Example sentences of "[adv] set into " in BNC.

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1 Julius 's mouth suddenly set into a hard line that she remembered very well , and her nerves gave an involuntary quiver .
2 Rot had already set into the damp wood and she was able to break chunks off the strut as though they were bits of soggy cardboard .
3 She spun round to face him , her mouth already setting into an angry line .
4 Each of the four was an experienced police frogman , and each of them knew exactly what he was looking for — knew indeed the exact dimensions of the object and the positioning of the three great ruby eyes once set into it .
5 One slight disappointment is in the fret finishing : the frets seem properly set into the fingerboard but some of the ends on the treble side are sitting ( or have lifted ) slightly off the fingerboard , allowing the top E to occasionally catch underneath them .
6 These sloping tables were often set into the ground and were then known as buddles , but there were circular convex and concave huddles which were mechanical .
7 You will be able to choose between a single or a double oven , with an eye-level grill or a grill at waist level , often set into a small top oven .
8 There is a bull ring , now secured in a stone block resting on the verge near the church , which is a reminder of the baiting which entertained our ancestors , and a sun-dial strangely set into the top of a small upright coffin-shaped stone in the churchyard .
9 The marble block was then set into the wall of the family tomb , so the occupants appeared to be gazing at passers-by as if from a window .
10 The niche is then set into the recess ( with a damp-proof membrane draped behind it in cavity walls ) and is held in place by mirror plates screwed to the rear of the niche surround .
11 On site , this section is then set into a fresh layer of mortar which has been smeared across a hardened mortar layer .
12 Yet when one starts to look at the overall picture a little more deeply , will the obvious strengthening of what will be nine single Championship weeks , be anything more than a move which enables the rich to get richer and actually sets into motion what could become a long term contraction , rather than expansion of the sport , especially if the much-needed revival in the world economy takes longer to become bullish than some of the optimists have been forecasting .
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