Example sentences of "[adv] [art] information " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The idea was to pass on the information from generation to generation , so children traditionally played a very important part , ’ said a spokeswoman for the Open Spaces Society .
2 Anyone who can help Pat can contact Sunday Life and we will be happy to pass on the information .
3 Please , I 'll pass on the information that you 've received , contact Kevin or myself for the details that are on the leaflets we 've put about .
4 Furthermore the information flows can be changed over time as a result of mutation in the genetic code or by the individual 's own genetic system , and some information might thus be eliminated .
5 And we must continue to improve and better the information that is provided .
6 There is no political censorship to slow down the information . ’
7 These matters should be sorted out before assuming that the conversation is impossible , and starting to write down the information one wants to communicate .
8 Not all alternatives are looked at , rather those most familiar to decision-makers or deviating least from existing practice are examined first , in order to cut down the information and transition costs associated with more radical changes .
9 However , when delivery is about to take place there is little time for further information to arrive , and so the information that does appear is relatively important .
10 er we we 've we 've agreed the table on on the base basis of erm information best information available a at the moment but but equally I would n't wish it to be seen th that I am in any way attempting to prejudge the outcome of er local plan studies , erm so the information that I 've agreed with with Mr C Cunnane is basically an attempt to clarify the tabulation fo er in
11 So the information in these sections will tend to be static .
12 So the information that goes on , yes
13 so the scheme , there 's a scheme number as well , I do n't want that yes , that 's one , and that started on the first of August nineteen ninety good that 's fine , yeah , so the information 's there
14 So the information that is given us is for our information only , or ?
15 You should fill in : 1 Date of purchase 2 Your own sales number and initials 3 Description of goods 4 Quantity of goods 5 Cost per item ( unit cost ) 6 Total cost 7 Authorization code 8 Whether the goods are to be taken away or delivered You should also check the details on the card : 1 The expiry date 2 The signature ( make sure that it matches the one on the voucher ) 3 The strip on which the customer 's name is written ( make sure it has n't been tampered with ) When you have filled in the information , the customer signs the form .
16 Turning to the final point of the 1952 directive , it is noteworthy that ministers are to be given only the information MI5 decides they need .
17 The nurse should therefore attempt to communicate only the information necessary for the patient to manage say , the next 24 hours .
18 To ensure that subscribers can make the most cost-effective use of its information resource , Infolink has developed a flexible enquiry service to allow subscribers to select only the information which is relevant to their particular needs .
19 For , suppose an attempt is made to reconstruct the geometry of the Earth using only the information available in the index of an atlas .
20 It is common practice to use only the information on benefits and earnings when the information on other sources of income is unavailable .
21 In analysing the information that comes in through the eyes , the brain works ‘ bottom up ’ , piecing together the information from individual retinal cells into larger wholes , and ‘ top down ’ , comparing pre-existing models in the brain with the visual input .
22 Persons wishing to complain but who have difficulty in explaining their case will be put in touch with a solicitor on the Interview Panel , who will see the complainant and will help to put together the information needed for presentation to the SCB .
23 The head , the deputy and the school secretary have to put together the information which can lead to first comparisons on the basis of the Guidelines for the Review and Internal Development of Schools ( GRIDS ) .
24 On more complex analyses , the concept was to retrieve the information meeting the simpler selection criteria , thus significantly reducing the volume of data to be examined subsequently , then , to extract manually the information meeting the more complicated selection criteria .
25 This is not an unreasonable request , unless of course there have been ‘ true ’ representations — eg an information memorandum about the Business — which may well have induced the Purchaser to start negotiations .
26 Moreover , despite its failings , British television is still very much an information medium rather than a propaganda medium .
27 Fifth , listen to the real customers — and not just the information systems managers of IBM 's 10 top mainframe customers — part of the problem is that IBM pays too much attention to their needs and not enough to what 's going on elsewhere , says Smith .
28 Yet in their courses of professional training , it is normally the information retrieval classes that most students describe as boring , difficult and irrelevant .
29 But normally the information on the recording forms is checked and corrected first and then entered on to computer after the excavation has been completed .
30 Hundreds of organisations have realised that an independent weather service can give them exactly the information they need , when they need it and for a realistic cost .
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