Example sentences of "[adv] [been] put " in BNC.

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1 Consequently these questions have rarely been put to younger members of society .
2 The Croats had apparently been put on red-alert .
3 She and Rufus and Adam himself had all been putting forward the names of people they knew who might want to be part of a commune , likely people of the right sort of age and the right sort of temperament .
4 They have all been put in danger by a Government of incompetents led by a master of mediocrity .
5 The fact that we 'd all been put together was universally accepted as a sign that the end was so close that they did n't need to keep us apart any longer .
6 None of them have been published , and they have all been put up to Ministers .
7 We found it buried in the grass and it obviously been put there deliberately to maim .
8 Over the past few years , the quality of in-service training courses for teachers has improved greatly , but I was n't prepared for the effort [ and financial resources ] that had obviously been put into the ‘ Quality in Action ’ workshop .
9 Miss Fergusson , on the other hand , had merely been put into a temper : first by the attempt to thrust some foolish meaning on to the scriptural verse ; and secondly by the priest 's brazen commercial behaviour .
10 So far it has not been put to the test in service .
11 The reason they have not been put into wide scale use is their cost electrical power generation from current photovoltaic devices is still 10 times more expensive than from more conventional sources .
12 In the same way , we can question the substance and basis of our happiness if it has not been put to the test of suffering .
13 It may not be a correct interpretation , but a better one has not been put forward .
14 It will accelerate moves towards quality labelling and higher standards , and despite the sensationalising of what is in fact a minor problem , Watchdog emphasised the good points of fishkeeping , showed an attractive tank and made it clear that one family at least had not been put off fishkeeping by their mishap .
15 This is usually because they have not been adjusted correctly , something has loosened in use or they have not been put on correctly in the first place .
16 If the coin had not been put in , the bar would not have come out-the first thing was required for the second .
17 Hit , if you can , on some explanation of one of these mysteries that has not been put forward before , and go ahead .
18 In another case , the objection was that the Commission had heard argument from one company which had not been put to the other company .
19 It is heartening to see that the non-enrollers have not been put off future participation , especially when it seems many have had difficulties arising from personal circumstances .
20 I believe that that would be useful , because some aspects of the proposals that have been put forward , not least on the Scottish convention , bear a great deal of scrutiny and the real choices have not been put forward .
21 An agreement on flights had been reached by the Israeli and Soviet national airlines in December 1989 but had not been put into practice because of Moscow 's concerns over the settlement of Soviet Jews in the occupied territories [ see also p. 37748 ] .
22 The message had not been put across properly .
23 However , clearly established ground rules have not been put into place and many kitchens rely on open windows and doors , or merely the tolerance of staff .
24 He had pointed that out to Farag but Farag had not been put off .
25 It was Peirce who first termed such expressions indexical signs , and argued that they determined a referent by an existential relation between sign and referent ( see Burks , 1949 ) Peirce 's category in fact included rather more than the directly Context-dependent expressions that are now called deictic or indexical , and his particular system of categories has not been put to much effective use in linguistic pragmatics ( but see e.g. Bean , 1978 ) .
26 Announcing the successful bids for the latest round of exploration licences , Energy Minister Tim Eggar said 35 sites nominated by the oil and gas industry had not been put up to be licensed .
27 They had even been giving trouble during the morning and had still not been put right .
28 ‘ Others have not been getting initial appointments and have not been put on waiting lists because they are so long .
29 But staff at the Grand Theatre , Leeds , where the ballet was premiered , say people have not been put off .
30 He insisted that there was no fundamental change in the view the British public took of the monarchy and that the Queen had not been put under pressure by the Government to pay taxes but had volunteered .
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