Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] did " in BNC.

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1 Any bacterium that could tap a different source of food would obviously be very successful and eventually some did .
2 Luckily this did not take place . ’
3 Obviously that did n't go down well with Lineker and he soon announced that he would quit the English game after the Championship finals .
4 Democritus , it is said , never appeared in public without laughing , so little did the serious pursuits of men seem serious to him .
5 She was puzzled for some moments as to the source of the smell , so little did she expect the brothers would be so dirty .
6 So that did n't last long .
7 He had some memory of having promised God to give up drinking but God had n't turned the clock back so that did n't count any more .
8 So that did n't go down too well with our lot but it 's either that or it blow up all the time .
9 So that did n't mean
10 At first Grainne thought it was that power was stealing over them , and then she thought that it was not power but strength , only that did not seem quite right either .
11 So extensive did his collection become that he built a special picture gallery at Northwick Park in 1832 , and some years later he acquired Thirlestane House in Cheltenham , the 1846 guide to which listed over 500 pictures .
12 Some of the patients samples showed extremely high sICAM-1 concentrations with up to 1.700 ng/ml while only few did not differ from the control group .
13 Apparently this did nothing to alleviate the situation , and the house was uninhabited for many further years and then fell into disrepair .
14 Apparently this did not produce the desired reaction from Stanley , so Wyatt went on 17th December to see Scott who , with a disarming naïveté , immediately agreed to a proposal from Wyatt that he should take him on as an equal partner and relinquish half the work to him .
15 So popular did they become , that their decoration , usually with scraps , became one of the amateur arts to loved by Victorian ladies .
16 Obviously this did not happen according to plan .
17 Er yes well that is so this did come through er very very late indeed er in the and the Parish Council of course are in the situation where they have to cover all eventualities and what er Mr is referring to is a suggestion of using a one O six agreement to protect as far as possible the local communities when the tip is erected .
18 So lively did it get on occasions that Bishop Story had to order the pilgrims to carry crosses and banners in 1478 instead of the coloured staves with which they were prone to hit each other at the height of their religious fervour .
19 In fact , so contemptible did I find his dismissal of my judgement as to what constitutes talent on the football field , that I flatly refused the £200,000 fee they were willing to pay for Colin Webley and let the useless git go on a free transfer !
20 And these are all things that made the Co-op so personal did n't they really .
21 So much did he dread that his own was a case of ‘ redemption by parricide ’ that he emphasized the unwillingness with which he accepted the divine call with language which is exaggerated and almost coarse .
22 So much did his lecturing rile Khrushchev , that the Russian leader bade farewell to the company with the immortal remark , ‘ Comrades , and Party
23 Even Graham , one of the few members who had left home and lived in a flat , would be helping in the campaign , although he would not be voting Conservative , so much did he dislike the personality and politics of the local MP .
24 It came , as so much did for her now , in the cadences of a disembodied voice .
25 Jezrael 's fingers crisped into the grit beneath her ; even her face worked with the adrenalin that surged up , so much did she want to shove him away and make him save himself .
26 In 1985 only 8,000 did .
27 In 1988 only 8,000 did .
28 Though forty-five causes were entered in the list for the March session , ‘ so efficacious did the mere issuing of the summons prove , that this number was reduced by a third before the opening of the court . ’
29 By the late summer of 1831 so crucial did regular sympathetic treatment in the metropolitan press seem to Thomas Pringle , secretary of the Anti-Slavery Society , that he discussed a plan with provincial abolitionists for the purchase of a part share in the Morning Herald which would also be distributed to country subscribers .
30 Not much sad did happen .
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