Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 This example of practical remembrance is paralleled in our other welfare facilities — at Sussexdown and Richard Peack House and the Eagle Lodges — and perhaps most importantly as we reach out through our Honorary Welfare Officers and out members to find and to help individuals in need .
2 Theda 's smile went a little awry as the memories pierced her .
3 So the practice has been to regard them rather unofficially as having been satisfied if there is compliance on about … three occasions out of four , or four out of five , or two out of three — practices are variable from one authority to another .
4 Most gliders are very reluctant to stall in the slip ( try it some time ) , but if the recovery is made at a low speed , or the pilot forgets to ease forwards to prevent the nose rising during the recovery , there is a very real danger of stalling or of flying rather slowly as the glider encounters the wind gradient .
5 I am delighted to announce that we will soon manufacturing ovens at our Hygena factory in Stockton extending the range of products manufactured in-house follows on naturally as M F I 's position as the leading ah retailer of built-in kitchen appliances .
6 Laws in science , so it was argued , were of the logical form " All As are Bs " , ( for example all swans are white ) yet it is impossible to investigate empirically all As .
7 She will look elegant in black , and she 'll cry delicately so as not to mar the whiteness of her skin , and dab her nose with a lace-edged handkerchief , and wear Mother 's jet brooch , and all the customers will sigh and say how sad it is , and young men will want to comfort and console her , and they will , oh yes , because she did n't really love him .
8 Sam 's porridge bowl was fuller than usual — Ma Bombie 's hand being even more unsteady than normal — so he was walking very slowly so as not to spill any .
9 At the end of the impregnation period , care should be taken to release the vacuum slowly so as not to cause boiling .
10 The better-known Cabinet Ministers moved in a stately fashion as if speed of foot might trample accidentally a party worker bent upon homage ; better to tread slowly so as to receive fittingly the admiration of many .
11 We looked on together as the various hypostatical principles were distillated and redistillated .
12 One in Devon has 70 members and is carried on much as when it was founded in 1799 .
13 This may prove a major challenge to clinicians expecting to carry on much as before .
14 True , on the first working day after the bomb , business did go on much as usual .
15 True , Novell seems to be promising that life will go on much as usual .
16 What an ordinary individual needs is to have a slice of his savings invested in the company he works for , and the rest spread widely so as to spread his risk , through unit trusts ( mutual funds ) , life-insurance policies or pension funds .
17 The water molecules were spread widely so as to react with the plasma effectively reducing the plasma density through a process beginning with ion-exchanges .
18 Right so as soon as you see that you think ,
19 Er right so as I say it 's a lighthearted approach and on christian name terms and with that in mind would you detach one of these and just stick your name on so that at least if you do n't know then at some stage during the course you stand a good chance of getting to know each other because again the essence of this course is informality and talking .
20 Right so as I said , Point taken but I 'd like people to go away and read it .
21 Pink Industry played on , rather ineffectively as it happened .
22 The invention consists essentially of a system of lifts each formed by a wet dock wherein the vessel to be transported is waterborne , the dock being mounted on a wheeled carriage adapted to support the dock horizontally and to run on inclined railways extending between the higher and lower water levels , the ways being transverse to the length of the dock which travels broadside on so as to admit of a short length of wheel base and a steep grade .
23 Blind with rage : I know why they say blind — I could n't see him , I could n't see anything — I did n't think what to say , I was just saying it , shouting it , fury pouring out of me like hot tar — my hands were on my hips and clinging on so as to stop myself tearing his straggly hair out , gouging his eyes out , strangling him till his voice went gurgle-croak and his body went limp .
24 Such philosophical arguments can go on endlessly as is the nature of philosophy .
25 To partake in that utterance must demand superhuman courage , courage from the divine , an ability to think so intensely as to die even from pure thought — to die a death ordained , not for self-glorification , a significant and saving death .
26 Because it straddles ( though less symmetrically than its title implies ) what are generally conceived as two distinct musical periods , this fine study will probably be selected only rarely as ‘ essential ’ reading for a history course , given that such courses almost invariably observe the traditional boundaries .
27 We knew each other before the Expo , though not quite so intimately as now . ’
28 Other commentators depicted the Act less flatteringly as yet another example of ‘ dustbin legislation ’ .
29 If you had the money and the leisure in Brazil , and Emerson 's family gave him both — though not so lavishly as , say , Piquet 's family — motor racing was something perfectly natural .
30 A social work career was developed in connection with this work , but not so effectively as was the case in the children 's departments .
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