Example sentences of "[adv] to now " in BNC.

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1 General skills and abilities we 're down to now .
2 Well again er , er a three bedroomed house , I would , you see and they were putting one plug in , in , in each , each bedroom and , and two plugs in the main bedroom so they dropped one down altogether and erm , erm in a lounge like this to put two plugs in , sort of one in that corner and one in that corner it 's no good to anybody , it 's , as much as anything else was er , er about placing plugs as well er , if one 's only going to have two plugs well then least one should be able to place them in , in the right positions , er putting them behind doors is , is , is no good at all , a lot of them have been done that way because the it always means flex is going to be draped across the , the door if people are walking in gon na trip over it and erm , they probably got down to now , something er just less than the standard I would think in the , in the last houses they built .
3 ‘ Where 're you off to now ? ’ he said , not allowing his annoyance to show .
4 ‘ So , ’ she said brightly , ‘ where are you off to now that we 've finished shooting The Viking ? ’
5 ‘ So where are you heading off to now ? ’ he asked .
6 ‘ So , where are you off to now ? ’ he asked her over his shoulder .
7 And where are you off to now ?
8 So where we off to now ?
9 Where we off to now ?
10 Wanted to put her arm around her , hug her , what the hell had super-brat been up to now ?
11 Autism is a very profound cognitive deficit indeed , and everything that I have said up to now entails that a person whose thinking significantly lacks an holistic character , and lacks the related qualities of directedness , inhibition and co-ordination , will be profoundly affected .
12 Rektum will spend the money on reassembling their career in a less pressurised climate : up to now their recordings have only been available on bootleg cassettes , while their live performances have taken place exclusively underground .
13 Up to now they have been well looked after by the Pakistan government and established in villages of 50,000 to 60,000 people .
14 The OFT found no evidence that Bupa has abused its buying power up to now , but felt that allowing the takeover could increase the risk of abuse .
15 The Government up to now has ruled out direct compensation for the 1,200 haemophiliacs , 200 of whom are children .
16 Up to now Romanians have rationalised their predicament in different ways .
17 THINKING on economic reform in Eastern Europe has , up to now , drawn heavily on experience from the third world .
18 ‘ I suppose I should have said up to now , ’ Mark replied disarmingly .
19 Or perhaps he had heard rumours of my goings-on , and had come personally to find out ‘ what Kirkup 's up to now ’ — the traditional BC phrase wherever they have the misfortune to discover my presence .
20 ‘ Willoughby , you 've given us a brief outline of a frankly hap-hazard sort of life up to now .
21 ‘ Not much evidence of it up to now .
22 What 's he up to now ?
23 Up to now he had been constantly aware of its dark presence , encircling the village , but nobody had ever suggested that he should enter it .
24 In the last reports they were able to compile , in April 1940 , Sopade observers were still noting that ‘ many prefer to keep Hitler than to envisage what could come after a defeat ’ , that fear of chaos and revolution still predominated among the bourgeoisie , but that ‘ there is no doubt that up to now the majority of the people is still convinced of Germany 's victory ’ .
25 Above all , there was disappointment at Hitler 's remarks that he had made full provision for the coming winter — the logical conclusion being drawn ‘ that the struggle in the east , in contrast to the hopes entertained up to now by the overwhelming majority of the population , can not be ended before the next winter ’ .
26 This was concealed up to now by a few intuitive master strokes , the lucky results of risks that were in themselves unjustified , and the short-comings of our enemies .
27 ‘ The most worrying aspect of the whole thing ’ , it concluded , ‘ is probably that most people 's comrades , even those who up to now have believed unwaveringly , have lost faith in the Führer . ’
28 But it is clear that if , as we have said , death from suicide is relatively common in Britain and most funeral services take place within the Christian context , then it would seem that the church needs to look at this whole subject again with a great deal more openness than has been possible up to now .
29 ‘ What Are the Royals Up To Now ? ’ changed abruptly to ‘ Will Soccer Violence Spread to Gaelic Football ? ’ as he turned a mental page .
30 Up to now it has been run as a cost centre rather than a profit maker , but the Broadcasting Act specified change .
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