Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 One has only to stand on the bridge over the Trannon at Trefeglwys and look upstream to see the stable narrow river coursing elegantly between its magnificent borders of ash and sycamore , and compare this with the immediate downstream reach , which wanders amidst a waste of gravel .
2 Did you hear about the night hunter who shot tigers by aiming right between their luminous eyes ?
3 Stage nerves are unlike anything else in the whole world , and many good actors will confess to them right through their careers .
4 In the dirty , brutal and often painfully short life of a Goblin the chance of swooping through the air and smashing right through their enemies is just too good to miss .
5 Meryl burned at the memory of that piercing look , which had shot right through her armour of professional resentment to the vulnerable core .
6 She got out and shivered in an icy blast which struck right through her anorak .
7 But somehow , she felt , the words had passed right through her mind without leaving any deposit of meaning behind .
8 ‘ What do n't I ? ’ he mocked , the husky caress in his voice shooting a hectic surge of emotion right through her body .
9 I have no strong views on the trousseau , but I wish they 'd show that famous snap again , the one where she 's holding the kid in her arms and you can see right through her dress .
10 As he drew nearer , Jessamy felt a distinct tremor run right through her nervous system .
11 His gaze swept boldly over her and she felt a rush of warmth right through her veins as though his hands had followed the path taken by his eyes .
12 If a two-dimensional creature ate something it could not digest completely , it would have to bring up the remains the same way it swallowed them , because if there were a passage right through its body , it would divide the creature into two separate halves ; our two-dimensional being would fall apart ( Fig. 10.8 ) .
13 Tommy had thrust a bayonet right through its belly .
14 UNSUITABLE FOR A FAMILY NEWSPAPER Veil of secrecy ‘ You could see right through his trousers , ’ said the British judge Vanessa Riley .
15 Sword right through his throat . ’
16 Although not nearly so cold as the ceramic tiles of the hall , the linoleum beneath his bare feet had a chill that seemed to creep right through his body .
17 ‘ Isla plays eight different women , ’ explains Miss McCulloch , ‘ and Derek plays Byron right through his life .
18 From the age of one right through his schooling , the mathematician-to-be related the world to ‘ mental gear models ’ .
19 His eyes resemble dish-telescopes that seem to look right through his friends , and he sees the psychic energy people emit as an astrophysicist 's radio-telescope ‘ sees ’ sounds bounced off distant galaxies .
20 On sustained regional tours right through his seventies he would go on playing to smaller but no less loving audiences , having no desire for retirement or inactivity .
21 Nice to speak to you , erm , I 'd just like to say that er , take me now as a , as a normal chap from England who looked across right through his life at Russia as the big bad bear and eight years ago I had the opportunity of going over there , just an ordinary chap and er , of course , there 's so much about the Soviet Union we do n't know , we did , we , erm , for instance we were over there in 1982 when they were celebrating sixty years of the incorporation of the saints into the Soviet Union .
22 His goal was a gem for the Seagulls — but it left United manager Alex Ferguson fuming : ‘ There was a slackness right through our side — only Danny Wallace played as though he meant it . ’
23 I could prolong the ecstasy as long as I liked , even after he had fallen asleep in my arms and continued sleeping right through my climaxes .
24 I had an arrow right through my body from back to front somewhere in the region of my lower ribs .
25 Well , for instance ; one night Stella went crazy and assaulted a visitor who had called Stella II a skinny black bitch right in the middle of her rendition of ‘ Te Amo ’ , and he meant it , right there in the middle of his number — well Madame not only showed her approval of the assault by conspicuously buying Stella drinks every night for the whole of the following week ; as soon as she saw the fight starting she got off her stool , yanked out the plug on the sound system , hitched up that frock , got straight up on the stage while they were still on the floor ( she knew Stella would sort him out ) and she went into an unforgettable aria of abuse against this stranger which culminated in her eschewing all her usual magnificence of phrasing and just standing there shouting fuck off at him , screaming fuck off , if you do n't like it you can fuck off , E , X , I , T , there it is , you came in through it and now you can fuck off out of it , fuck off out of it why do n't you you stupid bastard ( and by now of course someone had dragged Stella off and we were all up on our chairs cheering while the disgraced stranger made his slow and humiliating exit through the parting crowd ) why do n't you just piss off and insult someone who does n't have the balls to answer back because you 've picked the wrong girls here darling , fuck off that 's it , fucking fuck off , fucking fuck off right through my front door and do n't you ever , do n't you ever , do n't you ever step on my fucking frock again .
26 As it was impossible to see the ground I kept my legs braced , but when I hit the desert I suffered a tremendous jolt right through my body .
27 Mentally I was prepared to cope with it you see , I 'd made my mind up right through my marriage that I would .
28 Now she moves right through my gaze , which no longer has the power to slow or halt her .
29 He did kiss me back then , as if he wanted to press his wretched thin inhibited mouth right through my head .
30 He tries to peer right through my eyeballs to read what is written on my retina .
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