Example sentences of "[adv] [been] taken " in BNC.

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1 In the last 12 months great strides have successfully been taken in maintaining a high profile and promoting the industry .
2 I have n't heard yet from anybody that regeneration 's properly been taken into account in the calculations within local level or county level .
3 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
4 ‘ Having since been taken to see the poor man 's body , in the mortuary , I am certain that I did . ’
5 The more fertile areas of farmland along the coast had long since been taken over by German farmers .
6 There the Kaszubians occupied smallholdings ; all the better farmland towards the coast had long since been taken over by the Germans .
7 The children have since been taken into care .
8 Although the art treasures had long since been taken to Moscow , many of the palaces were in ruins after the fearful fighting between the Russians and the Germans .
9 A good example of this is the way that some Christians have all but taken over , or perhaps been taken in by , the complete relativism in the modern concept of truth .
10 ‘ Antonia told me she had been watching Mellor on TV in the run up to the General Election and said she had suddenly been taken over by this incredible desire for him and that she badly wanted to meet him .
11 Although Laura would have liked a grand white wedding with all the trimmings , her mother had suddenly been taken ill , and clearly could n't manage all the organisation necessary for such an affair .
12 New thinking in rural development planning in general has only been taken up piecemeal by conservation planners and commentators in the international literature and they have been idealistic and exhortative in tone .
13 Representatives of the company 's director Henny Vollenberg saythe equipment has only been taken away to another firm for storage .
14 One large group of negatives had apparently been taken at a fancy dress party organised by the Duke of Devonshire — over 100 guests had been photographed , most of them with different background settings .
15 In industrialised countries , such rudimentary amenities as piped water and sanitation have long been taken for granted and there has been a virtual elimination of major infectious diseases over the past century .
16 The following Saturday she agreed , at least , to go with him but then all she did was pick holes : ‘ Carpet 's frayed , ’ she said , after inspecting an apparently immaculate place in Muswell Hill ; ‘ Too far from the shops , ’ of a modern luxury development on the prestigious fringes of Hampstead Heath ; and of the one he 'd had real hopes for , a newly-converted maisonette over towards Crouch End — ‘ original features all been taken out .
17 It 's all been taken care of .
18 The specialist reassured him plans were being worked out by his colleagues even as they spoke , and it had all been taken care of .
19 When the free holidays have all been taken , the first child will still benefit from the child price shown in the price panel .
20 Recent film of restored airworthy Corsairs in America is also included , but the main source of interest in this video is the combat footage which has all been taken from official US Navy film archives .
21 Meditation , yoga , and psychotherapy have all been taken up by Westerners as ways of helping themselves cope , and give meaning to their lives .
22 Even though I 'd eventually been allowed my inhaler and eye ointment in Holloway , it had all been taken off me again .
23 ‘ It 's all been taken care of , ’ Molly replies .
24 They have all been taken from roadworks in north Donegal since the beginning of the year .
25 In preparing the new form , suggestions made by members of the Society , Local Secretaries and Sheriff Clerks have all been taken into account .
26 After he has made his first claim for Landor , Pound writes two paragraphs of the sort that have provoked near-apoplexy , because they have not been taken in the spirit that Pound intended :
27 ‘ In such a phase , where final decisions have not been taken , nobody can say anything is for sure , ’ Mr Saeger said .
28 It had not been taken as a result of the breakdown in 1946 of Anglo-American atomic cooperation .
29 This arrangement , which appears to have much to recommend it in professional terms as well as adding to the attraction of professional posts for recruiting purposes , has not been taken up on any scale by public libraries .
30 From the survey , it would seem that many bureaux which own the microfilm system find many uses for it within the bureau when it has not been taken out for an outreach advice session ; it is used for training purposes in order to demonstrate access to and use of information in CAB advice work and it is also used for giving talks to outside groups .
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