Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But even the most mercenary of foreign firms grows a little queasier about trading with a regime which shoots dead its citizens , and then tries to score popularity points by offering convict labour to foreign factories ; and even the most unreconstructed optimist can see that the resurgence of hard-line Marxists in the Peking power structure is likely to militate against further free-market reforms .
2 That night , however , there were more jokes than usual about needing passports to visit Asian areas of the city .
3 Paul Johnson ( 1987 ) has pointed out that there is something wonderfully absurd about assuming that a retired 66-year-old millionaire is more ‘ dependent ’ in an economic sense than a 64-year-old employed road mender .
4 ‘ Alec 's Red ’ is outstanding for cutting
5 Gaining territory by right of conquest was an entirely acceptable way to expand an empire , but it remained to be seen if anyone had worked out any better methods than those of the Spanish for ruling the new subjects acquired in that way .
6 George Birkitt got lazy about learning his lines too .
7 He realized he was due for shipping home to Blighty .
8 Both Redworth Hall , Heighington , and Hallgarth Hotel , Coatham Mundeville , have got the go-ahead for their proposed courses , while Romanby golf course , Northallerton , will be opening their 12bay driving range at the end of the month with an 18-hold , 6,660-yard course due for completing by 1994 .
9 But the death of Freddie Mills due for screening on April 6 is perhaps the most fascinating mystery , because the ex-boxer was so well known and because the case is the most recent .
10 ASTRONAUTS will bake loaves of bread on the shuttle Endeavour — due for launching this week-end — to see if yeast rises in space .
11 While vegetables generally have the capacity to germinate soon after spring sowing , however low the temperature drops , flower seeds , also due for sowing soon on adjacent land to provide cut flowers during the summer , do need more warmth to get going .
12 William McCrea was imprisoned in 1971 for taking part in a banned march in Dungiven .
13 Mitch Hatfield , marketing manager at Middlesbrough is hesitant about dismissing the scheme out of hand for his club but says there are no plans at present .
14 ( When looking at crime trends criminologists are usually hesitant about inferring objective worsening of problems on the basis of moral panics . )
15 ‘ I would be hesitant about forecasting a recovery for Pentos until we 've heard what the Budget brings in March , ’ commented William Cullum , retail analyst at Panmure Gordon .
16 In 1862 the regime was hesitant about addressing itself to the broad governmental and social implications of the emancipation of the serfs , but new developments in the military and fiscal spheres signalled that its enthusiasm for reform was returning .
17 They are hesitant about calling their sense of vocation as being in any way visionary .
18 Worldwide recession is obviously to blame for poorer attendance , as is unwillingness on the part of dealers to exhibit major pieces when clients are hesitant about buying .
19 Some of the larger aircraft were transferred to the parking area at Amman airport , for a long time the only point from which Iraq could be entered from abroad , as foreign airlines were hesitant about using traditional air corridors which ran close to a war zone .
20 They seemed anxious and hesitant about leaving , as if uncertain of which direction to take .
21 Other writers are less hesitant about attempting to describe what a fully developed professional is like .
22 Covia says it is hesitant about joining OSF , although ‘ favourable ’ negotiations are continuing .
23 In hindsight , if I had been aware of the exact nature of the Foreign Legion , how it operated , and how its members lived , I would have been much more hesitant about joining .
24 Some gardeners would be hesitant about adding strong yellow or gold to such a scheme , but there are no qualms here .
25 So do n't be hesitant about raising any questions you may have .
26 If you are hesitant about pruning flowered wood hard , some of the more vigorous varieties will reflect your hesitancy by sending out new growth from half way along old stems .
27 I would n't keep lifting them up to see how they were doing , and I 'd be pretty hesitant about pruning them too .
28 ‘ The Editor ’ , he blandly explained , ‘ can not be called dishonest for making his author speak what he believes , with more knowledge , the author would have said . ’
29 According to AWA , the Kenix-based single property system ( which is also suited to ‘ multiple property ’ environments ) is more cost-effective for running Keno in casinos — the company says Unix-based systems offer superior scalability , portability and interoperability .
30 However , Fraenkel says engineers are realising that wind power is more immediately cost-effective for pumping groundwater .
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