Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Where a defendant is debarred from defending altogether or the whole of his defence is struck out , the plaintiff may have judgment entered for his claim and costs ( N 30 ) ( Ord 22 , r 5 ) .
2 Also try side-slipping at the approach speed to see if the rudder overbalances badly or the side-slipping is unusual in any way .
3 Where a court , or another authority or person makes an order for detention of a Member as being of unsound mind , or where a doctor recommends such detention , or where a Member is so detained , that court , authority , person , doctor or the head of the hospital , etc. where the Member is detained , must notify the Speaker .
4 This form of extension exists for the benefit of restaurants , hotels etc. where the sale of liquor accompanies the service of refreshment , and music and dancing is provided .
5 Looking neither to left nor right where the
6 ‘ There was a bar in town , it was down at the end of the main street , right where the buildings ended and the scrub began .
7 Further right where the crag is at its highest , a clean wall at around half height dominates the cliff .
8 Apparently , she typed a message into the Belial Base neural net , right where the viruses that Legion 's agent planted there would find it and transmit it back here . ’
9 First , it clearly focuses on where the physical symptoms of the problem are .
10 Curiously these metabolic processes seem to anticipate the homeothermic organisation of mammals , thus hinting that dinosaurs carried on where the reptiles left off .
11 Premier John Major is prepared to lead an unprecedented series of bruising encounters at Number 10 to allow warring departments to agree on where the Treasury axe will fall .
12 Where vendors can not agree on where the problem lies , they will at least inform the customer in writing of the reason .
13 As the chief location of tin mining , conditions confirm that an abundance of cheap labour tended to stimulate industrial growth , although naturally mineral extraction has to be carried on where the workable reserves happen to be located , using imported labour if necessary , as , it would seem , was precisely what was done in Penwith .
14 And now the fat bellies in the cities are carrying on where the white folk left off .
15 As she came through the side roads to her house she heard a few trial notes on a wind instrument of some sort — a clarinet , was it ? a run of notes that seemed to carry on where the last solitary trill of the bird had stopped , and then a beat , beat , beat of a bass and a drum slowly swinging in , and the band , trying out their numbers high up in a house , lilted together into a piece , melancholy at base with gay little twiddles from the clarinet bravely calling that nightfall was not the end of hope , not a closure — a little bit of swing filtering over back gardens to draw people out , out into the spring night , a beat along the channels of their blood suggesting that this hour , as the light dies , as the dusk creeps along the ground , is not an ending but a beginning .
16 This is of course very useful diagnostically where the teacher does not know the class .
17 Korea , Taiwan , Thailand : all present big opportunities , but the view is that these must be handled professionally or the local publishers will step in and clean up , as in fact may already be happening in Korea .
18 Right or the other shapes we 've been talking about .
19 Try to find somewhere where the interviewee can feel reasonably relaxed and you yourself can feel confident .
20 Having been off all winter , we are now on the long road back to full fitness , and my main worry , having recently started trotting , is finding somewhere where the going is n't too hard .
21 If you need a long term home we will help you to find somewhere where the costs can be met by the Department .
22 Maybe they were in some room somewhere where the husband and the child were not on either of their minds .
23 ‘ Go and put it somewhere where the rats ca n't get it , ’ said Grimma .
24 ‘ Where the processes carried on or the machinery installed are such as could be carried on or installed in any residential area without detriment to amenity of that area by reason of noise , vibration , smell , fumes , soot ash , dust or grit ’ .
25 Anyway , life must go on or the terrorists will terrorise us into changed patterns of living , bastards that they are .
26 The cost of a new one of these could n't be offset by this contract you are working on or the next , come to that . ’
27 Well you either put one bar on or the lot is on or it 's very dim like this is low and you ca n't see it at all .
28 Client agrees with KPMG ( for itself and on trust and as agent for the others mentioned below ) fully to indemnify and to hold harmless KPMG , its partners , employees , its lawyers , [ Stephenson Harwood ] , any Approved Broker and ( subject to Client 's prior consent to their engagement ) any other advisers , agents and consultants retained by KPMG in connection with the Offer ( any and all of which or whom is referred to as an ‘ Indemnified Person ’ ) from and against any and all losses , claims , costs , damages , actions , proceedings , demands , liabilities and expenses whatsoever , joint or several , ( collectively ‘ claims ’ ) which any such Indemnified Person may suffer or incur and which relate to or arise from , directly or indirectly , KPMG 's engagement hereunder and/or the provision by KPMG of its services in connection with the Offer .
29 All shell suits are cotton lined , except from the knee down where the nylon replaces the cotton for ease when slipping over shoes .
30 Tug sat down where the Woman pointed , but Doyle began to walk round the room , peering at the table from all angles .
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