Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 The function of these forceful propulsive waves seems chiefly that of shifting a relatively large quantity of intraluminal content aborally for long distances within the colonic lumen , thereby determining a right-to-left gradient important for the initiation of defecation .
2 Many other jobs involve ‘ hard stress ’ of this latter kind — foreign exchange dealers and nurses work intensely for long hours .
3 The 20-mile chalk stream has dwindled to a trickle , and it dried up altogether for long periods in the past three drought years , after the drilling of six drinking water boreholes by the Thames Water Authority ( now the Thames Water company ) lowered the water table .
4 He held her wrist loosely between long , slim fingers , his eyes on his watch .
5 Like all long-term coughers he had developed a noise-reducing technique , and all that could be heard was a chuck-chuck-chuck sound that would go on for long minutes at a time , gradually winding down like a clockwork drummer until every scrap of air was squeezed out of his poor concrete lungs .
6 Food , of course , remains a topic of passionate concern — the focus of minor complaints and disagreements which rumble on for long periods — and outbursts of contentment which are extremely short-lived .
7 Kitchen floors need to be tough enough to withstand all sorts of spills , grease and damp , comfortable enough to stand on for long periods , and handsome to look at .
8 It is only possible to assert that work begun with a lifting of the heart is likely to go on for longer than work begun with a contracting of the stomach , that work done with a lifting of the heart will develop further than work done with a contracting of the stomach , but there is nothing to indicate that the small amount of work which is the result of a contracting of the stomach will not be better than the large amount of work done with a lifting of the heart , than the rich development which is the likely result of work undertaken with a lifting of the heart , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , poring over the pages covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve , glanced up at the sheet in his typewriter , always bearing in mind , he typed ( as Harsnet had written ) , that better and worse are relative terms , and that one man 's better is another man 's worse , one age 's better is another age 's worse , one civilization 's better is another civilization 's worse , better , worse , relative values , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , that in the long run it all comes to the same thing , long run , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , same thing .
9 Even when played clean , the notes ring on for longer than you would believe possible .
10 In Wales the club-v-country argument has gone on for longer even than the locust years — a constant , nagging reminder of the manifold and manifest divisions that have wrought such damage on Welsh rugby .
11 Some individuals carry on for longer , and one has been heard to call 270 times without a break .
12 These are more effective than shampoos because they are applied directly to the scalp and left on for longer .
13 I would have been quite happy if he had gone on for longer .
14 Nobody wants to lose and if nobody wants to lose it means it gets fiercer and it goes on for longer and it does takes a long time to resolve , if it ever is and often to the detriment of one person to the success of another .
15 We keep we keep going on for longer and longer but it 's taking a lot longer for us to get any closer .
16 Airline pilots commonly have difficulty in sleeping properly after long flights , especially when there have been time-zone changes .
17 Anticoagulant drugs safe enough for long term use to help prevent heart disease are under development by almost every drug company , Huber said .
18 Claudia woke up slowly , opening her eyes and closing them immediately against the light that poured in through long narrow windows .
19 Hospitality : More beds are needed especially to accommodate the German team on Thursday , Friday and Saturday nights , and a few for Friday night only for long distance Medau performers — please ask in your classes ( ten mile radius from Croydon or along the route from Dover preferred ) and send offers to .
20 Comparison with experimental results for poly ( methyl acrylate ) shows validity only for longer values of the relaxation and retardation times .
21 The cost should average out at about £6 per page , less for longer runs , but you will have to allow for the extra time .
22 Repayment mortgages payable over 25 years can be extended to 30 or 35 years , earning you a few extra pounds a month because you will be paying less for longer .
23 She would go off alone for long walks over the cliffs — something she had never done before in winter .
24 avoid sitting down for long periods
25 Avoid sitting down for long periods without a break .
26 If he did that , some of our constituents might receive benefits , and the people involved in crime might get sent down for longer periods .
27 Once they were married adults they settled down for longer periods .
28 They may bear grievances about the fact that they are locked up in prison , perhaps for longer than they feel they deserve or for longer than other offenders whom they regard as comparable .
29 So for long periods a deep soil gathers at the foot of most slopes .
30 Seven days treatment with a cumulative dose of dexamethasone equivalent to 0.75 g prednisolone has been followed by osteonecrosis with the appearance of symptoms two years later , whereas most patients receiving steroids , do so for long periods and in higher doses without developing articular symptoms .
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