Example sentences of "[adv] if the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if the National Front had been excluded , the racism they stand for would have had to be faced up to , ‘ making it worse ’ for those very genteel people in charge of education .
2 Perhaps if the term is replaced by ‘ compensatory ’ or ‘ therapeutic ’ such reading will be considered more sympathetically .
3 Perhaps if the word ‘ avouch ’ were in common use , so that the reproach would be ‘ But you avouched ’ it would be more obvious to us that saying ‘ I know ’ is doing something .
4 Perhaps if the rest of the writing had had the same approach we would have a worthy materials reference book .
5 I hope you 've found the meeting this evening positive , I 'm sure you have n't heard perhaps if the people found after the this evening and the guy up there reckons we ought to retire , well I do n't think we will retire but I think we will be responding to the things that you raised this evening I happen to think the Harlow theatre I 'm not sure how you measure success , erm I think we measure it 's success in the fact that people actually do use the building , people do come to see the shows .
6 Perhaps if the age-gap of eight years between them had been less … perhaps if she herself had stayed at home for a few years instead of finding separate lodgings as soon as she 'd finished her A levels and joined Grantham and Marsh as a junior copywriter …
7 I know it sounds silly , but perhaps if the ceilings was lower it would look big
8 Oh well that 's good enough then , I thought perhaps if the taxpayer had to pay , I would n't be very pleased
9 I suppose some people who are in receipt of social benefits might say their benefits are very , very small , come nowhere near covering the true cost to them and their families are having to foot the bill for a lot of what 's done , and sometimes , when maybe their allowances are cut by a little bit , they might think ‘ erm well perhaps if the Oxfordshire County Councillors had cut a little bit of their attendance allowances maybe I could have little bit more ’ .
10 Basically if the band stays together then we 'll just still know the same people because
11 In the optimality theory , this is determined by the reservation price rule sell all if the price is above the reservation price , sell nothing otherwise .
12 Survival was significantly better for patients without regional lymph node metastases ( stage 0 , I , IIA ( n=61 ) : 5 year survival 30% ) and even better if the tumour was restricted to the submucosa ( stage 0 , I ( n=12 ) : 5 year survival 63% ) .
13 I told my mother that as Thomas would be in strange surroundings and might wake in the night I thought it better if the two of you shared a room .
14 ‘ It may better if the child can get to know both parents where possible , even though many unmarried mums are happier on their own . ’
15 … traditional budgeting also has the defects of its virtues … comparing this year with last year may not mean much if the past was a mistake and the future is likely to be a bigger one .
16 But good looks ai n't going to count for much if the sound 's not up to much .
17 However , in-flight service and experience do n't count for much if the plane is n't going where you want to be .
18 While he may fell constrained electorally and by the highly effective brewers ' lobby to keep the increase on drink to the rate of inflation , nobody will worry too much if the duty of cigarettes is increased , as widely predicted , by double the inflation rate .
19 Although this comes more naturally if the shots are primarily of human activity , it is equally true if the emphasis is on places rather than people .
20 The same critics pointed to the obsolete Victorian rationale of the Commission — which was established to plant trees for wooden ships and pit-props in a war in which timber would be a strategic material — and wondered aloud if the organisation as well as its activities should not be reformed or abolished .
21 Women who have done things to children get a bad time inside if the other women know and can get hold of them .
22 Where children have failed consistently , remove their feeling of failure by giving a series of short regular lessons , designed to produce success — for instance , three simple words daily if the children are aged 6–8 , four for the 9–10 range , and six for the 11–13 children .
23 As you shoot the scene , you have to tread a tight-rope , avoiding the fault of holding a shot too long if the action seems to have dried up , while simultaneously avoiding the opposite fault of cutting shots too short just before something begins to happen .
24 ALTHOUGH John Kirwan might be in a honeymoon mood at the moment after the whole All Black team turned up at his recent marriage in Italy ( see pages 54 and 65 ) , his good humour is unlikely to last too long if the NZRFU meeting on December 12 and 13th decides to take action against him over his public announcement that he would not make himself available for the All Blacks if Auckland coach John Hart is not Grizz Wyllie 's successor as national coach .
25 Obviously if the Vietnamese considered the measures used to return these people involved the use of force , which is not our intention , we will use procedures in line with those used worldwide , ’ he said .
26 Obviously if the whole of the surplus-value is consumed unproductively it makes little difference how it is consumed , either as necessaries or as luxuries .
27 Obviously if the FHSAs are paying out all this money on fundholders there is less of a limited pot for other doctors and their patients , ’ he said .
28 Obviously if the group is small , its chances of success may be badly damaged by one individual not joining .
29 Obviously if the demands upon us outweigh our resources this will create stress and will continue to do so until we act either to strengthen our resources or reduce the demands upon us or both .
30 Obviously if the potential raider can price discriminate , that is catch some shareholders unaware , at a low price , and gradually buy from others at gradually increasing prices , this will be advantageous to the raider .
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