Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Keep on using lead free if the engine is not set properly after its recent service .
2 Besides helping to understand the primary events of photosynthesis , Tien envisages his thin films could be biomimetic solar energy transducers .
3 It was , partly , against this background that the government decided to launch a state-sponsored newspaper to act as a unifying factor in the nation , and help in the effort to improve the quality of print journalism in the country , besides helping to bring government policy and other activities to the awareness of all citizens .
4 It was , partly , against this background that the government decided to launch a state-sponsored newspaper to act as a unifying factor in the nation , and help in the effort to improve the quality of print journalism in the country , besides helping to bring government policy and other activities to the awareness of all citizens .
5 Besides helping to unravel the myriad interactions between adolescent development and social and occupational structures , the initiative will also be seeking answers to practical policy questions in the fields of education , training and employment .
6 While five weeks of dry windy weather would suit the farmers , water resources experts want it to keep on raining to top up a desperately low water table .
7 The patients charter is aimed at improving the quality of the delivery of health care in Scotland and at making patients aware of their rights , thereby helping to improve even more the delivery of the health service .
8 Since these are relatively common finds of a mundane form , the highly parochial local museum can often contribute its own sequence which is a version of the overall national pattern , thereby helping to embody in material form , and as an aid in teaching , that sense of history which underlies the collective identity presupposed by the state .
9 By making the income and capital gains from investing in such trusts free of tax , up to a maximum amount of 6,000 a year ( 1992 ) , it is hoped that such savings will be encouraged , thereby helping to channel investment into UK industry .
10 Litigation may also have a valuable contribution to make in activating and mobilising a constituency of common interests , thereby helping to establish and strengthen a collective political identity on the part of otherwise somewhat amorphous interests groups such as environmentalists , or peace campaigners , among whom there may be less cohesion and common identity than is the case with other campaigning groups .
11 Secondly , to stimulate employer alliances for purposes of market regulation , especially in those industries with competitive product markets as a means of regulating wages and thereby helping to stabilise market conditions .
12 The timing of when to do the turn is particularly important in anything other than in dead flat water , since the slope of even the smallest wave can be used to bank off , thereby helping to maintain speed .
13 In the museum display of these materials ( such as the treasures of Tutankhamun 's tomb ) , stress may be laid on the objects ' discovery by British archaeologists , thereby helping to legitimize the implicit pseudo-evolutionary claims of historical advance as civilization ( Gidri 1974 ) .
14 An effort was made to clean up the water supplies , thereby helping to reduce the transmission of water-borne agents of disease : between 1972 and 1990 , almost 1 million handpump tubewells were installed in Bangladesh .
15 Thus we want to see the representational role of the newly juxtaposed elements as recognisably preserved within , and thereby helping to determine the new representational role of , the new signal in which they occur .
16 When used on a daily basis , food digestion is greatly improved ensuring that essential dietary elements are assimilated by the horse in the most effective manner ; thereby helping maintain balanced growth .
17 Among other things , they have been shown to help lower blood cholesterol levels and make the blood less ‘ sticky ’ , thereby helping to prevent coronary heart disease .
18 Bridges are being built between different confessions , and a new atmosphere of mutual respect is slowly helping to find ways of overcoming what were once felt to be absolutely irreconcilable differences .
19 ‘ I wo n't try that yet , ’ said Fenella , who was rather enjoying riding the horse , but was not sure how she might get on with whatever was a gallop .
20 Though she was wishing that , after all , she 'd taken a seat , for she suspected he was rather enjoying letting her stew in her own juice .
21 CASS was also encouraging the development of part-time degrees , a policy which won an expression of DES approval for these and other CNAA efforts in this direction , since they would appeal to married women wishing to return to study ( and presumably helping to solve a shortage of school teachers ) .
22 The competition lacked the prestige of the League Championship , and its future looked uncertain as one club after another abandoned it by successfully applying to enter the Football League — Bristol City in 1901 , Chelsea in 1905 , Fulham in 1907 and Tottenham in 1908 .
23 Lord Upjohn said that unlawful behaviour might be constituted by : ( a ) an outright refusal to consider the relevant matter ; ( b ) a misdirection on a point of law ; ( c ) taking into account some wholly irrelevant or extraneous consideration ; ( d ) wholly omitting to take into account a relevant consideration .
24 Six hundred people in the business coughed up £2 10s 0d each , thereby becoming known as the Noble Six Hundred ; subsequent donations and the proceeds of Royal Variety performances meant that a nursing wing was added two years ago , and today there are 36 residents with a staff of 60 to look after them .
25 Because you 're secretly dying to press that delightful body up against me and find out how it feels ? ’
26 What is happening is that the English rural landscape is slowly becoming divided into three major types in the lowlands .
27 The trade unions depend on effectively representing working people in industrial field for their survival and the Labour Party has to represent the trade unions for their survival in the political field .
28 She nodded grave acknowledgement of all my instructions , then disappeared below for five minutes , eventually returning swathed in one of the vast , padded and multi-layered foul-weather coats , and carrying a mug of coffee .
29 This means that these 43 people have lost any right to apply for an exit visa , whereas normally Jews waiting to leave keep on applying hoping that eventually the visa will be granted .
30 The input of new seedlings was small and the number eventually contributing to mature rosettes in the pasture seemed insignificant in comparison with the contribution from clonal growth .
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