Example sentences of "[adv] to her " in BNC.

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1 He never said much to her , nor she to him .
2 Because his refusal to be sincere about his feelings toward her leads her further away from her own values , she begins to resent the way in which he constantly gives her the linguistic slip : ‘ Concepts which still meant much to her , by which she had once lived , were swerved aside with a smart epigram , a pun , a quotation , a dirty story ’ ( 170 ) .
3 She 'd known him barely two days , and already he 'd steered her through more emotions than she 'd known herself capable of — And , much to her very great surprise , over the next few days he insisted on showing her the countryside .
4 He sat above Daisy , talking gently to her , as she gradually sank into the bog .
5 In his temporary absence , Miss Mates refreshed Sally-Anne 's cup again , said gently to her , ‘ Do not mind Dr Neil 's manner , my dear .
6 She realized she had never seen the servants before except as part of the backdrop of Summer Lodge , now she saw that they were part of her life , real people with loves and loyalties especially to her and it made her feel suddenly humble .
7 Then it stopped and I found myself on the side opposite to her .
8 She managed to get it right by watching the woman opposite to her .
9 He pulled a wooden chair away from the table and brought it so that he could sit opposite to her .
10 Someone sat opposite to her , hiding the view , and Miguel said , ‘ Did you enjoy your little walk ?
11 The pithy violence of Shostakovich 's First Sonata does not come naturally to her , but she is at home in the limpid impressionism of Rachmaninov 's G major Prelude , which on its own makes this disc worth having .
12 The Prime Minister , however , responded with the instinctive nationalist belligerence that came most naturally to her .
13 Unusually tall , even for the Plaza troupe which was her line , her excellent dancing seemed to come so naturally to her , that the other Girls were full of praise for her work .
14 She could put it on , like a posh accent , but it did n't come naturally to her .
15 But it did not , she found , come very naturally to her .
16 As it was , she smiled , rather falsely , for while laughter came naturally to her , smiling , as yet , did not , since only babies and adults can smile with conviction : she realized that her face felt uncomfortable wearing this expression and reverted to her habitual frown .
17 Gemma was beginning to believe , contrary to all her expectations and her mother 's teaching , that it might also come naturally to her .
18 Playing the spy was not something that came naturally to her , but in this particular instance she sensed it was her duty .
19 And Caroline , who had never developed the art of flirting , behaved as if it came as naturally to her as breathing .
20 She wished to arrive at Frizingley Hall that day around two o'clock , a convenient hour when , with luncheon just over , Mrs Amabel Dallam would be lying on her bed recovering from the exertions of ordering and then pecking at her food , Miss Linnet Gage reading aloud to her , perhaps , as an aid to the digestive processes of one lady , the nest-building of the other , so that Cara might give Miss Gemma Dallam her fitting alone .
21 And so when Luke had brought home a copy of the People 's Charter and read it aloud to her she had listened ; considered ; believed .
22 I mean , I might have had to shove the split match heads under Carol 's fingernails , or tie her to a tree and subject her to psychological warfare by , say , reading Hemingway aloud to her .
23 At first there was an uneasy silence , but after a while he thawed enough to read odd items of news aloud to her .
24 The barman looked tough enough to her .
25 I never got near enough to her to tell her about the boxing and eventually left home as soon as I could . ’
26 She had made her attitude clear enough to her , heaven knows , but here she was , still coming back every other Sunday , year after year , as welcome as the Irish potato blight .
27 ‘ Would it make you feel any better if I took the cardigan down to her , ’ said Yanto .
28 At once he signed down to her to be silent .
29 His head bent slowly down to her , his eyes burned deeper and , held immovable , she endured the first kiss she had ever received .
30 Jo 's voice comes down to her , gentle .
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