Example sentences of "[adj] not to " in BNC.

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1 They attributed this not to anything physical but to meditation on higher things .
2 Bayley , knowing this not to be the case , suspecting foul play and fearing for his own safety , refused to supply one .
3 The pilot assumed that at this point the aircraft had stalled , and he noted that the ailerons seemed ineffective as if ( he said ) they had become detached ( subsequent investigation proved this not to be the case ) .
4 It would indeed be surprising were this not to be the case !
5 The argument from analogy with which we shall be concerned here admits that it is possible that the objects we call persons are , other than ourselves , mindless automata , but claims that we none the less have sufficient reason for supposing this not to be the case .
6 But the questions on which he focused attention — in particular , the permanence of a restricted group of personnel in power , and the tendency of this not to be related directly and specifically to economic structure — remain a central part of modern critiques of Marxist analysis .
7 1.4 When an employee has been physically assaulted in the course of duty the police must be called in , unless the employee and the line manager make a case for this not to be done on professional grounds .
8 The line manager and the employee may make a case to the District manager for this not to be done .
9 11.7 When an employee has been assaulted in the course of duty , the police must be called unless the manager and employee make a case for this not to be done .
10 I want this not to be happening , I ca n't believe what I 've done .
11 I 've got a trainee manager at the moment and I 've been trying to he 's just making such a balls up it 's easier not to .
12 More often than not , papers do appear different on either side and it would seem sensible not to be inhibited and to use the reverse if you actually prefer it !
13 It 's often more exciting not to preplan what 's going to happen in the scene , but we do need to know what has happened up to now .
14 I you know how conservative I am with figures and er with advising you as to what may occur I 'm myself relatively confident that erm we shall meet our ticket sales target by the year end and that there will be no as there as there 's been in previous years since er the aforementioned not to be noted er crisis .
15 Unlike earlier pop stars , they have been careful not to be ripped off — they have a hand in the business side , share production , invest their earnings wisely .
16 Some scholars have claimed that the fact that Ambrose did not give an exact site for the church — indeed , it seems he was actually careful not to — means that it was not a real church at all , merely a metaphor .
17 Ten minutes too long during a schooling session might mean a week 's set-back in a training programme , so be careful not to either work for too long or to expect too much too soon .
18 The corrugations of the track were half-filled with grit so that the wheel lost momentum in each hollow and at times I thought of myself as an engine-driver , pushing my train back to the station , always careful not to trip over the sleepers .
19 It was a somewhat strained discussion on both sides , the Right , as it were , being careful not to be pejoratively dismissive and to stress the importance of improving the morale of cancer patients and of discussion between sufferers and the world at large ; the Left being equally cautious not to exaggerate claims for holistic medicine .
20 I had n't met Filmer 's eyes all day ; had been careful not to ; and it seemed to me that his attention had been exclusively focused upon what he had now achieved , a visiting-terms acquaintanceship with Mercer Lorrimore .
21 The veteran Eire international is careful not to be drawn into a new slanging match with Ferguson — but one of those reasons must be to show the United manager that he is not a crippled has-been , better equipped propping up a bar than shoring up a defence at football 's highest level .
22 Burmans , having been deceived by the promises of the Japanese about independence , would be very careful not to be deceived again .
23 In doing so , the counsellor has to be careful not to be beguiled into believing the more comfortable initial reactions that many older people might present .
24 So , Knitmaster and Silver Reed owners , beware When you drop the ribber , do be careful not to also drop the pile levers into the ‘ closed ’ position or you will be knitting with too big a gap between the beds .
25 He thought , eating it , that he must be careful not to be too metaphorical in his instructions , since , in her anxiety to obey him to the letter , she might feed him a diet of unrelieved soup and rice pudding .
26 You must be careful not to unconsciously touch anything with even the gloves .
27 One or two of the excellent ones was spent , was spoiled by a little bit of er need to erm edit very carefully introdu introduction of concepts you must be careful not to , if you 've got a couple of hundred words only , but do n't introduce er concepts diversity of design must of been er a phrase picked up from the video itself because it appeared in two or three of them , but it 's no use talking about diversity and divine is it , de design as if , as if it 's a concept which everybody else is going to understand .
28 And she was careful not to be found out ; her recklessness , she says was only apparent : she always thought of Anna .
29 I was careful not to be as blatant with Émile .
30 She was ever watchful , and careful not to court publicity .
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