Example sentences of "[adj] take such " in BNC.

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1 This took such forms as the praise of regionalism in the United States in the 1930s , Marxist criticism in London or New York , or Communist positions taken by Italian critics after the Second World War .
2 Few take such pronouncements seriously .
3 Mr Ashdown would not only be brave to take such a risk , he would also be extremely foolish .
4 The currency convertability restrictions threaten to wipe out the country 's domestic base of small resellers unless suppliers opt to extend credit facilities further , but to date there has been no indication that suppliers are prepared to take such steps .
5 To understand why he was willing to take such an immense risk with his own reputation as well as with France 's future , one must look beyond personal ambition .
6 Make me understand why you 're willing to take such a risk for the sake of a story . ’
7 She knew that she would probably be naughty again , because that was the way she was , but never again would she be quite so prone to take such instant action .
8 In the case of a limited number of Old English or Anglo-Saxon bynames these took such forms as at Dentune , on Lundye , of Wommerstone , in Mapeldre , but after the Conquest the prefix became , almost without exception , the preposition de ( of or from ) , it mattering not whether the place was in France or England .
9 Owen found it hard to take such incidents seriously .
10 It 's all taken such an effort .
11 Most of the time we are able to take such perversity in our stride .
12 Like a trueborn criminal he seemed able to take such setbacks in his stride .
13 observed , almost by way of invitation , at p. 329b : ‘ It may be that the House of Lords will feel able to take such a step but it is my present view that this is a matter for consideration by Parliament . ’
14 For it had dawned upon her suddenly why she had been able to take such pure pleasure in the Lord Owen 's triumph , unspotted by any tincture of regret or sympathy for these humbled princes driven so ignominiously out of Wales at his hands .
15 Yes , we were able to take such initiatives .
16 The departure of Bob Horton was a traumatic event , but Sir Patrick suggests that there was probably no group of people better qualified to take such a decision than BP 's non-executives .
17 Section 6(2) empowers the court to order a person who has entered into a transaction in contravention of section 3 to take such steps as the court may direct for restoring ‘ the parties ’ ( that is the contravener and the investor ) to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into .
18 The Revenue is centralising its cases on this point at claims branch and of course the value to the Revenue of fighting these cases is far greater than the value to individual taxpayers ; on the other hand , the financial risk for the individual taxpayer of being the first to take such a case before the Special Commissioners or higher , would be extremely high .
19 But they fear that next year it will be more difficult to take such action , when European Safety Standards , less stringent than Britain 's , come into force .
20 They can either accept the recommendation , admitting that they are in control of what they do and the situations they create , or more likely they will protest that to take such advice will worsen the situation .
21 By means of regression it is possible to take such a man back to one of those occasions when his own and his partner 's mutual desires had culminated in a very happy and successful sexual encounter for them both .
22 3.10 If in the future and agree that it is necessary or desirable to register a copyright or other intellectual property right anywhere in the world with respect to the Licensed Products , and will co-operate and each take such action as is required to register the right in question in the name of the party to whom said right belong .
23 Why did I think it necessary to take such drastic measures ?
24 But it is n't always necessary to take such drastic action .
25 Only the Seven took such things for granted .
26 ‘ Under the Companies Act , we are entitled to take such action if more than 10 per cent of the shareholders back the application .
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