Example sentences of "[adv] it the " in BNC.

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1 Opposite it the passage was separated from the body of the church by a ten foot long grille in delicate wrought iron which gave a view up the nave to the cavernous glitter of the apse and the Lady Chapel on the right .
2 And below it the
3 There is the indestructible Mandalay Hill with its kilometre-long covered stairways and remarkable pagodas , and below it the totally destroyed Royal Palace .
4 Above this surface the hydrogen would have been gaseous , and below it the hydrogen would have been liquid : Jupiter would have thus been covered in hydrogen oceans .
5 A Gothic cathedral is a complex design , but when standing inside it the individual knows where he or she is and how to reach any other point in it .
6 Not really a march , not even a brisk tramp , but a shuffling movement forward towards the opened gate : Holly saw the high wooden fence of vertical overlapping boards and above it the rise of steep angled roofs and in the corners were watch-towers built up on stilts with the platform reached by open ladder .
7 A discontinuity known as the Thurber Discontinuity occurs in some Pacific areas : above it the corals are younger than 6 000–8 600 years old , depending on the locality , and may represent Post-glacial coral growth when sea level rose above the discontinuity .
8 Is not it the case that the sooner the Government face a general election and are defeated , the sooner small firms will have a decent chance in the economy ?
9 Is not it the case that the present underlying rate of inflation in the United Kingdom is 5.5 per cent .
10 Although I agree with the Minister that empty properties could be used to house homeless people , is not it the case that until capital receipts are released from the sale of council properties , councils will not have the resources to put properties back into use for people who need them ?
11 Is not it the truth that CTCs have emerged only as a result of the lavish use of taxpayers ' money to prop them up ?
12 Is not it the case that we do not have widely available anywhere near the diversity of potatoes that is available in other countries , such as the United States ?
13 Is not it the truth that the right hon. and learned Gentleman 's Government , having created recession and unemployment , do not care about the casualties of their policies ?
14 Is not it the case that the European Commission , through the THERMIE programme , would back Bilsthorpe only if it was certain to go ahead , and that the only way to ensure that was through Government support ?
15 if one 's like it the other 's like it as long as that 's hanging there untouched there 's quite , quite safe , I mean were n't worth it
16 I walked past it the other day , and there was a board up outside . ’
17 Well it the question was , do you see the fourteen hundred dwellings for the new settlement as being the maximum size , maximum desirable size , or do you see that being possibly continued beyond two thousand and six ?
18 A silly man , I ca n't understand , cos you used to get in a car now what I went in the car Sunday , well it the
19 Well it the land would cost so much more than the conserv I do n't know if I want to spend so much money here , I 'd rather
20 Was n't it the vehicle I 'd stopped ?
21 And is n't it the case that real MOR — the stuff that sells , boys — has words that are anodyne too , that reinforce commonsense views of normality and ( human ) nature ?
22 ‘ But is n't it the case , ’ I ask him , ‘ that while people are piling into the cinemas to see the worst exports of Hollywood , they are also piling in to see our own films , such as Alan Parker 's The Commitments , which has after all just won the Bafta award for best film . ’
23 Was n't it the thing for newly made rock stars to pledge an allegiance to an old jazz hero , a John Coltrane , a Charlie Mingus or onwards into obscurity ?
24 And is n't it the luck of the devil that the master do n't require me tomorrow afternoon ?
25 Is n't it the national ?
26 Is n't it the case that Palmerston when he was on his death bed had the clause to the Belgian treaty read to him to cheer him up .
27 Is n't it the most shocking scrum ?
28 that 's going to be long term then is n't it the water
29 But is n't it the ignorance of the people because the people are ignorant and they actually do n't know what they 're voting for
30 Is n't it the government rather than the people ?
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