Example sentences of "[adj] time a " in BNC.

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1 At half time a mental breakdown resulted in a couple of the boys ( names no mentioned to save their embarrassment ) swapping positions for the second half which was a mistake on par with buying a timeshare in Bosnia .
2 At this time a MacMillan ballet was expected to be , above all , about dancing .
3 The soldiers ' families have probably received by this time a letter containing the words ‘ missing in action' ’ .
4 It began in Klosters again , with the famous photocall , this time a foursome of the Waleses and the Yorks , ending with Diana and Fergie wrestling to push the other off balance .
5 By this time a new aesthetic movement was evolving .
6 At this time a series of calamities fell on England .
7 About this time a detailed correspondence , lasting for twenty years , started between Sloane and Ray .
8 Let me hasten to say that in many schools , particularly in the West Riding , fine education took place , but far from it helping to increase drama in schools , it had the reverse effect for two reasons : ( 1 ) it appeared once more to be something that could only be handled by a specialist — this time a P.E .
9 ( See the earliest drawing ) , was unsatisfactory , so in September 1908 a trial tee was constructed somewhere near what is now the ladies ' winter tee on the 16th , the 17th green being more or less as we know today , although at this time a twin green with the first .
10 ‘ The heat , ’ she lied , and prayed for the band to start playing , which it promptly did , this time a waltz .
11 The Kadets , at this time a middle-class reform party , promised cultural self-determination and equality for the peoples of the empire , but in a unitary State .
12 It is also only too keen to buy and , just two months after the release of ‘ The World Wo n't Listen ’ , Rough Trade were forced into the position of issuing yet another Smiths compilation album , this time a double album , on to the English record racks .
13 Fig 83 Another jump from Robby ; this time a 20 ft leap into oblivion
14 And then again this morning he had another business engagement , but this time a different one , apparently , for he had put on his best suit and bowler hat and his black top-coat .
15 Return to the starting position , but this time a little higher up .
16 I met at this time a number of adopted children , and realised that the problems we all faced were similar , whatever the child 's colour happened to be .
17 However , by this time a new interest had entered my life .
18 In another factory , this time a machine shop , managers were divided on whether to allow shop-floor workers some aspects of control over setting computerised tools .
19 Allan was in the first heat , again wearing his knee-length shorts — this time a pair of cut-down Nike tights .
20 She was at this time a large , middle-aged woman whose name I shall not mention .
21 Ormonde duly did so , but this time a storm drove him back to France , and he got into St Malo just as an English squadron arrived to blockade it .
22 This time a yield of 15,200 kilograms per hectare was authorised , but instead of the regulation 100 litres of juice per 150 kilograms of grapes , a unique declaration of 100 litres per 160 kilograms was enforced .
23 This time a thirty-year-old schoolteacher cycling home to Hunstanton who had a puncture on a lonely stretch of road .
24 By imperial unification they meant at this time a federal union of Britain and the white dominions , a scheme differing little in its essentials from other schemes of imperial union which had occupied the minds of the British political classes from time to time during the latter part of the nineteenth century .
25 The poor weather , with many fog patches restricting visibility to less than two miles , prevented the warships and their respective convoys from being discovered , although another ‘ snooper ’ , this time a Ju88 from 1(F)/121 was intercepted by a pair of Fulmars from ‘ Formidable 's ’ 806 Squadron flown by Lts .
26 The Restaurant Manager retired six months later , and was re placed by another outsider , this time a male HND diploma holder with eight years ' experience in hotels and restaurants .
27 Another pause ; this time a little longer , but not much .
28 This time a secretary answered , saying that as her employer ‘ has a large backlog of books to read , he found the addition of another one rather an embarrassment … he has passed it to a friend in a London hospital . ’
29 Joy and Alan set off on one of their marathon walks , this time a coast-to-coast sponsored effort to raise money for our local church , one of the oldest in North Wales .
30 Here , too , we have a mystery ; this time a psychological one , or perhaps it is really the province of anthropology , or archaeology , or …
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