Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] 's " in BNC.

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1 There 's always a bad moment , Howard knows , after the porter 's unlocked your room , switched everything on , drawn the curtains , and gone away again with a huge tip because you had only a folder of fresh banknotes in your pocket , when you sit down helplessly and think , well , here we are , this is it , I 've arrived .
2 So nothing goes through the docks , the income 's still there and it 's getting bigger .
3 Yes well er if it 's a joint account and the income 's i i if it 's a joint account and the income 's generated from that account , then er it will be er treated as one going to the taxpayer , er you know , half of it going to the taxpayer , half of it going to the non-taxpayer .
4 Yes , but then when that income 's paid in , half of the income 's taxable when it 's assessed for you , and half would be paid gross to your wife , you know it 's a diff it 's a different , it 's a different er
5 The tent 's certainly large enough for two people to sleep in but unfortunately there 's only one small entrance .
6 The park 's empty at this time of day before the kids are let out of school .
7 If the station 's too enclosed and the park 's too open , where do you want to meet ? ’
8 The park 's at its widest point here , ’ Caro said , stretching her arms to demonstrate .
9 Braille notices , ramped access to at least one bus for inspection , tactile displays and a visit to the Heaton Park Tramway to ride on a preserved tram on the park 's reconstructed tramway will be available .
10 the park 's on your left
11 Er and er well I look to myself and my family to make sure that er I do n't just jump without fully reviewing the opportunity 's that are available for me .
12 Cos the stand 's only that size .
13 Well this is where Michael is a he would rather , I mean when I say to him can I just do some work on you calc I say , no , cos you are not doing any work , the calculator 's doing the work .
14 And he said , it looks as though they 've put the chimney on and found that the flue is the ba the boiler 's in the bathroom , so they 've had to come down here .
15 ‘ Well , I 'll tell you what , the guitar 's a little bit more shallow when you 've got to sing and play some of this shit , and the new album 's got a lot of riffs , but I 'll rise to the occasion .
16 After another 30 seconds the Vanguard called " BN is established on localiser and glidepath ; the ADF 's all over the place in this weather " .
17 The fur 's starting to grow a little bit
18 But they helpfully handed out brochures describing the suite 's one kingsize bed and a Jacuzzi ‘ big enough for four people ’ .
19 He was a retired thatcher and he used to come and work the bees , as he said , at the saddler 's where I was apprentice .
20 And it 's not fair to say it 's because of the beard because the beard 's not my fault , they just did n't shave in the jungle in whatever century it 's going to be when we get there and I know I grew it early but that 's the way I am , I like to start thinking myself into the part as soon as possible .
21 In September a combination of politically clean hands plus a rising tide of Bonapartism led to the Prince 's being elected yet again , this time in five separate constituencies .
22 Harper had rescued the cold carcass of a roast chicken from the Prince 's interrupted lunch , and now tossed Sharpe a leg .
23 It had been saddled up ready for him and as Li Yuan stood there , it turned its head curiously , its large dark eyes meeting the prince 's as if it knew its new owner .
24 Loyalty to the old King did nothing to establish Drummonds with his heir — and indeed the story has it that curbing the Prince 's spending on the orders of the King led to Drummonds being abandoned by the new monarch in favour of Coutts .
25 The chairman was on the Prince 's left , with Angelina opposite him and Lord Beddington next to him .
26 The Prince 's racing manager , Grant Pritchard-Gordon , said : ‘ He has run three times on soft and each run has proved conclusively that he does n't like it . ’
27 Now the hurricane 's on its way inland and said to be dying down .
28 The navel 's little cup of bitterness ,
29 Because you , you can feel when the vomit 's coming to go to the toilet .
30 Hello , the mike 's on and its whirring .
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