Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] such " in BNC.

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1 Rather where such cases do occur it is because the health and social care system can not provide the type of care these patients need .
2 This requirement arises only where such a person demands to know the name and address of the proprietor and not otherwise .
3 The Court restricted its judgment to the Murrays , and also ruled that the concept of " native title " could exist only where such rights had not been extinguished by the government .
4 For although it is constantly argued that the police represent and are drawn from the community they serve , the cultural style required in the body of the police officer inevitably sets him slightly apart from the ‘ civvies ’ outside the institution , especially where such symbolic use of clothing and beards or hair is the province of the youthful innovator .
5 Sometimes projects are suggested to the governments of LDCs as part of an overall economic development programme , especially where such projects have the potential to generate export earnings in foreign currencies to service loans provided .
6 Group members will tend to conform to group standards or norms , especially where such conformity is the result of a general acceptance of the basic beliefs , attitudes and values of the group .
7 This is especially so where such expressions as " Our offer is made on the basis of our current price list " are used .
8 More fruitful perhaps than such broad categorizations is the implication of Figure 2.1 that it is better to think of disciplines as occupying a certain space in a universe of knowledge , rather than a certain level in a hierarchy or place on a map .
9 It is likened to a heaven full of stars , yet better than such because his wounds are efficacious by day as well as by night , and not only can not be obscured by clouds but positively drive away clouds of sin ; a net full of holes in which the meditator prays to be drawn to the bank of death ; a dovecote full of holes of refuge and a honeycomb full of cells of sweet honey ; a book written in red ink — matter for the meditator 's attention at " matyns , pryme , houris , euesong & complin " ; a meadow full of healing and delightful flowers and herbs ( 96 – 7 ) .
10 He points out that they are negative or affirmative orders and that the Standing Orders of the House lay down that such matters may be debated for an hour and a half after 10 o'clock .
11 The reaction of the first Dáil to successive attempts to introduce legislation for divorce was to change standing orders so that such a bill could not be introduced again .
12 In addition to the courtesy the partners show to each other , there are also the courtesies that must be shown to the bystanders on stage during a pas de deux so that such reciprocation can help to focus the audience 's attention on the context of the dance .
13 In a booming voice infused with all the wrath of the Old Testament deity the pastor gave the answer : , So that such terrible things never happen again ! ’
14 Usually there is some implied opinion within such critiques , and this is generally a sympathetic one , so that such productions as ‘ Walter ’ were admired for their production values but questioned over their intent .
15 ‘ I want society to be changed , so that such an affront to civilized behaviour will no longer be tolerated ! ’
16 It is closely associated with Kant 's assertion that there are ways of treating a man which are inconsistent with recognising him as a full member of the community so that such treatment is profoundly unjust .
17 This concept is rather vague because it can be shown that a computer with a very basic instruction set can simulate a Turing machine and therefore can , in theory , perform any " computable " task , so that such a computer is ( again in theory ) completely general-purpose ( see for example Minsky 1967 ) .
18 The burial of sites by volcanic eruptions happens without warning , so that such sites are like very well-preserved time capsules .
19 We have suggested that the latter are confirmable or disconfirmable by appeal to the former ; but how are the two related so that such confirmation can take place ?
20 That is another reason for keeping your head up , so that such people can see your lips moving as well as hearing what you are saying .
21 In the preceding examples , gender differences are not being seen as situational and interactional , rather , overgeneralization has been learned and internalized so that such differences are perceived as global and structural .
22 It is necessary to decide upon a citation order so that such documents are classified in a consistent manner .
23 And only if such change occurs , and local government is organized in strong units with power to take major decisions , will present trends towards centralization be reversed , and local democracy secure its place as a major part of our democratic system .
24 Real progress , but only if such appliances are available in Britain — at the moment the majority are not .
25 Only if such a wrong has been suffered is it worthwhile considering what remedy , if any , would be suitable or available .
26 Sacramental formulas in Christian worship were effective , not because any power resided in the words themselves , but because God had promised a certain effect only if such words were pronounced .
27 It follows that the meaning of ontological claims becomes fully transparent only if such claims are seen in the context of certain life-modalities of those who make such claims ; in effect , all such claims become interpretable as forms of man " sown self-understanding .
28 This may be followed by a visit or telephone call only if such follow up relates to the needs of the clients of the professional adviser , not the needs of the professional adviser itself .
29 These problems and questions arise only if such a breach is capable of remedy , which in my judgment it is not .
30 These are largely propagated vegetatively and such ‘ vegeculture ’ , based on cassava , may have antedated seed culture in northern South America .
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