Example sentences of "[adj] years erm " in BNC.

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1 We 've been around now for two and a half years erm we work as support workers , I suppose , like erm community workers or social workers in some contexts .
2 The purpose of that , or the reasoning behind f behind that , was that , over the last few years erm , this type of expenditure has been charged not to Social Services but to the section one three seven account .
3 no at the moment all my friends have , have been married a few years erm next time you come and er
4 I mean if we look at erm the large number of single parent families , mainly who are headed by women , the position of Social Security for these women has deteriorated in the last few years erm both in terms of the real value of the money received ; Child Benefit has been frozen for the last three or four years ; regulations such as you used to be able to offset your child care expenses when you were claiming income support have been changed , women can no longer can now only earn erm fifteen pounds a week of they 're a single parent and they can not offset their child care costs .
5 The first May I fell out my garden and put my elbow out , this , this , this one right out which makes it awkward for me to use now , you know , I , I put that right out and therefore erm I had to go at , up to hospital and put that right and the follow the following , the following May my bed caught alight with electric blanket and that blazed all up , had my , had my bed all alight my double bed , the electric blanket and I 'd only just had it serviced and that went , that was the second May and the third May we were going on an outing me and erm Arthur that was lodging with me and he , we got out of the taxi at Parndon and it , he just collapsed and died at me feet so that 's the , that was the end of that and I 've been living here you know , since he went , and erm I used to be able to get anywhere with one stick cos I had arthritis in this right hip you see , I could get anywhere with one stick in the taxi , or anywhere and I went to my son 's , er which is now coming , I 've been here about twelve years in this bungalow , er eight years erm , eight years ago in No this November gone , I went down to my son 's , it was rather slippery and he took me down in the car and I , as I got out erm the car I said to him mind it 's very slippery , he said I wo n't let you fall mother he said , so I went in , but as I came out with one stick he still had n't got anything down , you know , if it had been a , a sort of erm sand or something down I would n't of slipped and I got half way in his car and out I fell and caught this left hip on the step , on the step and I dislocated my hip and it 's right out of the socket like that , it should be , and I ca n't have it put back because I 've had several coronaries in my life time and I can not have it put back you see
6 Oh yes oh yes in my thirty odd years erm looking back now it must have been primitive in those days really .
7 Well if you remember that the Jarrow marches and the general strike were n't very many years erm you know be behind the preparations that were going on for the second world war .
8 Er and the proposal that I shall report is the and in particular those matter our certainty of responsibility between various agencies needs to be addressed erm it arose obviously are much more widespread than in the past week , but er I was granted in fact to give consideration to this result of the parish meeting , conventional routine parish meeting at Barnham er on the fourth of January erm which led to the largest parish meetings I think they 've had in many years erm when because people were incensed with the suffering and the hardship that they had as a result of the flooding on the night of Thursday the thirtieth of December erm should let me say first of all that erm I would congratulate all those who were involved er in dealing with the present emergency operations erm it 's quite superb , it 's erm it seemed to be erm a remarkable reflection on the capacity er that to deal with certain circumstances reflects very well on this authority and in saying that I mean it 's not just the opposites to the men and women who are involved , but also whereas I 'm sure many members are here that members amongst our numbers have putting on very long hours in dealing with the present circumstances and I congratulate on the activities .
9 Yep , yep erm these officers are all trained in , in fire prevention work erm at the Fire Service 's technical college at Morton Marsh , and er they practise those skills they learn there over many years erm I 'm looking back , I mean the time that I spent in training schools and er and in , in the job er I suppose when you total it all up it must be two or three years away from home really , er in courses you know , in my day we went away on fire prevention training classes six months , six months ' course was the , so you went away to the Fire Service college which in those days was at Dorking , a lovely place in Dorking , and you did six months there solid , and then nowadays about thirteen weeks , the courses run about thirteen weeks , and you are constantly fire , fire officers from the ranks of erm probably a Sub Officer , leading fireman in some places , but Sub Officer onwards and particularly Station Officer up to the more senior ranks are away on courses regularly for , it 's really updating people erm new legislation coming in , new techniques coming in , erm which have to be these people have to be updated so they are very well trained , erm more so than most local authority people I would think , fire , fire officers are , erm purely because the job is such a wide range of , of things to deal with .
10 when a lady who lived on Dartmoor for many , many years erm was telling stories of things that had actually happened
11 perhaps in six months or in sixty years erm facing the same kind of problem again er I , I can erm I have close experience with a situation on my , on my own patch which rises from time to time an and is most unpleasant for the people in and it goes back if I might say so an and therefore the planning considerations that have been mentioned need to be paid attention to .
12 When I say existed for ten years , er I I did make a slight mistake in that for ten years erm the village .
13 And I think this has been proved you know that ask when people have changed their minds and said I do n't know , that this is what has happened in the last er ten to fifteen years erm and which makes me feel that once again I think that advances can only be evolutionary erm I think that erm , I do n't know if you , anybody saw Joseph Conrad 's erm spy story on the television ?
14 Erm Schumann psychology first years erm , that you is n't it , H P one ?
15 The average Council Tax payer , the council tax ca n't be more than , around four percent erm which reminds me of the last miracle budget we had , ninety eighty nine I think it was , again a Labour budget which I think was three point nine per cent increase then and the lowest rate of increase for twenty years erm and the highest level of growth erm .
16 uses now the reason we need , not just nuclear power of course , but all other sources of energy er is erm illustrated by these next couple of slides erm I 'm sure you 've seen data like this before growth in the world 's population over the last er few hundred years erm over the middle ages the er world 's population was fairly stable , although the birth rate was high er the death rate was equally high because of things like cholera and bubonic plague and smallpox and other things that used to kill people off in large numbers .
17 And apparently a colleague of mine gave a paper this morning saying that Kent was vulnerable to earthquakes erm even though earthquakes have not been recorded or at least not substantial ones in this country for perhaps two , three hundred years erm there is a history of earthquakes in , particularly in the sort of Colchester , Essex , Kent region , and erm the erm the historians and the pundits tell us that erm they may come back again so perhaps we ought to reinforce our buildings now .
18 He I I 'd been to them over a a period of about two years erm with all sorts o of different problems and in the end he said , You know I can increase your drugs but that wo n't help .
19 All I can say is that in a period of two years erm of five , in that time there was five sets of redundancies at erm Hatfield , there are two occasions we were told that they went through it and agree with the unions that there 'd be no more for twelve months and one occasion there was another chap in three months , so if you believe anything that the P A E people there , you know , you really want to wear dark glasses but could I ask you a question , I understand that there is something going on at work with Richard at and my guess is , is , erm that sort of job which we are , there is some form of development plans going forward .
20 See the thing is , what they 've said to me , because I 've been away now for nearly two years erm I 'd have to go back and do all the training again , which is a bit of a pain but its not too bad because I 've done it before sort of thing , she said to me oh yeah when you go I , I might come along and see if I like it , and we can do the training together she said , I manage to put her off that idea , manage to talk her out of that .
21 Some six hundred hectares of that land is actually designated as greenbelt , but in addition within that a number of those areas are er prevented from development in perpetuity we 'd argue because a large part of that area has got a historic status as stray land , which is a form of common land , which means it 's actually not not available for any form of development , similarly the flood planes of the river Ouse in particular is for physical development reasons er prevented from development in many areas , and those of you who were here this weekend will have no noticed the reason why , it was a flooding that took that took place on the Ouse valley , in addition to those constraints , open space within the city is at a premium erm the city falls below the Emperface standard , erm by er something like erm half a hectare per thousand population , so compared with the Emperface standard of two point four per thousand , the city reaches a quite a generous erm categorization of the recreational space we have available , only a total of two hectares per thousand , therefore , and this is very relevant to the Greater York debate , erm , really the only land for development within the city is recycled land , there are limited number of er sites which have not been developed in recent years erm which can be identified for development , and are being identified for development in our draft local plan .
22 In we 've had a menopause clinic in Glasgow for the last twenty four years erm , it 's run by a male doctor erm but we have been treating patients for that length time .
23 And we the used to pick on a on some sort of a nice looking little boy or little girl to say the collection piece that was appealing and I ca n't remember what it was now but er probably about four verses of what they called a collection piece , just before they started to collect you see and erm I think I said that three or four years erm running almost , so I must been pretty well good at it .
24 Okay so once again over four years erm you unfortunately the company went into liquidation .
25 In past years erm in the British Isles especially with the British Met Office , we 've only been able really to study part of the atmosphere over the northern hemisphere .
26 I never went to the extremes with heroin , but I was addicted to valium for seven years erm and I 've been clean from valium for four months erm through a drug programme in Brenda House
27 Erm I mean looking at the , er the only solution , I feel erm another poor factor of this committee is probably er erm unnecessary and if I look at appendix four which lists the possibles , if I can find , erm it is n't actually necessary to have rules all like this , er next years erm , next years priority will be dealt with next year .
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