Example sentences of "[adv] again we " in BNC.

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1 So again we see a split in the er in in in amongst the great powers .
2 So again we do need to practise coordination it needs to have lots of practice , it is of course frequently affected by certain types of illnesses er and , and again that may be inevitable but again the more past experience you 've acquired and the more , the greater your ability to fight back , even though you 're fighting a losing battle if it 's an illness , can you see it 's going to delay the difficult bit the difficult part longer , you 're going to be able to cope .
3 It seems that we now have serial correlation in our model as a result of including the dummy right , now we 've got to test statistic , I mean always look at the F version of the test , right , er our F statistic of three point seven six is significantly different from zero , right , that leaves seven percent level , so a five percent test we probably accept that we did n't have any serial correlations and we just got there by the skin of our teeth on that particular test erm yes , you could probably get away with this one , functional forms fine , no problem there , hetero skilasticity right , are F statistic three point nine but significantly different from zero that 's six percent level , right , so again we just scrape it if we were looking at the ninety five percent confidence it wants to be five percent if you are using as five percent significance level .
4 So again we find out that erm , the expected price in T minus one , sorry in T , is a function of all previous prices all previous prices , okay and it wo n't surprise you to find out that the weight giving to treating the historical prices right becomes geometrically in exactly the same way as the adapted , as the partial adjustment er co-efficient or the partial adjustment model implied alright .
5 So again we would predict that the measured apc would be higher in a slump year than in a boom year .
6 So again we 're going to come back to several themes in a fairly repetitive way , and we — do n't forgive us for this if you do n't like it , but we 're certainly going to talk about certain things again and again and again , but what it really comes down to , is ‘ Learn what the media 's all about , learn what they want , learn what you can provide , see whether you can match this , in a sense , and see whether you can make it work to your advantage ’ .
7 We then had to scale down our operations , and as a result the joyriders are back again , so again we have got to step up our operation .
8 A typical pattern is described by a former minister of transport and subsequent chairman of BR : ‘ Over and over again we could have settled much more cheaply by settling more quickly but , at each stage , we were told that we must not settle quickly because the Government really were going to fight this one to the bitter end …
9 To marry by special licence , and if necessary without her parents ’ permission , so that before I went away again we should have become one in body as we were in — dare I say spirit ? — at any rate , in mind .
10 When we took off again we found ourselves climbing ever more steeply through jungled mountains .
11 Once again we set out in the pre-dawn walk through the forest , the amble across the alpine pastures , and the short struggle up the screes to the foot of the wall .
12 They seemed unconcerned by our presence , and the ranger said they were probably deliberately moving out of our way , but once again we were reminded that , even though this part of Elgon might look like Scotland , we were still most definitely in Africa .
13 Once again we 're very , very sorry .
14 However , adulthood begins at 18 rather than 21 , and once again we have an example of a desire to shield those aged under 21 which may actually lead to the penalization of some brothers and sisters of that age .
15 The smooth progression of the Safrane 's controls helped and once again we confirmed the value of an anti-lock braking system .
16 Once again we find that his methods of command were innovative and successful .
17 Once again we 're pleased to have the Olive Grove Studios all to ourselves this year .
18 Once again we are led to the provisional conclusion that the poll tax was only one variable determining party support in individual district authorities , not least because of the problems voters had in deciding where responsibility lay .
19 Once again we each have a hand of just two cards , labelled COOPERATE and DEFECT .
20 Once again we move by each playing one or other of these cards and the banker shells out , or levies fines , according to the rules given above .
21 Once again we ask , what of poor old EMI ?
22 Once again we lapse into passive resentment of the children of the Sixties , who can now revisit their abandoned younger selves and listen to wonderful pop songs at the same time .
23 But if we are not told how it was all done once again we , the readers , have a right to doubt the reliability of the evidence .
24 Once again we are recognising the good services of a shop which has been recommended by two of our readers .
25 Once again we worked as a Club , being issued with fine slub yarns and complicated patterns .
26 Once again we return to the old advice to practise at a safe height .
27 ONCE again we 've had to witness the horrifying sight of Christmas carnage on the roads because a few stupid people fly in the face of common sense and drive like lunatics whatever the conditions .
28 Once again we have set down a marker for trans-Atlantic travel with a £93 for '93 offer which is the most competitive fare available , ’ said Branson , yesterday .
29 Once again we will have an attractive invitation leaflet giving information on the Christmas Services .
30 Once again we 've supplied the sails for a long list of medal winners .
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