Example sentences of "[adv] when [art] " in BNC.

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1 Where any action needs to be taken , make a note in the margin ; eg when the replies contain information that should be passed on to your client , put a marginal note " Buyer " ; when the reply indicates that there is an error in the abstract supplied to you , mark it " Abstract " ; and tick these marginal notes as you take the necessary action , for example , when you write to the buyer , or amend your abstract .
2 ( Whitehouse and Stuart-Buttle , Revenue Law , 10th edn , Butterworths , para 37.74 , supports this view. ) ( b ) Termination of the settlement When the wife 's interest in possession ceases ( eg when the youngest child becomes 18 years of age ) there should be no charge to inheritance tax on that part of the settled property that reverts back to the husband ( Inheritance Tax Act 1984 , s53(3) ) nor on that part which the wife receives ( s53(2) ) .
3 Do not make the mistake of reacting prematurely when a problem occurs .
4 The hardest sell of all was perhaps when the dealer said : " You will do well on this .
5 Seeds of such a size remain in its gizzard for a little time while the rind is stripped off them and then later , perhaps when the bird has returned to one of its habitual perches , the nutmeg is regurgitated and falls to the ground .
6 Perhaps when the kop has been seated over they can rename it the ‘ David Batty Memorial End ’
7 There is some evidence that it was Snowden who suggested the formula of the ‘ doctor 's mandate ’ , at a Cabinet meeting on 5 October , under which the component parts of the National Government were each to issue their own manifestos , with a separate personal appeal from the Prime Minister , According to Neville Chamberlain , ‘ Snowden … produced the suggestion that the Prime Minister should issue his own manifesto asking for a free hand [ i.e. on tariffs ] and the two Party leaders should each issue their own programmes and to our astonishment this was at once accepted by the Liberals , ' Amery , who perhaps got the information from Chamberlain , wrote in his diary on 6 October , ‘ Apparently when the deadlock seemed most complete Snowden suggested that the PM should issue his own manifesto , each of the other party leaders issuing theirs . '
8 Apparently when the military junta was overthrown Garcia managed to get sent over here through a contact in the embassy .
9 There is no obstacle at all except a respect for logical consistency to weighing facts justly when a mistake can cost money but refusing to extend the same standards to the historicity of Bible narrative , or to shutting one 's eyes to the use of Einstein 's relativity in work on the atom bomb while publicly denouncing the theory as Jewish science or bourgeois idealism .
10 This may be the case literally when a French speaker has to communicate with a non-French speaker but , even within a common language , usage varies enormously .
11 I am presumably using words literally when the metaphor is a matter only of etymology ( ‘ insight ’ ) , and feel still more confident of it when the etymology belongs to the Latin ancestor of the word ( ‘ intuition ’ , from intueor ‘ gaze at ’ ) .
12 Typically the procuticle comprises an outer exocuticle , composed of a homogeneous electron-dense matrix , hardened through sclerotization ( see below ) , and shed entirely when the insect moults .
13 I mean , it 's a bit much when the gas board is there showing us
14 The wraith of a smile was still strung across the chief inspector 's lips — a configuration they fell into naturally when the brain behind them was puzzled — as Dexter unglued one eyelid and focused his eyes on her .
15 Antibody production occurs naturally when the body 's immune system combats disease .
16 Evidence seemed to harden somewhat when a Glamorgan farmer went to the aid of a ditched van one dark night .
17 He 'd be talking to some man all evening , they 'd be getting on very well indeed as far as we could all see , but then Miss P would still be there alone when the lights went on , and the man would have gone .
18 There was always a sort of universal coming together when an emergency was averted , when a human life was saved .
19 Rural Britain is full of retired brigadiers and industrial captains , chaps who got where they were through diplomacy , cunning and an instinct for knocking heads together when the bugle blew .
20 After his death his empire could barely be sustained by the new rulers ( including Charles the Bald and Charles the Fat — is it possible to hold an empire together when the populace is taking the mickey out of you to that extent ? ) and crumbled away over a period of two centuries .
21 Such a system calls for kites with similar stability characteristics , otherwise there is a risk of tangling the two kitelines , as the shared weight draws them together when the unit nears the stop ,
22 We pull together when the need arises , but when Jo and Charles think I 'm okay they 're just like any other children , just as naughty .
23 For weeks Downing Street has been talking about bringing Mr Major and Mr Clinton together when the premier travels to the States to take part in US-EC summit .
24 On single bed work , where a needle is tucking , it holds the last knitted stitch , plus collecting a loop of yarn every time , until these are all knitted off together when the needle is programmed next to knit .
25 Party meetings continued to be held at the Carlton and it played a greater part in holding the party together when the Liberal Unionists joined .
26 We even said the night prayers together when the bell rang .
27 They would spend the occasional weekend together when the chance occurred , but that 's all .
28 Jeopardy was pleased , even to the point of suggesting they should perform the piece for Mandru together when the time came .
29 They went back to the Franz Joseph together — she liked everyone to see them walking off together when the performance was over .
30 But , with everything exploding about me , I still had n't got myself back together when the message came from your hotel to say you 'd just checked in . ’
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