Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 His heart stopped beating and doctors who were summoned took 32 minutes to restart his heart .
2 Finally , fears that fundholders would encourage referrals to private clinics to avoid a charge on their budgets seem to be unfounded , certainly as far as these aggregate data are concerned , and there was only limited evidence that fundholders were making use of their freedom to contract with private hospitals for outpatient services for NHS patients .
3 The failure of these traditional local economic strategies to stimulate and sustain local economic growth in all but a minority of places has led to the development of new forms of policy .
4 The Labour proposals to extend urban boundaries to take in surrounding suburban and rural areas in a pattern of unitary authorities threatened the traditional Labour dominance in the major cities in the non-metropolitan areas .
5 All of these people would be affected by the Labour proposals to introduce a new top income tax rate of 50 per cent , and to extend national insurance contributions on salaries above £21,000 .
6 The European Commission has published a green paper on the environment which include far-reaching proposals to reduce pollution caused by road traffic .
7 In 1792 wages in Sheffield were said to be so high generally as to allow the leisure-preferring cutlers to live comfortably from working only three days a week .
8 Azerbaijani attempts to open a new front in the east through attacks on the Askeran region of the enclave from Agdam could not prevent their loss of control over Lachin on May 17 .
9 Using the Macintosh 's mouse-driven user interface to the full it allows complete tyros to become publishers almost overnight .
10 True , the two countries ' systems of choosing a leader and choosing a government are different , but there have been enough historic parallels to make Americans peer keenly at British elections .
11 However , behind that piece of information will be a myriad of pieces of evidence for the selectors to collect — information about parental values to do with winning and losing , about school attitudes to the athlete 's success , about energy , persistence , etc .
12 Chapman realized that to survive a team now needed three instead of two full-time defenders to cover the gap in the centre of the field .
13 But many responsible local finance officers accepted the phrase as an accurate description of , indeed as a compliment to , their legal and professional attempts to protect their localities against Government interference .
14 To begin with the government wants private operators to cast a spider 's web of cable-TV over the country , It is n't obvious that this is the best way to go about it .
15 The Transport Act 1980 has attempted to encourage private operators to enter passenger transport under the philosophy that more competition will lead to better services .
16 Mr Freeman last week told the committee of MPs considering the Railways Bill that they will not ask private operators to guarantee off-peak services in areas such as Strathclyde covered by passenger transport executives .
17 Fifteen states have passed laws enabling private operators to run roads and railways : the state of Washington did so last month .
18 Mr Karel Van Miert , the Transport Commissioner , is asking member governments to approve a plan which would leave passenger services largely in the hands of state-owned monopolies but open up freight services to competition by permitting private operators to pay for the use of publicly-owned tracks .
19 But the bearing of children at advanced ages to satisfy a demand for large numbers of them as , for example , in the Africa region is associated both with higher levels of maternal mortality , early childhood mortality and the morbidity of infants and young children .
20 Keynesians argue that the interest rate is the most important variable for the monetary authorities to control , but that monetary policy should be subsidiary to fiscal policy .
21 Under such pressures it proved very difficult for monetary authorities to intervene in foreign exchange markets to ensure stable rates of exchange between all EC currencies .
22 After this encounter Einstein gave up his specific attempts to undermine the uncertainty principle .
23 This was the general , and rather bleak , attitude behind his specific attempts to reach a formula for what was in effect a new Christian activism .
24 One of the biggest challenges to this new-look management was to cope with the ‘ tribalism ’ of the service ; the tendency of professional groups to cherish their historic rights to govern their own affairs .
25 However given the extent of monopoly ( and oligopoly ) in the NHS , the power of professional groups to win concessions , and the political need to guarantee equality of access the government has been forced to set narrow rules within which competition is allowed .
26 Are New Agers just simply home-grown nature-lovers , or are they one of the greatest dangers to confront Christendom ?
27 Divisional commandant George Kane said : ‘ Classes can help women be more aware of their surroundings , to know what possible dangers to look out for and to be more confident when out alone . ’
28 Divisional commandant George Kane said : ‘ These classes can help women be more aware of their surroundings , to know what possible dangers to look out for and to be more confident when out alone . ’
29 From intensive trading arose changes in the life style , values and population structure of local communities , massive over-use of resources , and the need for new economic inputs to maintain northern communities at even a minimal standard of living .
30 Today the human species has the knowledge of past mistakes , and the analytical and technical skills to halt destructive trends and to provide an adequate diet for all using lands well suited for agriculture .
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