Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] leave " in BNC.

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1 On its own , the call for a broader and more political curriculum leaves untouched vital questions of scope , purpose , organisation and control .
2 It may be that you receive praise for a piece of work well done , and suddenly you feel that you made the right decision to leave the family home and strike out on your own .
3 Well , in this particular experiment , what the experimenters did was , when the parental birds left the nest , they stuffed the erm , the chicks as full with worms as they could possibly stuff it .
4 The hon. Gentleman would do well to recall that the policies of so many Labour authorities leaving properties empty and voids untreated which significantly adds to the level of homelessness ; until those Labour authorities operate properly with their housing resources , they will not make inroads into the housing problem .
5 As people can see throughout the country , the reality is that Labour authorities leave houses empty even when people are in need of them .
6 The increased seating capacity which would be provided by even an extra fifty coaches leaving a town over ten to twenty years , at a time of rapid urban population increase , points to how tiny a fraction of the population ever travelled by stage coach .
7 There are fewer than 500 of the shy birds left in Britain ; their numbers have been hit by earlier cutting of grass and silage , which destroyed their nests and young .
8 There was still a little money left so she bought a tiny bottle of scent for Aunt Margaret .
9 The result was there was very little money left ‘ in the kitty ’ to meet the bill but even so the payment was just two weeks late .
10 I 'll have no bloody money left by then .
11 His comments on the absence of the minister from European meetings leaves no doubt of his one-sided and political approach to the problems of higher education in Greece .
12 On 5 September 1861 Rigby left Zanzibar on grounds of ill health and returned to England .
13 When his friends the Barberini were obliged for political reasons to leave Rome in 1644 and settled in Paris he lost little time in entertaining them and the French Court with Italian operas .
14 In 1706 , after his victory at Turin , Prince Eugene had to interfere in person to prevent a general massacre of the French wounded by the imperial forces ; and after the battle of Zorndorf in 1758 many of the wounded Russians left on the field were buried alive by Prussian soldiers and local peasants .
15 But Mr. de Lacy submits that both it and the previous cases which it applied are clearly distinguishable from the instant case because they all rested upon the critical circumstances that the lender or creditor in each case left it to the principal debtor to obtain , in such a way as he thought fit , the execution of the document .
16 Soon , however , the swing of her downhill striding left her mind free for an image of the yacht and the clean white pullover and the laughing interested , face of the yachtsman .
17 He decided that there was not only no difficulty gramatically in severing the two covenants but that severance left entirely unaffected the covenant which related to the customers of the plaintiff company itself .
18 No. 391 ( 47E ) was inspected and overhauled on 13 January 1948 and reappeared with brush panelling on both decks , that on the lower deck leaving the steel solebars exposed .
19 Stevie Gallagher 's shot was brilliantly saved by Andy Blackwood as Dunmurry came back in the second half but the visitors went two ahead through a penalty by Andy McMenamin and the cross from the right was turned in by Gareth Healey for the third with eight minutes left .
20 It may seem to some of you that there 's very little hope left for us in Krishnapur .
21 The protest in Tianjin was perhaps yet another indication of things to come over two years later when respect for the Party had declined still further and Deng Xiaoping had little support left among young intellectuals .
22 The sight of a wounded soldier left him raw and angry .
23 ‘ But if she 's dead , ’ said Camille , ‘ she would n't like that tape left lying around . ’
24 Beatrice Webb 's admiration for the philanthropic work of Mary Booth rested on the way in which the latter expressed ‘ gentle and loving contempt for any special work outside the ordinary sphere of a woman 's life , [ and ] her high standard of excellence which should discourage any vain attempt to leave the beaten track of a woman 's duty ’ .
25 I 've seen eight boat leaving there with sails on them .
26 When he finally rejoined the others he was carrying several samples of rock , and there was very little light left .
27 Try to stand up and demand that fear leaves your inner being , like an unwanted guest .
28 The sequence begins when Cassio , brought to Desdemona by Emilia ( the unwitting intermediary of evil ) , leaves in some embarrassment when he sees Othello and Iago approach : Iago moves from an upper plane ( Signifier ) to a lower ( Signified ) , from perception to interpretation : subtly doubting the former — Was that Cassio leaving your wife ? — so that Othello , who thinks he can trust his own eyes , takes the latter — so guiltily — with it , accepting a — false ! — linguistic sign .
29 … and follow in the footsteps of the thousands of men and women who in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries left Ulster to seek a new life in America .
30 On the far slope of the valley a troop of Red Lancers cantered through a wheat field , each horse leaving a straight trail of crushed plants .
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