Example sentences of "[adj] by the " in BNC.

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1 A key assumption is that the money supply is exogenous — uninfluenced by economic activity — but is controllable by the monetary authorities .
2 — Now you shall see , but take this by the way — He came home this Morning at his usual Hour of Four , waken 'd me out of a sweet Dream of something else , by tumbling over the Tea-table , which he broke all to pieces , after his Man and he had rowl 'd about the Room like sick Passengers in a Storm , he comes flounce into Bed , dead as a Salmon into a Fishmonger 's Basket ; his Feet cold as Ice , his Breath hot as a Furnace , and his hands and Face as greasy as his Flanel Night-cap. — O Matrimony !
3 He was perfectly entitled to do this by the statutes of the English Faculty ; but there being , at that date , no one in Oxford who could teach it , Lewis had to organize a tutor from Aberystwyth to be brought to Oxford once a week by train .
4 Nothing was done to arrest this by the local council , which had discretionary powers to do so .
5 The women achieve this by the performances of countless religious rituals of their own which are observed for the welfare of their male protectors in their families .
6 I had to concede that they ( abnormalities at birth ) were present and much was made of this by the defence counsel . ’
7 They were driven to this by the obstructiveness that Stirling met with .
8 We can judge this by the massively negative emotions aroused within us by little pin-pricks that we should be easily able to take .
9 The evidence presented for this by the ‘ New Realists ’ and others is the seemingly inexorable rise of crime and the decline of ‘ clear-up ’ rates ( Lea et al . ,
10 They argued that enterprises would not reduce their prices but simply would accumulate stocks of finished goods , financing this by the issue of bills of exchange .
11 I swear this by the cross .
12 You can generally tell this by the sort of questions you are asked ;
13 The following day we explored Bragança 's castle , which is superbly preserved and houses a military museum , showing Portugal 's colonial past and the role played in this by the menfolk of Bragança .
14 The width is 180 squares , so multiply this by the 70 obtained for height .
15 In part they are ‘ helped ’ in this by the social organization of enterprises which is posited on a ‘ them ’ ( management ) and ‘ us ’ ( workers ) axis .
16 This by the very people who should be protecting them .
17 The Ovens committee continued its activity , organizing a press conference in Cork at which Alan Dalton of the BSSRS and Nancy Tait of the House of Commons Asbestos Action Committee spoke and the committee presented its report , which concluded that the planned emission of asbestos fibres into the atmosphere and the lack of effective control of this by the authorities represented a major health risk to the local population .
18 His diagnostic task is somehow to differentiate between the information he is receiving which is false and that which is valid and follow this by the selection of a remedial strategy .
19 Vitali Googol actively cultivated an air of sophistication , aided in this by the premature age lines wrought in his visage due to long immersion in deep space and in the warp .
20 Entering Collias , follow signs for Kayak Vert canoe hire centre , and park near this by the river .
21 He managed this by the spring of 1989 , though the registrar , Claude Brisset , is ‘ 99.9% sure ’ of having seen no further application .
22 He achieved this by the least painful means possible , by reducing the rate of tax on lower levels of earned income .
23 As a matter of principle this seems excessively hard on third parties ; the buffer stock Manager was known publicly to be the representative of the International Tin Council , there was reliance upon this by the third parties and the States therefore should not be able later to deny their involvement .
24 ( 8 ) Stage 1 of the project ends when the project team approves the proposal and the school is officially informed of this by the County Librarian .
25 Several methods are available , those most frequently used employing reduction of the nitrate to ammonia and estimation of this by the standard methods .
26 This by the way is er Donald who is making sound recordings of in the school today .
27 To remind the assembly that this is a matter which was raised I think by Mr a couple of years ago and when a very similar motion was accepted by the Board er asking us to raise this matter with the the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Scotland , which we did er we know that there has been attention paid to this by the , the hierarchy .
28 Among a certain type he invited violence but was protected from this by the proximity of Ricky Stride whose physique gave him the appearance of a bodyguard .
29 However , apart from references to this by the local residents , an internal memorandum from the borough engineer dated 26 January 1983 expressly refers to 24-hour operation .
30 The aggregate approach , used by the DES , first forecasts the number of qualified school leavers and then multiplies this by the proportion entering HE .
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