Example sentences of "[adv] part of " in BNC.

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1 These books are timeless , not part of the changing whirl of food fashion or trend , rather part of a backbone of information and knowledge without which all cookery books are quite irrelevant .
2 Rose ( 1868 ) , do not obviously suggest serious historical study , but are rather part of a long series of more popular works on Mary , in which Jean Plaidy and Madeleine Bingham are among the most recent exponents ; and there is a certain charm about the publication , in 1793 , of a work by one J. F. Gaum , Marie Stuart und Marie Antoinette in der Underwelt .
3 But the point is that if , if musicians go to service , they know there 's enough readers and if the musicians decide to take on part of that reading one service , surely it 's only courtesy for the musicians to say to the readers , whose lists are published months in advance , terribly sorry but we 're gon na do this this time , and do you mind stepping down ?
4 Fortunately , although Johnny and Susan and Harbajahn and Khadijah are individual personalities with a myriad variety of individual differences , they are all recognizably part of the genus homo sapiens , whatever the embattled teacher may sometimes wonder .
5 In other words , we need to recognize that many apparently independent units of production are , without being legally owned subsidiaries , so dominated through subcontracting and purchasing arrangements , that they are effectively part of a single unit of capitalist production .
6 However , the first two arrangements have failed to materialise and the company is now effectively part of Agfa who introduced the product under its own Agfa Press label at the end of November .
7 Thus the compulsive relationship with physical exercise can become effectively part of the spectrum of eating disorder behaviour .
8 The second was that the UK was effectively part of an increasingly competitive world market so that the monopoly power of the merged firms , and the corresponding social cost of the dead-weight burden , would be small .
9 It was not all going to be wine and roses ; and Leonard again felt the sharp problem of the Canadian writer at that time — having a small home market , not wishing to become artistically part of the ‘ 53rd State ’ of America , and yet having nowhere else to go .
10 The number is easy to divide by 8 as it consists for the most part of successive multiples of 8 .
11 In fact , much points towards the conclusion that , despite its centrality to Hitler 's own thinking , anti-Semitism was for the most part of no more than secondary importance as a factor shaping popular opinion in the Third Reich .
12 The igneous complex is composed for the most part of very resistant rocks , and less erosion has taken place here than with the other rock types , so that this region contains some of the highest hills in the Outer Hebrides , such as Roneval , Bleaval and Chaipaval .
13 However , these are for the most part of very low quality and certainly can not meet the needs of the poorest sectors .
14 Could you take a part which would involve the wearing of an acid-yellow loose négligée for the most part of the proceedings ?
15 The traditionally Muslim peoples of Central Asia accounted for a further 15 per cent ; and the balance was made up for the most part of the larger national groups in Transcaucasia and the Baltic .
16 She howled for the most part of her first two years .
17 He had been in trouble for the most part of his life , the eldest of the poor working class family of seven children , he had always been the black sheep .
18 As a con man he knew that paradoxically part of his appeal was his unsavouriness , so unlike the smooth Washington types with silver spoons in their mouths .
19 History in the primary school therefore presents the paradox of some fine work , which is set in an uncertain curricular pattern , and is too rarely part of a firm curriculum plan .
20 During the final BLDC session in Beijing , seven members ( presumably part of the minority Hong Kong contingent ) had voted against the draft .
21 ‘ Jeez , how on earth d' ya take a bath and how is your love life ’ were presumably part of the empathy process from Gerry and his audience almost comatose with voyeurism and in need of splints for drop-jaw .
22 Spiritual art is ‘ only known by its personal power ’ ( Chardin , Velasquez ) , while Sacred Art is ‘ the most intense form of the spiritual ’ in which ‘ our humanity responds to something greater than itself yet intimately part of us ’ ( Goya ) .
23 It is essential for the carer to learn how to position the patient properly , so part of the district nurse 's task is to teach the carer how to do this .
24 But last year all food subsidies in Sichuan were abruptly abolished , so part of the Lis ' capital outlay no longer brings them any return .
25 At the same time , many inner-city slums were knocked down , so part of the growing post-war population was forced to move out of the central urban areas .
26 They get to the stage where they 've clogged themselves up with the the by-products , so part of making a battery is trying to design it so it does n't clog itself up .
27 Many of the pupils were boarders so part of the duties included supervising the compound where the students lived .
28 The difference , of course , is that borrowers from banks B , C … n are paying clients of bank A and so part of the increase in money supply will appear in bank A's deposits .
29 This model is expressed graphically using IS and LM curves , so part of our task is to derive and explain these curves .
30 ‘ I severed nerves in my leg and so part of my foot is dead .
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