Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] an " in BNC.

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1 In front of them , about twenty yards away , he had seen a barbed-wire fence some three feet high which an old corporal told him had already cost a thousand lives of those who had done nothing more than erect it .
2 Corgi is trying a new approach and has broken away from the single figure on the cover , giving this one an old master oil painting reproduction which makes it more sophisticated .
3 You know what schools are like — all sorts of rumours get around : this master is a sex-maniac , this one an alcoholic .
4 So , if I pass my er printed overheads for this one an allowance er , is , and you were talking about it really , you were using this as though it were going to be er , your money that you 'd got to spend for doing each one of those activities or each bit of work within the , the project .
5 Is this what an hour 's proximity to an out Jewish lesbian can do ?
6 An adequate explanation must both make clear what an action means to the participants , and how far the same outcome would result if different people were placed in the same context .
7 The residue of liberty just gets smaller and smaller , until eventually , in some areas , it is extinguished altogether , with freedom becoming no more than the power to do that which an official has decided for the time being not to prohibit .
8 Additionally , the rate of payment must not exceed that which an individual in similar personal circumstances would receive as a grant from a public awarding body .
10 It is amazing what an acutely exciting feeling is engendered when you know , or anticipate , that the carp are only a few short yards from where you sit .
11 It 's incredible what an aphrodisiac the prospect of motherhood can be for some women .
12 The books themselves were stunningly beautiful , each one an example of several renaissance arts but , most strikingly , of painting and calligraphy .
13 There could then be a real opportunity to give each one an exclusive angle .
14 These noises make a tapestry , each one an individual stitch .
15 They were made out of silk and embroidered with dragons , butterflies , monkeys , each one an entire chinoiserie .
16 So , I 'm gon na give that one an eight .
17 So I shall er I give that one an eight for the quality .
18 I 'll give that one an eight as well .
19 I am sure I an as guilty as most homœopaths of not waiting enough but waiting is not as significant with LM 's because the action of the remedy is more immediate .
20 A single man was guaranteed 3s ( 15p ) a week , and a married one an extra 1s 6d ( 7½p ) for each dependant .
21 They issue an er they issue an annuity , which is erm er if you 're not sure what an annuity is , this is a temporary annuity , and they might say in the case of Miss they might say well what about a ten year annuity ?
22 In the middle of page twenty eight , George lists all his different erm qualifications that he says he has and , I am not quite sure what an is an M A Master of Arts , P H D which is a doctor of erm philosophy and and he puts them all together to make up this word , ABMAPHD which does n't exist obviously as a real word .
23 A good deal of the care of them is common sense , but it is extraordinary what an uncommon quality that is when it comes to books .
24 A traditional worker who absents himself without good reason or who persistently fails to show up for his job is likely to he disciplined or dismissed , and a casual worker who fails to appear without being able to offer good justification , or who is seldom available , is likely to be dropped from the list of those who an organisation will contact .
25 First one an easy question .
26 Some labelled it an Australian Private Eye , but there was more to it than that .
27 We can deduce that what an animal does depends on its state , and that its state depends on its past history of reinforcement and on its genetic propensities ( for example , its propensity to be reinforced by food ) .
28 They do not deny — indeed they insist — that what an animal does is influenced by past experiences as well as present ones .
29 To put that another way , there are reasons for thinking that what an econometric model builder might believe is a good estimate of the constant structure of the economy is in fact no such thing , but rather an estimate of a relationship or group of relationships which are dependent upon a particular policy regime .
30 She felt very sorry for herself , if her mother new what an awful school she 'd come to she would take her away at once , Miss Winter too would be horrified .
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