Example sentences of "[pron] you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 These are two designs I you probably all recognized them when you see them , they were very popular .
2 Everybody everybody happy well I you just sort of went like that and I was n't quite sure whether you was sort
3 When you accept criticism from someone you also build a relationship with that other person .
4 ‘ A friend is someone you just enjoy seeing , someone you never get bored with .
5 ‘ Is she someone you just met , someone you went off with on the spur of the moment ?
6 I suppose it must be quite hard , if you do n't teach someone you just like have to shout at them , I du n no .
7 " Every now and again you meet someone you immediately know is out of the ordinary .
8 If you know someone like that , it 's worth observing and studying his or her use of language , manner , and what his body language says to you , even if it is someone you only ever see on television .
9 someone you really care about .
10 Someone you really , really like , I mean how can you really , really like ?
11 Jokes are also an important aspect of intimacy : it is difficult to joke with someone you hardly know ; many jokes are " in-group " jokes , or politically hardened into jokes of " us " versus " them " .
12 ‘ A friend is someone you just enjoy seeing , someone you never get bored with .
13 Why not fall in love with someone you actually like and feel easy with ?
14 Make a circuit in which you alternately jump down and leap up .
15 It 's possibly the most outrageous place anywhere in the Mediterranean , full of weird and wonderful people , stilt walkers , street markets , pavement cafés , and bars in which you just sit and watch a world you have never seen before walk past in front of your nose .
16 which you just pull down to wherever you need it in the Summer .
17 They were the earliest type of school text book erm which came in in about fourteen fifty , er to teach your A B C which you just copied and copied and copied until you got it right .
18 She guessed it was pretty obvious that she had nothing to come back with when , his expression grimmer than ever , ‘ We 'll finish this conversation inside , ’ he clipped , and although Fabia would by far have preferred that he simply hand over her car keys and let her go on her way , she realised that there were some responsibilities in life which you just could n't duck .
19 If you stand here it might look beautiful , but if you pick up each one individually you 'll see weeds germinating , brittle bits and you could pick up a disease in the early stages which you just would n't see otherwise .
20 worked , in er title which you just , just dealt with six five nine
21 Or rather , about how to try to tell it : since whether any such action of yours succeeds in doing what you want ( giving your tellee a true belief ) will depend as we 've seen on the truth of the beliefs which you also need in order to make you undertake that action .
22 So if I short er short circuit the rest of my cross examination on these various policies that you say er we 're in erm we 're in some measure of conflict with , your answer would be in in relation to E N V Eleven and E N V Twelve which you also cite , do I put it fairly your answer would be this ?
23 er , although you 've got your own artistic contribution which you also combine with
24 Nevertheless , shared housing in private or college accommodation can be as educative and stimulating as the studies for which you primarily go to college .
25 Which you probably know .
26 Flying forwards is exactly the same as hovering in a wind except that you now have consciously to do things which you probably did automatically in the hover .
27 It 's just that a couple of ideas occurred to me , one of which will have occurred to you and one which you probably do n't know about .
28 You have heavy commitments , a flat on which you probably spent over a hundred and fifty thousand pounds , a Porsche to run , and a suitably lavish way of life , no doubt .
29 There are many other products and services available from your bank , some of which you might never need , but some of which you probably will .
30 A natural question , to which you probably know the answer ( but not a proof ? is Question 1.3.8 Are there infinitely many primes ( i.e. irreducibles ) ?
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