Example sentences of "[verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , wings which could have lifted that huge body would have been far too cumbersome when diving .
2 Unravelling this startling turn of events it transpired that due to the vagaries of the recording mechanism of answering machines my original message had sounded like ‘ died ’ not ‘ resigned ’ .
3 A CHURCH is praying that local planners will have a change of heart .
4 There is no denying that hierarchical structure has been the source of a great deal of trouble and inefficiency .
5 Other sociologists have supported Lockwood and Goldthorpe in denying that clerical workers have become proletarian , but they have attacked the proletarianization thesis in a different way .
6 At present , there 's no denying that sectional conferences need some guidelines , I mean you only need one experience like last year 's Apex conference to realize that .
7 A press statement was issued by Ron Gilbert on behalf of the council , emphatically denying that medical evidence of alleged child abuse had been ‘ leaked ’ to a Sunday newspaper .
8 In limiting the concept of social representations to these sons of phenomena , Moscovici is denying that social representations can be found in all societies , and suggesting that they only emerge under certain social conditions .
9 Now , there is no denying that past controversies were rooted in circumstances that were peculiar to the age in which they occurred .
10 Not only do we find Lord Sumner in this case denying that elected members ‘ are to be guided by their personal opinions on political , economic , or social questions in administering the funds which they derive from levying rates ’ but Lord Atkinson denounces the councillors for being guided ‘ by some eccentric principles of socialistic philanthropy , or by a femininist ambition to secure equality of the sexes in the world of wages ’ .
11 Austin took the equally heroic step of denying that constitutional law and international law were law properly so called .
12 The chairman who ventured that mild criticism was well-placed to do so .
13 As the princess arrived back in London , amid new rumours of a marriage rift , it was disclosed that 11-month-old Louis Lonsdale , the only son of Laura and James Lonsdale , died on Tuesday in his cot .
14 As the princess arrived back in London , it was disclosed that 11-month-old Louis Lonsdale , the only son of Laura and James Lonsdale , died on Tuesday in his cot .
15 An internal memo by a senior employee at the Rocky Flats plant in Colorado has disclosed that substantial amounts of highly radioactive plutonium are stored in unsafe or untested containers and in unstable condition and are not suitably protected against fire .
16 A US military spokesperson has also disclosed that toxic waste from bases in Italy , Spain and Germany is likely to be shipped to Britain by UK waste-disposal companies which are sub-contracted by foreign firms hired by US bases .
17 On Sept. 3 Minister of Defence Samba Lamine Mane disclosed that large numbers of soldiers had deserted because of appalling living standards ; every armed forces unit had been affected by desertions ( he did not specify the exact number ) , and 80 army and naval officers were threatening to strike if there were no improvement in food and accommodation .
18 EUROPEAN Community officials were stoking fears last night of an all-out trade war with the United States after it was disclosed that British and other European steelmakers could face crippling new duties on exports to America .
19 Yesterday it was also disclosed that glamorous Suzannah Dwyer told her devastated husband of her romance 24 hours before Bates went public with the news at a press conference .
20 From what we have seen it might be supposed that private judicial patronage was more trouble than it was worth , but the offices were in fact received as a sign of favour by many lawyers , who could of course use them as stepping stones to better things .
21 In practice , few juries have ever supposed that ordinary people turn away so consistently from the sort of pornography brought before British courts in the 1960s and 1970s .
22 In a sense that has long been the case , since it has generally been supposed that turbulent flows are contained within a deterministic set of equations — the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations .
23 Such enthusiasm may have had as much to do with the excited nationalism of wartime , as any substantial appreciation of these films ' merits , and it should not be supposed that British filmmakers had universally gone from being dull and unimaginative to become masters of the cinematic art .
24 In a region that prides itself on its cuisine and that boasts a strong tourist industry , it might have been supposed that indigenous entrepreneurs would leap at such an opportunity .
25 This has supposed that feminist effort should be devoted , first , to showing how the ‘ images ’ in question oppress or denigrate women , and second , to offering positive images of women to replace these .
26 Bohncke proposes from detailed pollen analyses of several pollen profiles that human clearance of these pockets began as early as 7600 , 5000 , and 4200 B.P ..
27 The atomic age has forcefully reopened that old forgotten Christian question : ‘ What if the world should end tonight ? ’
28 These results suggest that polymeric enteral nutrition is as safe and effective as steroids in inducing short term remission in active Crohn 's disease .
29 The results suggest that polymeric diets are as safe and effective as steroids in inducing short term remission .
30 In conclusion , the results of our present study suggest that polymeric diets are a safe and effective treatment for active Crohn 's disease .
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