Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 Once upon a time ( I said , and he stared bitterly bitterly at the floor ) there was a very ugly monster who captured a princess and put her in a dungeon in his castle .
2 It was Anderson in his Manchester pamphlet who most conspicuously at this early stage of the antislavery campaign raised the free-labour argument and implicitly defined its appropriateness to man 's nature .
3 Initiative members argue an ACE/Intel machine would have helped Intel distinguish itself from the cloners nipping most furiously at its heels .
4 That debate is a continuing one , and amongst the principles most importantly at stake is that of artistic freedom , the right of the individual artist to explore the dark side of human experience and to draw unpopular conclusions from his own , perhaps partial , vision .
5 Luke smiled a little grimly at her submission .
6 In keeping with the rank-and-file strength of the movement , however , pressure was applied most effectively at local level .
7 I put it on right at the end of our conversation at yours this morning .
8 Time seemed to go rather slowly at first .
9 Settle things like hours , holidays , pay day etc. right at the beginning if possible .
10 She did n't find it , but buried right down at the bottom she did find a tape cassette in a box .
11 Right down at the bottom there by the apple tree .
12 The late sun setting over the mainland lays a bright path over the water , coming right in at the small bay .
13 This pattern , clear enough at the time , had been obscured by the revival of Walter Machin 's reputation , and Viola 's desire to rewrite history , to have her marriage accepted as perfect , if tragically brief .
14 The sides were not so much planks as squares of wood stuck on apparently at hazard .
15 when the business of the partnership can be carried on only at a loss ;
16 Mirth being in decidedly short supply over the past few weeks amidst the myriad financial scandals and news of the ongoing long-gingering of the gay law reform bill , there was no doubt among the many disappointed punters turned away from the full house on opening night that they were still intent on partying on down at Cork 's new lesbian and gay centre , The Other Place .
17 " And let it be said , " Harry went on , " now we 're talking straight , that Miss Jennifer here can forget all the Romish ideas she was fed on down at Roscarrock Hall and start eating Protestant pie , which she 'll find suits a Cornish stomach a sight better than all that hocus-pocus-nomminy-domminy rubbish they peddle down at Holy Joe 's .
18 Get on down at gigs
19 To Ronni 's surprise , and apparently also to Guido 's , Silvia stared humbly down at the ground for a moment .
20 A large framed photograph of Joe Louis in fighting stance looked menacingly down at him from a supporting beam as he walked through the saloon bar doorway .
21 He stared menacingly down at her .
22 He stood up , swaying and smiled benevolently down at his companion .
23 But football — Welsh rugby football — the amateur game that put fifteen men in red jerseys to take on England most especially at Cardiff Arms Park and beat the hell out of them ! — football was his passion .
24 He gazed despairingly down at his blotter .
25 Glancing despairingly down at what — only a few hours ago — had been a crisp , smart cotton dress in her favourite shade of sapphire-blue , but which was now crumpled and covered with sticky finger-marks , she gave a heavy sigh .
26 They wandered on together at random .
27 That 's just one So you 're not on much at all .
28 But they were kept going in it , rather perhaps at the discretion of those running the schemes rather than to throw them out , and as a result we did not have a scrap of vandalism in the area during the whole of the summer holidays .
29 He smiled slowly down at her , his gaze centring on her mouth in a way that made it start to throb .
30 The engine steams slowly in at one end .
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