Example sentences of "[adj] the change " in BNC.

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1 Er but but it it is not simple as in any of these matters er in that the change in the vacant dwellings difference here also has a consequential figure for dwellings different at the end .
2 We do n't want the children from Columbia on the streets etcetera , because there 's sort of an awful helplessness about us , because we think we 're doing one person , how on earth can we actually do anything , you see if enough people think together that if possible the change happens , then it can happen , right , and you are actually the ones that are going to have to be considering that you are a world 's visitor , you are not just Tom and you 're not just Anthony right , erm , you 've really got to think , what about Jayne , there you are ideal Jayne
3 In private most managers worry intensely about how corrosive the change will be .
4 Add to this the change in orientation of the legs in many reptiles , which can be used in an efficient running action , unlike the ungainly waddling of the amphibians and it will be apparent why the reptiles were better adapted to terrestrial life than the amphibians , and why they largely displaced them .
5 Part of the explanation for this patchy development may lie in what Richards ( 1987 , p. 36 ) calls the ‘ fragmentation of the institutional arrangements within central government for guiding the changes ’ .
6 For some the change means spending a second year as a part-timer in Stage I passing outstanding compulsory modules .
7 Can you tell us an indication of how much the changes reduce operational capability in percentage terms ?
8 5.1 The changes to the Assessment Procedures required a review of the Learning Outcomes and a reduction of the overlap between the modules .
9 The more detailed and final the design is before tender , the fewer the changes to the design which may be needed after the contract has been awarded .
10 This does not allow sufficiently for annual variations for the figures to permit strict statistical analysis , but even with these the changes are too striking to be totally ignored .
11 But for all the changes , the prime emphasis in the retail market , so far as movies are concerned , still seems to be on the past , and predominantly on the mainstream Hollywood past .
12 On Thursday 2 May , I opened with a slide show which took the Cabinet through all the changes and complexities of the subject .
13 There are few children who do not experience the death of a much-loved grandparent or pet when they are quite young , and yet so often they are excluded from all the changes that go on at the time of a grandparent 's death , as though in some way this will leave them unaffected .
14 ‘ I think it 's absolutely terrific that the ICA is becoming more international and reflecting all the changes in Eastern Europe , ’ he says .
15 Naturally , they made getting my visa as difficult as possible , even now after all the changes .
16 It becomes possible to think of accounting for all the changes in form of early sea-urchin development in terms of a changing pattern of cell contractions and cell contacts .
17 All the changes and symptoms that arise are noted and studied to detect patterns and trends that are characteristic and commonly occur .
18 The impact of the National Curriculum and all the changes it brings with it gives heads a pressing reason — just as Mr Baker 's off-the-peg allocation of incentive allowances gives them an opportunity — to review the structures and responsibilities of management in their schools .
19 The third and final category is almost a superordinate to the other two in that it asks how all the changes implied in the first two aspects are being handled .
20 Here the speech , music or other information makes a light source ‘ flash ’ with a brightness which follows all the changes in the sound pattern .
21 He added : ‘ All the changes I have made to the course are straightforward and have really been designed visually rather than penally — in other words , if someone is playing well , they will be rewarded . ’
22 Co-ordination with the other flyers through a schedule of figures can only be achieved with full understanding , and a strong team leader who acts as a caller to signal all the changes of movement .
23 We could have held out for another three years and got over all the changes and benefited financially , but I do n't believe finance is the be-all and end-all of everything .
24 What I have tried to do is to highlight the changes of greatest significance to a wider audience ; preparers and auditors of building society accounts will need to refer to the 1992 regulations themselves for a comprehensive assessment of all the changes .
25 With all the changes in local government you need a reliable guide …
26 There is a book to be written on the identity crisis apparent in nurses who have been left to the mercy of all the changes , and you will be far from alone if you can not tell a facilitator from a patient services coordinator !
27 From nuclear strike to conventional attack/reconnaissance , all the changes in the roles that the Starfighter carried out are detailed , in company with a very comprehensive collection of colour and black and white photographs .
28 In September 1956 liturgical leaders , including six cardinals and 800 bishops , came together in Assisi to express their gratitude to the pope for all the changes that had been brought about in the liturgy during his pontificate .
29 QUOTE : ONE JUST wondered if we had been provided with all the changes of the new laws relating to lbws .
30 Even given that all the changes worked , would such a new strategy pay ?
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