Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] know " in BNC.

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1 Few would know , seeing two ‘ new ’ Spitfires in fresh interesting livery , parked against the crowd line , that for TE566/G–BLCK it would be its second flight and for TP280/G–BTXE its first .
2 And that 's a wee part of history that very few would know about .
3 It is natural to walk or run them and anyone who has done this will know that it becomes more of a rhythmic dance when perfectly attuned .
4 Anyone who has done this will know the feeling of being cramped in with other tired people , strap-hanging , sweating after a day at work .
5 Only the priveleged few will know what you 're talking about : - ) .
6 This too is a doom which must be faced , to know that which only few can know , and which can not be further explained . ’
7 Well in , and there 's one or two people here that 'll know what I 'm talking about , we 've had one of our local MPs on a consultancy basis for the Health Clinic , fix up a contract for his own particular company .
8 The accused must know he is a trespasser or be reckless to that fact .
9 In the " allowing " form the accused must know that the conveyance has been taken without lawful authority .
10 The accused must know that he has the prohibited article .
11 It would imply that the team playing second would know *exactly* what they would have to do to qualify .
12 At least number 47 would know , instead of suspecting , that even expensive objects get old and dirty and die .
13 If there were only a few , each could know what the others were doing and all would be aware of being watched .
14 Who would imagine that a thin , stuck-up-looking type like that could know so much ?
15 A subordinate must know to which superior he is responsible for a particular aspect of his duties ;
16 In response to this request he gave them the Lord 's Prayer , in which we pray first of all for God Himself , that all may know him and revere Him , that his mile may be extended over all , and that his will , so right and good and loving , may be done on earth , as it is by angels , prophets and saints in heaven .
17 We all need know whether she is or
18 The only other places somebody who 'd joined the Army at sixteen would know were Army places .
19 Everyone concerned should know exactly what they are there for — at this stage it is to define the problems .
20 Greg forbore to ask how someone with an accent like that would know , and said instead : ‘ It 'll bring in a tidy sum if it 's a best-seller , I suppose . ’
21 ( ’ One may know by your kiss that your gin is excellent . ’ )
22 See that the legal participants have attended real trials in order to learn how things are done ; the clerk of the court in particular should know his job .
23 Is there anything which your intended should know that you have not revealed to this point ?
24 Do th'think as Red 'ud know him ? ’
25 Something may be wrong but only one or two may know the truth .
26 It is a condition that has so worsened over the years that I no longer dare perform introductions I simply mumble ’ You two must know each other ’ and leave them to sort it out .
27 The ultimate in this sphere is to reach a state of ‘ Nirvana ’ — a state of ‘ passionless peace ’ as it is defined in the late Mr. Jim McCormick 's booklet ‘ What ever Christian should know about Hinduism and Yoga ’ .
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