Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] at " in BNC.

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1 She says that it 's good to have somewhere to swim at lunchtimes .
2 Not only did he go on to lose at Waterloo : he suffered the final indignity of living and dying in a house called The Briars on St Helena , far down in the South Atlantic .
3 We are looking forward to a visit from prominent physiotherapist Vivian Grisogono , who , with her vast and expert knowledge of treating sports injuries , has much to impart about the way we enthusiastically drive our bodies on to perform at a pace that often proves harmful .
4 Obviously there are certain key factors to any sort of reasonable living space : walls and ceiling will have to be decorated along with all the woodwork ; windows and floors have to be treated in some way ; there must be light both to see by and to enhance the space ; there should be something to sit on and probably to eat from and almost certainly somewhere to work at times .
5 He had studied the latest Russian , German and French film theories , spent six months mixing with movie people in Hollywood , then gone on to train at British Instructional Pictures , a maker of successful non-fiction films which moved into drama production in the late 1920s .
6 There can not be many lyric-writers who have begun their careers in the theatre by dancing Scheherazade in a strip-club in Los Angeles , gone on to appear at La Scala , Milan and then to play the title-role in Mother Company .
7 He went on to work at Birmingham , Bristol and Luton , as he progressed to other jobs within the operations department .
8 In 1912 the Labour Party overcame its caution sufficiently to agree at least to inquire into the feasibility of such a strike .
9 Filmer came alone to sit at an untenanted table , ordering eggs and coffee from Oliver without looking at him .
10 A local dental surgeon , Mr. Williams , was kind enough to attend at Dr. Prior 's request and he administered the gas gratuitously .
11 Blaise Cendrars , the writer , saw Modigliani let fall a twenty-franc note one evening when a well-known pauper came in to sit at the next table .
12 Well it depends how many how many we can get together to issue at once , but I would like to have .
13 She cut through the heady memories and concentrated her mind on what Steve was saying while she watched a superb glossy white yacht coming in to berth at the jetty not fifty metres from the window of the restaurant .
14 Hyperactive and overactive young children often can not concentrate long enough to sit at the table and so teaching this is a very important part of learning to control them generally .
15 John feels better , so he comes down to sit at the kitchen table and chat .
16 Throughout the land radio listeners could sense the lethal pace of Lindwall or Miller running in to bowl at Hutton , Washbrook or Compton in that rejoicing , post-war Ashes summer of 1948 .
17 Whereas in the past such external supports of the superego might have been strong enough to compensate at least in part for faulty superego development as a result of difficulties at the phallic-Oedipal stage and might have contributed to the unresolved Oedipal conflict expressing itself as a typical hysteria or obsessional neurosis , today , because such supports are in large part lacking , the outcome is not likely to be the same .
18 It is clear that the lexical representation is flexible enough to meet at least some of the demands of real speech , and certainly adequate for the experiments that will be described in the following chapters .
19 After all , you do n't invite the left in to gloat at your own failure .
20 He got down to work at once and even found another couple , both teachers , who wanted to ‘ settle up ’ in Church .
21 A surprising chaff inch flew down to peck at our crumbs .
22 She had only to hide at one of these places and wait , and they would all come along sooner or later .
23 This meant that an innocent purchaser could buy a car from such a hirer only to discover at some later date that the car did not after all belong to him .
24 Now , being left-handed I 'm well used to the pitfalls : reading reviews of great-looking and top quality guitars only to find at the end of the review , ‘ No left-handers available ’ or , more niggling , ‘ 10% extra ’ .
25 On each of her periods at Hillmarden he had still clung to the faint hope that she was improving , only to find at the end of a week or a fortnight she had made no progress at all and that when Harry — good baby that he was — occasionally cried , this was enough to make Celia so distraught that Brian was forced to accept that it was better for all concerned if mother and baby remained parted .
26 I 'm sorry Mr , I think we have to press you on this , can I can I take it from what you have said We have to press you because for the reasons we explained on Friday morning , we have to go through the sector sites , if only to find at the end it can not be done .
27 When we finish , there are the people who come in to work at night .
28 It is merely to stand at variance with a long established tradition — a long established system of beliefs based ultimately on someone 's speculative interpretation .
29 Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise Only to wonder at unlawful things , Whose deepness doth entice such forward wits , To practise more than heavenly power permits .
30 The customer has relaxed sufficiently to volunteer at least a couple of personal details ( about outside interests , family , etc ) .
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