Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] such " in BNC.

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1 One did not , moreover , have to be very rich to cultivate such an outlook .
2 Nevertheless , if pragmatics is to be considered a component within linguistic theory ( a question to which we shall return ) , it may be that to include such principles is indeed to include too much .
3 We have to go back to the first quarter of 1986 to see such a low figure for construction output per person in the past decade .
4 In principle , it is then possible to compare such ‘ doses ’ with epidemiological data , once again indicating a link from a hazard event to assessment of health outcomes .
5 Our study was retrospective and because the quality of general practitioners ' records varies and most records are destroyed after a patient dies , it was not possible to include such patients in our study .
6 It appears that the Nordischer Gesellschaft in Germany sent representatives to this country in 1935 to encourage such a grouping and that their spokesman referred in 1937 to the NL as being the English branch of international nazism .
7 The PageMaker User Group ( now universally known as PMUG ) was established in the spring of 1989 as a result of a direct request from Aldus to a group of independent users to see if it would be possible to establish such an organisation .
8 Figure 8.4 illustrates such a state of disequilibrium .
9 It is this , I think , that causes such venom , such reaction .
10 The obvious problem here is that to provide such sight lines would
11 ‘ I had no idea it was possible to extract such multifarious enjoyment from a simple night-time car journey . ’
12 The Government have done little to encourage such schemes .
13 O brave new world , that has such people in it . ’ ’
14 He stared aggressively at Burden and declaimed loudly and meaningfully , ‘ O brave new world , that has such people in it ! ’
15 The more serious type of pollution , which is the silage liquor or farm slurry , that has such a immediately , it dies straightaway .
16 His public pronouncements are unequivocal in this respect , and although it is clearly not possible to accept such public pronouncements as the definitive expression of a man 's innermost beliefs and convictions , and although it is also evidently the case that to be published in L'Humanite and Ce Soir inevitably necessitates obedience to the party line , nonetheless the consistency and vigour with which Nizan presented an entirely positive view of developments within the Soviet Union are an instructive antidote to those critics desperately searching for evidence of Nizan 's growing anti-Stalinism/anti-communism during this period .
17 But he added that it was not normal to find such evidence .
18 This lengthy period of building explains why it is possible to find such a diversity of architectural styles , brilliant work from the Tuscan Renaissance period being mixed with the Baroque pieces and sections in later styles .
19 It may be possible to find such books in your office , or to arrange to borrow them from a public library .
20 In fact , however , it is not economic to provide such generality , and the situation described in the earlier part of this chapter is typical .
21 On the other hand , the existing case law on delegation of powers suggests that it would not be possible to grant such a body power to issue binding Community legislation of the types defined in the treaty , whereas the Maastricht Treaty envisages in its Article 108a that the Central Bank would be able to issue regulations , decisions , recommendations , and opinions ( though not directives ) .
22 It is unfortunate , therefore , that launching such trials can be a lengthy affair because of protracted discussions on ethical issues that are often misunderstood .
23 If we assume that a LECTURER can only teach one COURSE , and many LECTURERS teach on one COURSE , then the ‘ closed loop ’ shown in Figure 4.21 represents such a set .
24 It is crazy that ( to take the second example ) the Inland Revenue is prepared to treat such a payment as exempt whereas the DSS claims that NICs are due .
25 Unless we , as legislators , are prepared to treat such circumstances with that degree of seriousness , rather than allowing fines even in the low thousands to be imposed , we are unlikely to secure the safety culture to which North sea workers are , sadly , not accustomed but are certainly entitled .
26 Groups of actors have often provided the focus of stories about the victimisation of innocents by totalitarian forces ( examples include To Be or Not to Be , Privates on Parade , The Last Metro and the recent Spanish film Ay , Carmela ! ) , so it 's interesting to see such a relatively early variation on the theme as this .
27 Perhaps this constitutes such an acknowledgement .
28 An avowed enemy could of course be opposed with propriety , but if sufficient effort was not made to put victory beyond dispute , there was always some danger of humiliation , and , since there were inevitably many gentlemen who loved a winner , there would be some to see such a defeat as a sign to reconsider their political friendships .
29 While many are praising the ruling for providing a chance for some to see such masterpieces as Matisse 's ‘ Grand Riffian ’ and Seurat 's ‘ Les Poseuses ’ without the required pilgrimage to Merion , Pennsylvania , critics of the decision are echoing a warning they have offered since the Barnes attempted to deaccession works last year .
30 Bethel explained that the Working Party had not felt that the Council would be prepared to support such radical views , and other Council members supported the report .
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