Example sentences of "[adj] number of " in BNC.

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1 The modified homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles where new nuclei form , each with the haploid number of chromosomes .
2 The widespread confusion between raw number of passes and percentage pass rates is illustrative here .
3 In 1982–83 nearly 800 children in England and Wales were made the subject of care orders as a result of divorce or other family proceedings and the cumulative number of children in care as a result of such orders was more than 7000 , costing approximately £400 million a year ( Family Courts Campaign , 1986 ) .
4 The figure shows the cumulative number of these infants placed to sleep prone .
5 The cumulative number of words assigned the correct ranks for these texts are shown in diagrammatic form in fig 4.9a and 4.9b .
6 The rate is proportional to the derivative of the cumulative number of publications in a field , from the time of its origin .
7 by another number of millimetres
8 The reduction in the paperwork undertaken by officers will mean a further number of police officers back on the beat , where the people of this county want to see them .
9 For each of the areas a recommended number of periods was given .
10 ( Surprisingly , Devereux found that this was the only area of active faults that did not have a marked number of UFO reports , but this seems to be a result of his patchy methods of obtaining data . )
11 The plant — hospitals , equipment , surgeries — being state-owned and state-administered , those changes do not come about by a gradual process made up of an infinite number of individual decisions : they happen in lurches , of which the most visible form is not the provision of new plant but the discontinuance of old plant .
12 There could be no greater indication of the contrast between me two friends ' approach to their craft than a comparison between The Lost Road , tentatively built up stage by stage , with an infinite number of backward glances at the whole mythology that has gone before , and Lewis 's self-confident brush strokes as he dashed off Out of the Silent Planet .
13 The Nez Perce believed in an infinite number of spirits , all of them a part of one omnipotent deity and embodying a sacred Wyakin power , which was present in the land , elements and animals of their country .
14 A bird in the hand is never worth an infinite number of birds in the bush .
15 But the estimates could be wrecked by the infinite number of remaining terms .
16 To Malebranche , for example , it appeared not unreasonable that there were an infinite number of trees in a single seed ; this , he argued , would only seem extravagant to those who measured God 's powers by their own imagination .
17 ‘ So there is an almost infinite number of possible combinations ? ’
18 There are an infinite number of possible powers to which data can be raised .
19 It is then possible that a sequence both of coordinate transformations ( 12.19 ) and Ehlers transformations ( 12.20 ) in the potential space can be applied alternately to generate a further class of solutions with an infinite number of parameters .
20 ( At one point it was commented that ‘ There are an infinite number of ways of organising our file references , and most of them have been used already ! ’ )
21 Again they must perform an infinite number of circuits to reach either pole , as their paths are loxodromes , from the sailing term for keeping to a constant bearing .
22 Put as simply as possible the hypothesis is : — From the start of life up to a certain time which is designated the Dawn of Civilisation , ‘ goodness ’ was being created from one source only , that source being the endless stream of infinitely small but favourable evolutionary changes or events , producing an infinite number of minute units of what , by virtue of its favourable nature , has been termed ‘ goodness ’ , the outcome of each favourable event being regarded as one unit .
23 Designed to replace the old blue plates with their yellow numbers , the State 's Department of Motor Vehicles was proud of the fact that the new plates ‘ offer an almost infinite number of combinations ’ , but was nervous about where some of those combinations might lead them .
24 Plans to develop the market have so far required 100 businesses to relocate and changed the lives of an infinite number of people .
25 He has ‘ written ’ far more books than any other driver in the history of the sport ; he has given an infinite number of ‘ in depth ’ interviews ; he has been the subject of as much and as adulatory film footage as the Fellini-like Enzo Ferrari , and while everything he says seems absolutely straight , nothing he says is without a sharp edge to it .
26 Some scientists — and we should add hastily that they are in a small minority — feel that this is mincing words : they feel that by ‘ forever ’ we should mean an infinite number of billions of years rather than a period whose duration can be estimated .
27 However , it will never be possible to test the validity of this conclusion , since ‘ knowing the meaning of a word ’ implies being able to use that word in an infinite number of possible situations .
28 This should not surprise us , if we remember that , even after another millennium of evolution Zeus was still credited with the ability to transform himself into an infinite number of forms : a bull , a swan , thunder and lightning , and a shower of gold .
29 Even if life on this planet were , for the next ten thousand years , to be pretty joyful , on the whole , the infinite number of low level moments of slug pleasure will be more valuable .
30 In 1600 , the renegade monk Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for numerous heresies , including the proposition that the universe is infinite and that it contains an infinite number of worlds .
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