Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] would " in BNC.

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1 Commissioners Bruce Millan ( regional affairs ) , Padraig Flynn ( social affairs ) , and Rene Steichen ( agriculture ) , state that a political decision would be needed for Corsica and Molise in Italy ( both 79 per cent per capita GDP ) and Abruzzi , Italy ( 89 per cent per capita GDP ) to keep their present Objective 1 status .
2 They state that a political decision would also be needed to add regions — listing the candidates as Hainaut in Belgium ( 77 per cent ) , Highlands and Islands ( 79 per cent ) , and Merseyside ( 79 per cent ) .
3 Whether strictly order twenty eight , er order sixty , rule twenty eight for erm applies in this case is not amount entirely clear to me because the obligation to lodge a bill of taxation under rule twenty nine provides that he must begin proceedings for the taxation either within three months after the judgement direction or order of the terminations enter sides are otherwise perfected , and that is presently on it 's face which seemed to be debited May of nineteen ninety three and er accordingly that is right , it 's not in fact been any failure to comply with order tw order sixty two , rule twenty nine , one , and that has n't been disregarded , it 's not entirely clear to me that erm there is any matter come from paragraph sub paragraph A of rule twenty eight , four , it may already require , still nevertheless erm fall within paragraph B of rule fo , erm there has in fact been a delay in lodging the bill of costs for taxation , the delay being really and truly , the delay in having the order of Mr Justice perfected and it seems to me that although in chasing matters generally speaking it is the court will itself draw the order , nevertheless where er it seems to be clearly in this case would contemplate it that counsel would sign a minute erm that counsel do sign a minute and that minute has been signed having forwarded by the defendants solicitors to the defendants solicitors seems to me it must be the case that erm the obligation to , as it were , forward that minute to the court , it is an obligation which would lie upon the plaintiffs solicitors and it maybe said that erm there has been delay and erm on the best it should be lodged with the court sealed , er shortly after it was received and that therefore on that footing there has been delay lodging the bill of costs for concession , er Mr , doctor does n't seemed to be take any point in relation to that er because it 's not in his interest to do so , it seems to be that he does have to say if it has been delayed , with an order of twenty eight rule four that 's a rule , rule , rule twenty eight er four if he is to have interest disbarred and er Mr er he 'll apparently have the matter of read before the taxing master , it seems that the taxing master did not chew any sympathy with that er suggestion , that er there was in fact no breach of the requirement rule twenty , four , Mr he said , very probably , that erm , look on text upon it , he really is concerned to erm have this case dealt with as you put it on the merits , it seems to me it 's in the interest of all parties that erm I should deal with the case on merits have on the assumption erm that er , that that was lodged properly I think , I ca I , a matter of which found within rule twenty eight , four and that the taxing officer give our interest under that rule .
4 If Benjamin had given her nothing else in their life together he had given her this child , and for that Sarah would forgive him anything .
5 Yet it had a castle , was the county town , and in due course would become another beneficiary of Archdeacon Johnson 's munificence .
6 But in a sense , too , she knew that Louise was not wrong to worry about Harry committing such a blunder , for Harry , moving in the social circles in which he would move , if he survived the siege , to the day of his death , would almost certainly suffer the inconveniences of having such a wife , would regret his marriage , and perhaps in due course would come to believe that his life had been ruined .
7 Students also might begin to cluster in little sub-cultures , small tribes united by a common interest which in due course would become institutionalized and formalized .
8 Eventually the earth would be dug out , remoulded and cast once more in the form of bricks , which would take their place in fresh walls that in due course would crumble again .
9 low rise Would you like to come to the theatre with us ? high rise It.s not fair , did you say ? fall rise I doubt whether that would be any good .
10 Each Division would be allocated a Unit of the Modular Teaching Material and should provide a session of approximately 20 – 30 minutes in length , based upon the whole or part of the Unit content .
11 Erm certainly on the rescue tenders , erm erm on , on each division would have that equipment , it 's not carried on every fire engine as far as I know now , erm I , I do n't see why it should n't but er again I think it 's a matter of cost , and , and carrying it about as well and finding the space for it , but certainly it 's at hand when it 's needed .
12 On rail , Rifkind stated that legislation would be put forward so that private operators would no longer be required to obtain British Rail approval to run passenger or freight services on BR track .
13 Mr Wilson said yesterday that comments by the rail minister , Roger Freeman , completely contradict the impression given by the Transport Secretary , John MacGregor , that private operators would be obliged to take over the existing timetable .
14 For example , a pair of tropomysin molecules wind round one another ( supercoil ) ; but a pair of left and right-hand helices would form an interlocking straight double-molecule , or ‘ dimer ’ .
15 Once the formation of PFF was fait accompli , and apparently against the personal wishes of the Bomber C-in-C ( and the majority of his Group commanders ) the Bomber Groups were instructed to send selected volunteer crews to a squadron raised by each Group and , thereafter , each squadron would be supported by its parent Group .
16 Cold climates are said to affect blacks adversely because of their body fat deficiencies , weak ankles would account for the lack of black hockey players , etc .
17 A lump-sum specific grant would change the budget line to 145 .
18 No I do n't think that worry would be there .
19 Does he accept that internment would be the height of folly and would have no support at all from the Labour party ?
20 This gives regional activists the chance to confer with colleagues in other areas ; two-way calls would mean they spoke mostly to head office .
21 There will be considerable pressure on Mr Parkinson to ensure that safety is not compromised by lack of funds , and he has promised that money would be no obstacle to improving safety .
22 and even if you think no I would n't really spend the money to make myself more beautiful , you think , oh maybe , if I really , if I did have that money would I do it ?
23 The case against heavy defence expenditure can not rest simply on arguments that some of that money would be better spent on social policy ; it is necessary to prove that some of that expenditure is inappropriate or irrelevant , or to face the argument that without it no social policy would be secure .
24 And therefore that money would mount up .
25 We were told that money would follow patients , but now patients have to follow money .
26 We have been told that finances for health and safety will be found but we were never told from where that money would come from .
27 I , I would totally support the move that you 're suggesting Mr Chairman , if we are asked to provide another one percent or whatever can be done , erm , I would suggest that the obvious way to get that money would be to offer them the ten thousand that we agreed to spend this morning .
28 By contrast , the rational expectations hypothesis , when applied to the theory of inflation , appeared to indicate that money would be neutral in the short run also , thereby denying any role to policy activism .
29 When the Conwy tunnel was built we were told that money would then be available , ’ he said .
30 ‘ Were the Conservatives to remain in office , that money would remain buried in the bank vaults , unable to benefit the people of our town . ’
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