , she smiled brilliantly at him .
28 He thrust his whiskery countenance impatiently at her .
29 Once Chuck turned and grinned delightedly at her as he paused to mop his brow , and she smiled warmly back .
30 Mrs Wilson was sitting on the sofa , smiling foolishly at him .
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