Example sentences of "[adv] to [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 There , clergy wives , listening eagerly to their husbands ' superiors , would find their feet gripped by apparently supernatural growths from the infernal regions .
2 At nights he imagined she was beside him in bed , naked and wanton , submitting eagerly to his advances .
3 His enthusiasm communicated itself to the voters who responded eagerly to his promise of a " New Deal " , and he polled 22 million votes to Hoover 's 15 million , carrying 42 out of 48 states .
4 When it was pressed again , doggedly but almost blindly , he struck the questing sword expertly out of the hand that held it , with only the measured force required , and reached a hand eagerly to his adversary as he crumpled to his knees .
5 Like a novice swimmer suddenly caught in a flood-tide , she was swept along , clinging fiercely to his shoulders as he found her lips , invaded her mouth , his tongue entwining with hers .
6 But as soon as he cursed himself for being taken in last night by Isabel 's distress , two insistent memories shook his belief that it had been an act put on for his benefit : the way she had clung fiercely to his hand when they had passed the dungeons , her grip almost painfully strong , and the stricken expression on her face when he had ordered her to strip .
7 What Havel wittily shows is the kind of Catch-22 situation faced by a dissident in a despotism : whether to cling fiercely to your own moral integrity ( thereby landing others in the shit ) or whether to conform and perpetuate a corrupt system .
8 That road leads inexorably to her work for the sick , the dying and the distressed .
9 This is what people do before parties : she has seen them doing it on television : indeed , she used to do it herself when she was young , when she had no need of such substances , before she reverted so inexorably to her ancestral type .
10 She does not pretend that Ben 's ordeal resulted directly from the ban , but she believes it contributed to the chain of events which led inexorably to his present stay in south-east London 's Bethlem Hospital .
11 He tossed the garment casually on to a chair , and her eyes were drawn inexorably to his broad expanse of chest .
12 Cy McCray was riding one of the joint favourites and , somewhat to her surprise , Harry Short had retained Damien Gould to ride Heraldic , a three-year-old with negligible form .
13 Somewhat to her surprise , Harry was smiling .
14 With the exception of the Sergeant in the Princeps ' seat , those inside the head had not been able to notice the fireball behind them , though the blast wave contributed somewhat to their sway .
15 There were even rumours that it was going to go straight through the middle of Henry s house , a thought that , somewhat to his surprise , filled him with savage pleasure .
16 Somewhat to his surprise , Dalgliesh found himself accepting .
17 Somewhat to his surprise he heard himself telling her so .
18 Rory loved it , somewhat to his surprise ; a holiday from holidays .
19 Somewhat to his surprise , he was put through to her at once .
20 Somewhat to his own surprise , Harry found himself booking a single room , despite the exorbitant tariff , and following the prim receptionist as she led him to the door .
21 From Waterloo station , he phoned the offices of The Courier and somewhat to his surprise , found himself put straight through to Jonathan Minter .
22 I am gregarious , cerebral , Geminian , and have sought , somewhat to my cost , to make the world my home .
23 The mention that I was journeying via Marseilles prompted him to warn me , somewhat to my surprise , not to let the street-girls of the special quarter ( since abolished ) commandeer my hat — a favourite play of theirs to inveigle one inside — which suggested that he had experienced such an approach .
24 The crisis passed , somewhat to my surprise , and I would not dismiss the possibility that Eliot , acting so as to ensure that the information should not be disclosed to me , had something to do with it .
25 The crane ratchets of the later arrivals could still be heard clearly as their crews outramped , and rising bow waves could be spotted as an occasional laggard powered upstream to its proper place in the echelon .
26 But must a foraging hyena be conscious of the food it has not yet uncovered , or a homing salmon aware of its destination as it begins the laborious trip upstream to its natal stream to spawn ; both exemplars of goal-seeking behaviour ?
27 And every delay is henceforth to our opponents ' advantage .
28 She presented it trustfully to her Uncle Alan as he came in , to be mended .
29 There is one plan to link staff in with workers from voluntary agencies , and another to train social workers to work with interpreters , gain confidence in working with the Chinese community and respond better to its problems .
30 Track one is a growling , clapping disco song with a peace message , but far better to my ears are ‘ Klangers ’ , a similar groove which sounds like it has in fact got The Klangers on it although it 's probably just a synth , and ‘ The Horns Of Jerricurl ’ ( geddit ? ) which unfolds the depths of their groove and lays bare their sense of humour .
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