Example sentences of "[pron] again as " in BNC.

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1 Well , do n't worry , Lizzy , because I never want to touch you again as long as I live . ’
2 Responsibility visibly descended on him again as he walked .
3 He poured himself more whisky , pressing Herr Nordern to have another , too , and saying that he was leading the Norderns into bad ways but that they must forgive him as it was n't very often they saw him , ha ! ha ! and Herr Nordern , while not prepared to accept that he was led by anyone except the leaders of his country , took the whisky , thinking , what the devil , he had worked like a dog all day , and it was true , Karl would not be with them much longer and they would probably never see him again and , he had to confess , he would n't mind if he never saw him again as long as either of them lived .
4 Guillaume was interested in him again as his work was beginning to command higher prices .
5 Collecting her ticket , she came up behind him again as he checked in for the flight .
6 ‘ But they shot him again as he lay dying . ’
7 Though she had dined with Red Leland that evening and had seemed as pleased to meet him again as he had been to see her , though I had frequently brought up his name since my holiday started , each time she had immediately changed the subject .
8 She sent him a message saying she would never see him again as long as she lived .
9 She looked at him again as he executed a slower turn , wobbling but upright .
10 ( And I remember the man saying , can remember his voice perfectly , hear him again as he says , ‘ I 'm a policeman ! ’ )
11 He fell gored through the abdomen , and the bull attacked " him again as he writhed in agony on the ground .
12 " Irish , " she said at once , surprising him again as he left on his mission .
13 He thought he 'd like to see her again as long as she did n't whinge too much about sexism .
14 If you are faced with this , the only thing to do is to refuse to be drawn into any fruitless arguments , but stand firm in your resolve to leave when you feel you must , assuring her of your affection and concern for her and your intention to visit her again as soon as you can .
15 ‘ There seemed to be some doubt in your mind about my exact gender , ’ Maggie put in drily , and he cast her an irritated look , his dark eyes running over her again as she sat facing him , her hands in the pockets of the loose shirt .
16 He kissed her again as she gurgled .
17 That was the night Ellie vowed she would never cry in front of anyone again as she lay among the boxes .
18 There followed a silence during which Agnes gripped the stanchion of the door and brought her chin tight into her chest , only to raise it again as she endeavoured to hear what her father was now saying quietly and with a purposeful intent , ‘ You should n't have said that , Alice .
19 Hurst 's voice had risen a little , but he dropped it again as he realized that several pairs of eyes were watching them with interest .
20 It had left her a little awe-stricken and she made a move to look at it again as it lay on her dressing-table .
21 She had seen little but the outline of him , and the walk , which was individual enough to be remembered , once seen ; rapid and vehement , with a long stride that barely lit upon the earth before leaving it again as vigorously .
22 ‘ The more reason I should be there , too , ’ said Hotspur tartly , ‘ for a man who can turn his coat once can turn it again as readily .
23 If this does not result in the matter being resolved , then you should re–evaluate it again as above .
24 They 've changed it again as well , now , now instead of the er , the white ball being placed anywhere in the anywhere behind the black line at the top .
25 So sett them by till ye next day ; then heat them again as you did before , & when you think their sowrness is pretty well out , they are enough .
26 Jessamy opened her eyes , then swiftly closed them again as she saw his tall figure standing there .
27 You may have seen one or two before , but I make no excuse for showing them again as on the last occasion they did not come out very well .
28 But the king replied , ‘ Tell them not to send for me again as long as my son is alive .
29 His hand reached for hers again as they went into what might have been a salon in the heyday of the old house .
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