Example sentences of "[adv] he feel " in BNC.

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1 Gently he felt over her ribcage .
2 It was just that suddenly he felt he could not look up , that he could n't , as he put it , either stand it any longer , or stand any longer .
3 But suddenly he felt utterly exhausted .
4 And suddenly he felt a slippage , a letting go .
5 Suddenly he felt that he was being watched .
6 Suddenly he felt the car beginning to skid and in his panic trod on the brakes .
7 Suddenly he felt a change .
8 Suddenly he felt that something was wrong .
9 Suddenly he felt cold and afraid .
10 Apparently he felt a minimal comfort in contact with her .
11 Basically he felt that as Class AA was his freshman project , any exposure to your article would have had to have been indirect via his teachers .
12 ‘ The Mutants ’ later to be renamed ‘ The Daleks ’ , was a morality play , but with the moral element very much left of the centre stage which belonged , quite rightly he felt , to a straightforward clash between good and evil .
13 As the flames died down he felt cold air on his face .
14 As she looked down he felt a tug at the upper sail , and saw a flash of a wing .
15 He likes rosewood 's appearance and bass response and will use it if asked , but deep down he feels it 's too heavy to be an ideal guitar-building wood .
16 Perhaps he feels the need to make one-to-one contact with everyone on the planet before he leaves it .
17 ‘ Of course , tomorrow is Monday and Jones goes back on air , so perhaps he feels he ca n't waste his energy on you tonight . ’
18 Given that Chinese elections have no element of uncertainty and that Mr Deng had not appeared in public for almost six months , perhaps he felt the reformers on the Central Committee were in urgent need of help .
19 Or perhaps he felt he had no choice , perhaps he did n't know about the other places in the city which he could have gone to ; anyway he became a real regular , and soon he was there most nights , in fact every night , six nights a week , The Bar being open every day of the week except Monday , usually from the afternoon and always until three a.m. ( at least officially ) .
20 Perhaps he felt he needed a best-seller like Morton 's to re-establish his claim to those titles .
21 Perhaps he felt sympathy towards someone struggling to hook ideas together .
22 Perhaps he felt he had a chance to help , ’ Theodora said .
23 Perhaps he felt there was no point in pretending not to be upset .
24 Perhaps he felt he owed them something ; to make a glittering society match for instance — whereas , she sighed , they would probably be perfectly happy with his company instead .
25 Well I ca n't I mean erm I think he was the kind of person he wanted to be as diverse as possible later on , I mean , perhaps he felt constrained
26 so perhaps he feel it .
27 He hardened himself against the sight of her ; even so he felt himself moved .
28 So he felt secure as he sat looking over the rolling lawns of Bloomwater .
29 Frantically he rolled clear of any follow-up attack , and as he did so he felt something hard and bulky dig painfully into the small of his back .
30 After hours of banging , sawing and screwing things together he felt exhausted .
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