Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] in " in BNC.

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1 However , at the outset it may be said that to some extent the political objective of requiring the Community legislative institutions to bear those considerations in mind would appear already to be being observed ; for example , Council Decision 92/421 on tourism policy expressly refers in its recitals to ‘ the need to comply with the subsidiarity principle ’ .
2 ‘ Carry On goes in a seven-year cycle .
3 I mean Julie works out there and she rarely goes in there .
4 THREE side-by-side playgoers in the Buxton Opera House dress circle followed the text in their Signet Shakespeares throughout this four-hour Lear .
5 Rory made left and right turns in quick succession , seemed to go back on himself , seemed at times to be driving blind .
6 Recent studies of language acquisition reveal that children are very attentive , and actively process evidence in ways perhaps not fully appreciated at the time when Chomsky was championing a theory of innate linguistic universals that depended heavily on an alleged gap between the scanty data available to the child and the rich system that he eventually masters in response thereto .
7 But there is Marxist work on the origins and on typologies of art which properly belongs in this first division .
8 Assault on a constable in the execution of his duty , it is argued , properly belongs in constitutional law .
9 They will treat the mining industry and the country in a responsible way and will maintain reserves of fuel which the country so badly needs in the medium and long term .
10 Twice a week she vengefully looks in here to dust the place , and dirty all the dishes , and worry the bed .
11 Her best hope of surviving it successfully lies in your maturity and willingness to act as a temporary crutch for her and as a quiet stabilising influence until she learns how to walk alone and unaided .
12 The 140 mile long route eventually finishes in Oakham , Leicestershire after passing Rutland Water .
13 In concert , Pollini 's almost super-human control is just as evident , yet he normally allows himself a degree of flexbility which one rarely encounters in the studio .
14 The detail of lineation rarely matters in expository or descriptive prose .
15 Therefore the strength of the partnership as a form presumably lies in the large amount of shared knowledge about the business arising from the nature of the people employed in it , that is , in the special nature of its shareholders .
16 ‘ That little bugger , ’ said Georgiades , ‘ may be most places in Cairo but he 's not everywhere .
17 But clear declines in infant mortality in Britain and in Belgium only become apparent some time after the beginning of the fertility decline , and in France mortality and fertility declines begin at about the same time .
18 Winning Soling regattas with a match racing component had given these two Olympic gold medallists enough points in the rankings table to be invited to Auckland .
19 The bandicoots and the wombats are both diggers , excavating long burrows in search of their food .
20 When using these procedures , there is obviously the danger that the materials themselves will invite the child to perform certain actions ( the spoon naturally goes in the cup ) , irrespective of whether or not the child understands the instructions .
21 It is the child who refuses to abandon Dreams — who stubbornly persists in believing that he or she will explore the depths of the Amazon , or will become a film director — who becomes the adult who will achieve those ambitions .
22 Like many of those discussed in this book , Foucault endorses the ethico-political project of establishing forms of knowledge that do not simply turn the other into the same : as he put it in 1968 , he wishes to find another politics than that which ‘ since the beginning of the nineteenth century , stubbornly persists in seeing in the immense domain of practice only the epiphany of a triumphant reason , or in deciphering in it only the historico-transcendental destination of the West ’ .
23 At the same time his status seems to have caused him to be associated with campaigns which took place after his death : the invasion of Italy by Buccelin , which rightly belongs in the reign of Theudebald , was assigned by Gregory to that of his father .
24 It has become commonplace to observe that the precious yet precarious Churchill Ian , stiff-upper-lip culture which only materializes in the midst of national adversity — underneath the arches , down in the air-raid shelters where Britannia enjoyed her finest hours — is something from which blacks are excluded .
25 The other , instinctively realizing the danger , swiftly retreats in a reflex movement of social and theological withdrawal , but all that it does from then on is marked by a deepening social and intellectual insecurity .
26 Especially if only goes in advertising section .
27 As Jan Urban , the head of Civic Forum , pointedly remarks in our interview , it 's a case of ‘ too much velvet in our revolution ’ .
28 ( This account obviously stands in marked contrast to Foucault 's explanation of the same historical phenomenon . )
29 Before the Report was published teachers were prey to the wildest fantasies about its contents — we would insist on rote-learning , daily exercises in grammar , no more creative writing .
30 Hun Sen , the prime minister , constantly emphasises in his election campaign that his government is the sole credible safeguard against a return to power by Pol Pot 's men .
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