Example sentences of "[adj] years [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 He was in fact an excellent schoolboy quarter-miler ( thus proving another old adage of mine , that if you were very good in your youth you 'll be a very good Vet , no matter that 30 years may have passed since you last pulled on running shoes ) .
2 If this is the case , the changes of the past 30 years may be the first signs of a return to the more traditional population distribution of pre-industrial Britain , but it must also be borne in mind that it takes a very long time to shift major population patterns , and that the present trends may only be a veneer on an underlying and more permanent structure .
3 The next 30 years may be crucial . "
4 In an examination of the possible effects of coal-fired power stations Board scientists estimate that the release of 1.62 curies of polonium over 30 years would lead to a population dose of 3600 man-rems .
5 It was announced on Feb. 11 that Nepal 's first multiparty general election in 30 years would be held on May 30 .
6 Although there is evidence that those who choose to learn sign language after the age of 30 years will not reach the level of understanding of those who begin earlier ; and although there is a declining performance as the age of sign language learning increases , it does not mean that all those over the age of 30 years can not learn BSL , nor that they will be unable to communicate .
7 The most important and comprehensive exhibition of Toulouse-Lautrec 's work for nearly 30 years will be on show at the Hayward Gallery , London , this month .
8 What is more , we are told unequivocally that only those who are fortunate enough to live for another 30 years will be able to find out the purchase price of those companies .
9 Their half-lives of about 30 years will determine the length of time over which the doses will be delivered .
10 As the DNA predictive test is the most accurate predictor of not inheriting the gene , screening beyond 30 years will probably be necessaryin about 50% of subjects , especially if there is late onset in the family .
11 In the meantime more prolonged screening beyond 30 years will be required in a number of at risk individuals .
12 A TYNESIDE man who has worked for the Ministry of Defence for nearly 30 years will be awarded a medal on Thursday .
13 A MAN who has been at the centre of planning in North East Wales for more than 30 years will retire this month from public office , and turn his attention to private consultancy .
14 Although there is evidence that those who choose to learn sign language after the age of 30 years will not reach the level of understanding of those who begin earlier ; and although there is a declining performance as the age of sign language learning increases , it does not mean that all those over the age of 30 years can not learn BSL , nor that they will be unable to communicate .
15 The change of status , too , from ‘ wife , to ‘ widow ’ is felt very keenly by most women as a loss of considerable significance , which indeed it is ; for without a partner , a woman who has been married for some years may , unless she already has well developed interests outside her home , find that her social life is suddenly transformed in a very disturbing way .
16 However , some years would pass before selected commandos were trained as parachutists .
17 In general the move towards wage supplementation in the rural South and East enabled the old Poor Law just about to cope with the problem of subsisting the poor in a period of unprecedentedly high bread prices , during which some years can only be described as desperate .
18 Most of us who 've been on this council some years will have seen the stress that the labour party brought on a number of senior officers who felt obliged to leave in what I would call distressing circumstances .
19 After his election to a five-year term , he said : ‘ Albania has been a one-man country for 70 years , and for some years should be a parliamentary country .
20 But the question was being only vaguely suggested — the next forty-five years would see it become more sharply pointed , demanding an answer from the interested individual and from the missionary Church .
21 A reduction in the barrage of antismoking advice during the teenage years would thus be combined with an increase in health promotion aimed at a more responsive group .
22 ‘ Our findings mean that those who start to smoke in their teenage years will be at particularly high risk of death from tobacco in later life . ’
23 Forty years may be a long time to wait for a 19p basic rate of tax .
24 Now I can see the sense of that , you know , we could probably go to a New York lawyer on a no no win , no pay basis and take action agai an and argue that case , but you know is this what , what really people who 've paid pensions for thirty or forty years should be dealing with , you know .
25 Perhaps the combination of the growing strength of the feminist movement in this country and the expanding numbers of older women over the next twenty to forty years will provide the keys to political and social change .
26 Otherwise that person having worked for four different employers during the forty years will not retire on two-thirds of final salary , but will retire on two-thirds er only perhaps the last employer for the last ten years .
27 The period of six and a half years should be divided into two sections .
28 The problems result from long-term exposure , so families who change homes every few years may not suffer because they are exposed to levels above the action level for only a short time .
29 It is possible , however , that quick approximations could be devised that would reduce the work-load by a factor of 5 , while improvements in hardware over the next few years may well absorb the rest .
30 The next few years may be , in some respects , painful , but history suggests that the excesses will be eroded .
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