Example sentences of "[adj] [that] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was reported on Oct. 30 that at least 14 people had been hurt and 40 arrested when protesters attempted to prevent 27 members of the KKK from marching in Washington DC .
2 The Bernard brothers were so struck by this that for some weeks afterwards Henrietta was known to them as ‘ Piss-off darling ’ .
3 It is clear from this that for Rolle prayer was the most important exercise by which the reality of faith is realised , which is why he deals with it first after the section on the necessity for patience in adversity : Prayer is the means by which the transforming dynamic of the love of God is accessed in the innermost marrow ( " inhirliest mergh " ) of our hearts ( 7.118.28 ) and labour becomes light ( 11.123.30 ) .
4 It would be reasonable to expect from this that over a few years , our APR disclosure regulations broadly similar to the US Truth in Lending Law — will raise people 's knowledge of APRs well above the present level , and confirm them in their belief that disclosure of APRs is important .
5 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
6 It was obvious from this that in going into storms we were quite literally playing with fire .
7 We can see from this that in the technical sense most large and many small organisations can be described as bureaucracies .
8 It is in the Demoiselles that these two influences first appear together in the art of Picasso , and it is this that in part makes the picture a natural starting-point for the history of Cubism .
9 It follows from this that in a recognition test subjects will find it extremely difficult to distinguish one of the early sentences in a passage from similar sentences which mean the same .
10 Whether we would be correct to conclude from this that in manic-depression mania was produced by a quasi-toxic suppression of the superego I do not know , but if would certainly accord well with Freud 's suggestion that in the manic interludes in depression we witness ‘ a magnificent festival of the ego , which might then once again feel satisfied with itself ’ .
11 It will be apparent from this that in the event of LCH 's liquidation the clearing members would rank not as members but as creditors or debtors .
12 Though Labour joined with the Conservatives in May 1940 to fight the Second World War , under Churchill 's leadership , it is clear that despite the almost obsessive concern of the public about the threat of European fascism it was only the Labour Party , slow and cumbersome in its rate of change , which actually squared up to the necessity of facing fascism with military sanctions if necessary .
13 Another typical resistance is met when it becomes clear that despite everything that is being achieved in terms of family understanding and awareness , individuals are sticking rigidly to old patterns of interaction and behaviour .
14 For it is quite clear that despite innovative legislation , the proliferation of enforcement agencies , the relatively new use of imprisonment for corporate offenders , and absolutely ( but not relatively ) large fines for offending corporations , there has not been a substantial brake on corporate crime .
15 But in a few more months , Joyce wrote his apologia and made it clear that despite their apparent freedom of choice , there was in reality only one decision that he could have taken :
16 It is now all too clear that despite US occupation of Southern Korea the Russians have intended to impose a united front policy throughout the country …
17 It is clear that despite the package of protective designations and institutions created since 1945 , there has been a net decline in the quality of the Welsh countryside and the wider environment for the reasons given .
18 It is clear that despite the continuing success and positive feedback from the Programme the difficulties of organisation hinder a much better sharing between the Regions .
19 However it began to be clear that despite our good possession we were short on attacks .
20 Yet it is clear that despite this apparent failure of cooperation , we try to interpret B's utterance as nevertheless cooperative at some deeper ( non-superficial ) level .
21 And he made clear that despite the government 's small majority , they would be prepared to take difficult decisions about how to reduce the enormous government deficit .
22 It is clear that during the past twenty years developmental psychologists have come to the edge of a vast array of structural processes in the development of the mind , and an exciting era of experimental research has begun .
23 " Ladies and gentlemen , the fact that cholera is conveyed in the atmosphere is amply supported by the epidemic in Newcastle in 1853 when it became clear that during the months of September and October an invisible cholera cloud was suspended over the town .
24 It is clear that during a certain stage in the child 's development , artefacts become its principal means of articulating feelings and desires .
25 A letter sent to shareholders by the club 's legal adviser , Gordon Marshall , makes it clear that during the action a number of concessions had been obtained from the Deans family .
26 Allan Lamb took over the captaincy and did his best , but it soon became clear that without Gooch they were nothing like the same team .
27 The writ was never served , but it was perfectly clear that without aggressive and persistent action by our solicitors the Department would have continued to stall indefinitely .
28 Recently , from a series of parliamentary questions that I tabled to the Secretary of State for Scotland , it became clear that since his appointment he had not even bothered to contact the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority to discuss the storage and reprocessing of spent fuel at Dounreay .
29 It is clear that over the 1980s , our investment record has run well ahead of that of the rest of the Group of Seven .
30 It is clear that over the past year everyone in has worked extremely hard and for long hours .
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