Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] to have " in BNC.

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1 The Committee has pointed out that nothing is more foolish than to have timetable motions introduced after a Committee has sat for some sessions , perhaps debating the first two or three clauses of a Bill , and then , the guilloting having been introduced , the rest of the Bill — perhaps 60 , 70 or 80 clauses — is rushed through with hardly any debate .
2 It would be better to operate on the present system and to get that right than to have a discriminatory cow premium .
3 So to get back to what we say er yeah I like to fix a date and if people phone up and say well look I 've I 've got something else or I 've changed my mind I would rather have that than to have lots of paper work on my desk that just says may be or may be not .
4 For a Hindu woman nothing is more important than possessing a husband and nothing is luckier than to have a loving and caring husband .
5 Nothing would be more serious than to have unapproved contractors receiving the grant .
6 Was it however so paradoxical as to have dealt a death blow to the theory ?
7 There is nothing as joyful for the opinionated as to have finally been proved right and I ca n't help but think there are many marginally employed musicians around Ireland today who weep or harrumph glumly into their pints when they think what might have happened if they 'd listened to Nicky .
8 They never had been so unfortunate as to have intruders , and were unlikely to start now .
9 As three men slowly looked away McLeish received the uncompromising message that if any of them had been so lucky as to have dinner with Catherine Crane , none of them would have let her pay for herself .
10 it will be henceforth assumed that the typical unit of lexicology is the word ( this statement is so obvious as to have an air of tautology ) .
11 ‘ Crossman tended to presume that all those he came across , at work or socially , liked nothing better than to have their intellectual sacred cows challenged , their arguments questioned and their assumptions subjected to loud investigation . ’
12 A man who is working for Britain and doing it brilliantly , deserves better than to have his income support allowance stopped .
13 He suspected she could have wished for nothing better than to have him confined to bed and reliant on her care .
14 A lot of labour yes but that was far far better than to have to turn them by hand you know .
15 The timing of this rejection was unfortunate for Franco , for nothing would have suited him better than to have been able to announce Spanish membership of the international winners ' club on the morning of the ninth anniversary of the 18 July rising .
16 Nothing is more irritating than to have someone speaking for you when you are quite able to speak for yourself .
17 It 's nice to know that the Man Utd fans still feel so inadequate as to have to post things to the Leeds newsgroup .
18 She could feel Maggie 's distress ; Maggie needed more than to have her care about the house .
19 ‘ Personally , I ca n't think of anything I 'd like more than to have you as a brother-in-law . ’
20 It is important though to have corner blocks , and these I make in the time it takes for my tea to go cold .
21 The central importance attached to the inefficiency of labour markets is either so generally abstract as to have little or no practical application or so partial as to ignore the necessary interdependence between labour supply and a whole range of institutions .
22 So far I have discussed two attempts to distinguish the different types of political system in terms of an evolutionary scheme ; one of them ( that of Spencer ) being so abstract as to have little value in establishing a precise historical sequence , while the other ( that of Marx ) possesses less of an evolutionary character than may at first sight appear and leaves unsolved many problems in the construction of an adequate typology of precapitalist and capitalist societies .
23 Almost certainly it would have been the executors , after consultation with the family , as not even a cabinet-maker used to the undertaking trade would have been so bold as to have proceeded with such an elaborate item without having first enquired of the executors .
24 ‘ … one was a female pauper of very advanced age who had laboured for many years under a complication of incurable disorders , and her situation was so desperate as to have precluded her from being received into the House had it not happened that she was the first patient presented .
25 However , Dr Tim Synott of the Oxford Forestry Institute suggested that plantations might be suitable on some formerly-forested lands that had become so degraded as to have very little biological value .
26 Sitting by her bedroom window later that night , Laura lectured herself for having been so naïve as to have been upset by the remarks he had originally made on the dance-floor .
27 Other defects were so trivial as to have no effect .
28 Indeed , some people have suggested that it was so difficult as to have been impossible , but this is to underestimate the intelligence and ingenuity of our forebears .
29 Very few are so unmusical as to have no music at all within them , and all of us are surrounded by it for much of the time .
30 I 'm a secretary to pay the rent , and a very lazy ex-ballerina with no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free .
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