Example sentences of "[adv] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any-way in September 1990 I decided to further my career in Horticulture and started a college course full time at Houghall College , County Durham , which meant having to live on a Educational-grant My expenses weekly are £29 rent , bus fares to college £25 , HP £10 , electric £5 total £69 weekly this is without food .
2 " Its all a little bit like a fairy tale , is n't it ? " she whispered as they filed into the throne room with the other guests , and he nodded eagerly in reply .
3 She glanced at the girl standing eagerly in front of her .
4 Thus in yaws-endemic areas , where the disease is largely spread non-venereally in childhood , there is little opportunity for syphilis to spread , because of the degree of cross-immunity in the community .
5 Naturally enough , war raged fiercely in Spain ; in 1704 the English captured Gibraltar and held on to it , initially as a base for their communications in Spain ; a good deal of the naval activity of the war took place around Spanish waters and the English managed to stop the Bourbon forces from setting up any effective siege of Gibraltar .
6 This agenda-setting thesis is very plausible and usually treated as an established law of social science in introductory textbooks , though much more sceptically in research reports .
7 While welcoming in principle the SIB 's recent proposals for simplification of the rules , Mr Bell said : ‘ Any changes , no matter how desirable , must however be implemented sensibly in order not to increase unnecessarily the already considerable costs of the regime , which in our case can only be borne by the policy holders . ’
8 Fourthly , it was pointed out sensibly in Littlewoods by both Lord Denning MR and Megaw LJ that a clause made " inter rusticos " ( ie without legal help on either side ) can be properly construed in the light of the way in which both parties thought it would be likely to be interpreted .
9 In the way in which , down the years , it has kept its responsibilities as a cultural centre sensibly in step with its growing commercial importance and prosperity , it is something of a model .
10 ‘ We always tried to talk somewhat in codes , ’ he said , remembering Calero talking to North about arms on a pay-phone from San Francisco , ‘ so whoever was listening would n't quite be able to understand it ; but if they had any common sense , they probably could . ’
11 As a result , the ‘ inner city problem ’ has changed somewhat in character since it was first recognized as a major political issue in the mid 1970s .
12 It was through such ascendancy that ‘ the power of the uncles , ’ from which Leonard appears to have suffered somewhat in adolescence , obtruded itself on the maturing boy .
13 The New English Art Club had been founded in 1886 somewhat in defiance of the Royal Academy , and the Fitzroy Street Group was a dissatisfied breakaway from it .
14 Somewhat in contrast to these findings about Thatcher and Kinnock , the visibility of all ‘ other ’ Conservative and Labour politicians ( taken in each case as a collective , unspecified ‘ other ’ ) became more predictable as the election approached .
15 Somewhat in contrast to these findings about Thatcher and Kinnock , the visibility of all ‘ other ’ Conservative and Labour politicians , taken in each case as a collective ‘ other ’ , became more predictable as the election approached .
16 This is somewhat in contrast to the photographs of former collaborator George Sutkus which provide the unpopulated settings , the places which the onlooker can choose to inhabit .
17 This master of Enfield Grammar School neglected scholastic responsibility somewhat in favour of his extensive hothouses filled with exotic plants and his letter to Richardson recounted a need for restocking after a disastrous winter .
18 Following Schmalensee ( 1982 ) the area marked A may be written as the triangular area to which it approximates : where unc is the price-marginal cost margin , unc is sales revenue at current prices and unc is a number somewhat in excess of one because marginal cost is falling .
19 Most medieval English dies are similar , but the few ancient dies which have survived differ somewhat in shape ( more conical , no square projection ) and in metal ( bronze rather than iron ) .
20 In a sense , just as out and out dementia is less interesting than neurosis and eccentricity , so the music of these episodes , with their rather obvious distortions and wrong attributions of earlier themes , is less gripping than the Passacaglia , where Grimes was still somewhat in control of his faculties .
21 Gorbachev was at this time on an official visit to West Germany , which was curtailed somewhat in view of domestic developments .
22 Nevertheless , over the past 30 years statutory regulation has diminished somewhat in importance in France and collective bargaining has developed considerably , doing much more than filling the gaps left by legislation .
23 We might add that , though property from land or , more commonly , from urban real-estate , remained an important source of bourgeois income , especially among the middle and lower bourgeoisie in areas of lagging industrialisation , it was already diminishing somewhat in importance .
24 If he was annoyed , Zborowski smothered his feelings : he was somewhat in awe of Modigliani who was , after all , a gentleman .
25 Colonel Goreng , a rural thug with ribbon on his chest and scrambled egg on his cap , was somewhat in awe of the antecedents of his young wife .
26 Lacking somewhat in definition , the wines of Sacy are , however , solid and dependable and , with those of neighbouring Villedommange , rank as the best wines of the Petite Montagne .
27 Furthermore , the plasma ratio of 5-ASA to N-acetyl-5-ASA varies somewhat in patients maintained on the different mesalazine formulations and this has led some to suggest differences in nephrotoxic potential .
28 The boto ( also often spelt boutu ) is found throughout the Amazon and Orinoco river systems , which flow through Peru , Brazil , Ecuador , Guyana , Venezuela , and Colombia , including tributaries upstream in Bolivia .
29 planaria tend to shun the light and move towards the dark , they are sensitive to touch and keep the undersides of their body in contact with solid objects , move towards food , and tend to move upstream in water currents .
30 Alcoholism , depression and an intensity of Presbyterian self-chastisement were abundantly in evidence , with the occasional nervous collapse or suicide .
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