Example sentences of "[adj] years which " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand a case lasting 2 years which went to trial where both liability and quantum were both heavily contested could easily rack up between 30 and 50 hours without too much difficulty .
2 Anglo 's problems have been exacerbated by the mild weather over the past few years which hit demand for solid fuel just as the recession clobbered other parts of the business .
3 What is perhaps most remarkable about the US experience is the relatively few years which have been needed to reverse the trend of this conditioning , and at least increase people 's familiarity with typical APR levels .
4 As Minton 's letters reveal , he chatted with her about his visits to Bristol to make advertisement drawings for the Imperial Smelting Corporation ( Colour Plate VII ) , about Michael Ayrton 's ‘ maddening ’ article , ‘ Picasso , Master of Pastiche ’ in Penguin New Writing and about Geoffrey Grigson 's Samuel Palmer : the Visionary Years which the students at Camberwell gave him when he left in December 1947 : What is absent in Minton 's letters to Edie Lamont is any hint of his riotous social life .
5 ‘ Look at Peter Gabriel , who does in fact get slagged off , and f—ing right and all , but he has n't made an album for six years which is longer than me , but he 's a current performer whereas I 'm an old lag who 's coming back .
6 In the six years which followed his resignation as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , Mosley himself had passed from Labour minister to Fascist leader .
7 In numerical terms , the nursing workforce renews itself every six years which results in a large population of nurses who are not practising within the NHS .
8 Throughout the six years which have intervened these charges have remained in the magistracy , the subject of successive remands .
9 C.1 which are brought after a certain period because the Vendor would otherwise have a contingent liability for six years which is unacceptable ; the Vendor wants to know after a reasonable period that it is free from any further claims .
10 The world stockmarket hiccup of October 1987 pulled people up sharp and the malaise of the six years which followed gave plenty of time for reflection .
11 If that were so , there would scarcely be a government in the last 100 years which could be regarded as legitimate , but it is those uses of power and law which seem to betray or which can only be reasonably explained by a contempt for or at least an impatience with the principles of limited government and a belief that the rightness of the policies to be executed excuse or justify the methods whereby they are executed .
12 It is the accuracy of the results of STPS monitoring projects on Zakynthos for the past 10 years which allows Mr Scott 's source , Mrs Lily Venizelos , to talk about the situation there like an expert .
13 We all share the view that local authority services should be provided by highly motivated , highly trained professional staff but local authorities have had their budgets cut from central government over the last thirteen years which has restricted the amount of finance available for training and has cut to the bone the finance available to provide efficient and effective services to the consumer .
14 He has recorded seven sittings with seven different mediums over eight years which give , he feels , all the evidence he needs .
15 The redevelopment is part of a UK government sponsored scheme over the next eight years which involves the demolition of 1960s and 70s tower blocks , and their replacement with low rise modern housing .
16 To become a member during that brief period demanded a lower level of commitment than in the more repressive years which preceded and followed it , and intelligenty members were now heavily outnumbered .
17 Among the western Saxons Ine may not have acquired royal power until the following year ; he abdicated in 726 and the West Saxon Genealogical Regnal List gives him a reign of thirty-seven years which implies an accession in 689 , not 688 .
18 The important debate in my opinion that we shall have this Committee stage and it is for that reason and also because for four-and-a-half years which I think is regarded as a very long time , I was answerable for police affairs er with the Home Secretary in another place , as the Noble Lord , Lord Callaghan will remember , many years ago , it goes back to January nineteen fifty-eight when I became Under Secretary and he was political advisor to the Police Federation and we very rarely disagreed I 'm happy to say .
19 Or the record of the respectable opinion in the pre-war years which was already bewailing the corruption of morals and the decline of standards ?
20 This was one cause of the severe financial problems of the railways in later years which led to increasing state intervention even before nationalization .
21 The cumulative amount of goodwill resulting from acquisitions during the current and previous years which has been written off , net of goodwill attributable to disposals before 31st March 1991 , totals £3,850,000 .
22 Fortunately my mother was able to return to teaching and to complete the final two or three years which qualified her for a pension of her own .
23 In return Mafart and Prieur had their sentences commuted to three years which were to be served in exile at the French military base on the Pacific island of Hao .
24 Lipcon understands long-term as being two or three years which is what he figures it took the Mac to amass the necessary apps and catch on .
25 Top left represents SQL life cycle tools , which are tools which have has been delivering for the last three years which address each of the needs of the entire project life cycle .
26 It also deducted from the sentence the three years which Bao had spent in detention since 1989 .
27 Despite a foreign exchange crisis which later resulted in the devaluation of the lira and its suspension from the ERM [ see p. 39080 ] , President Oscar Scalfaro vetoed a government request , announced on Sept. 9 , for emergency economic powers for a period of three years which would allow it to act rapidly by decree if the Bank of Italy decided that the national economy was endangered .
28 Some of these arguments have called into question methods of accounting for capital instruments used for many years which had previously appeared uncontroversial .
29 The colt 's sheer presence has resulted in the smallest field for many years which could count against him .
30 In the seventy years which have elapsed since the publication of Miss Buckland 's book the tomato has taken its revenge for three centuries of neglect .
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