Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] over " in BNC.

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1 Because they were only half the size of a mature Thoroughbred , they were not tall enough to see over their stable doors or internal walls so that when someone opened the stable doors , the weanlings would attempt to climb the walls in sheer terror !
2 His hair was dark and long enough to fall over his eyebrows when it dropped forward .
3 The Dean and his pet labrador are both depicted wearing dog collars ; the bursar , with ears big enough to flap over to Christ Church , is seen tightly clenching two money bags .
4 We were a finely balanced investment , threatening constantly to topple over into the realms of demand and expenditure .
5 Magee paid it little heed as he continued his nocturnal stroll , looking around him constantly , occasionally slowing down to look over his shoulder or perhaps changing direction quickly , ducking into a group of people .
6 No scheme will be worth much if farmers are allowed merely to give over their least productive land .
7 The Tories believe they have time enough to put over that case .
8 She 's going around calling me a murderer and she 's invited this Cobalt in to turn over the place looking for drugs . ’
9 An illegit would be an unusual sight there , Fox untucked her sleeves and pulled them down to hang over her wrists .
10 Better to turn over in his mind the arrangements he and Bicker had organised , to search for loose ends , gaps in the plan .
11 By the time Roirbak had reached his workbench and had sat down to ponder over whether he could pay Jahsaxa enough compensation to drop Crevecoeur and why he should want to do that for anyone anyway , Mellissa the receptionist fluted her chimes over his commset .
12 Since the birth of their sons , Felix ( now aged four ) and Max ( one ) , the Roberts were lucky enough to take over the raised ground floor which not only gave them more space but also allowed them vital access to the garden .
13 She stayed with us for a month while we regained our strength , doing all the cooking and washing until my mother was fit enough to take over .
14 She 's sixteen , old enough to take over the housekeeping . ’
15 The other way to find out is to cover each eye in turn ; if there 's a squint , the bad eye will generally move outwards to take over the job of seeing .
16 He added : " Merely to take over this apparatus would therefore profoundly contradict the ethics and very nature of our revolution . "
17 And erm his son came along to take over from him .
18 ‘ Today would have been sheep day in the old days , ’ the driver explained , as he hurried in to take over from his wife at the bar .
19 The ARFU then stepped in to take over all applications regarding admissions and reinstatement .
20 On the death of Muhammed Shah , Safdarjung moved in to take over .
21 The image of suddenly being called in to take over from George Birkitt and astounding the critics with his unsung brilliance was one that would not go away , however hard he tried to suppress it .
22 But a Welsh Water official gave an assurance that supplies were safe , and he said extra pumps were being brought in to take over from giant pumps which had been put out of action by an electrical failure during the floods .
23 ‘ There is no way we are going in to take over and turn it into a repertory theatre .
24 ‘ But the day I retire , ’ Mr Bassett had said , ‘ I 'll be down to take over , you know !
25 Just before leaving Doune he had heard from his elder sister Agnes , Countess of Dunbar and March , that her peculiar husband had now entered into a treasonable arrangement with Edward of England , not only to hand over Dunbar Castle to the English but actually to strengthen it first , at the Plantagenet 's expense .
26 I for one am dying of thirst and hot enough to boil over .
27 Small enough to step over , as Highfield 's step-over trees testify .
28 A fence made of tree limbs , a pogo stick , three golf clubs and some broken implements was draped with barbed wire low enough to step over .
29 Indenbaum offered him some old pictures to paint over , but Modigliani picked carefully through them so as not to paint over any painting , however unimportant , which showed a hint of talent .
30 Because shoe laces are hard to tie but easy to trip over .
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