Example sentences of "[verb] the way " in BNC.

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1 what factors influence the way in which the individual carries out the AL of maintaining a safe environment ?
2 what factors influence the way the individual carries out the AL of communicating ?
3 The designer of any control system should bear in mind that controls influence the way people think , talk , act and react .
4 Lighting and water movement are also important to feeding because they influence the way many relatively-immobile sessile marine invertebrates gain their nutritional requirements .
5 The news media can , by the way they report and by the significance they attach to personalities , events and the statements of individuals , colour the attitudes of the public and in turn influence the way in which the constitution is interpreted and the political system works .
6 How , for example , education , culture , psychological and physiological factors influence the way we react to an image .
7 The reasons for which it is drawn influence the way it is drawn .
8 What happened next was to so profoundly influence the way the typesetting market operated that it still has n't fully come to terms with the consequences .
9 However there are plenty of useless stereotypes around and since they influence the way anthropologists write up their monographs I ought to say something about them .
10 Whatever the structure of the organisation , good communication lies at the heart of success — and , because of the complexities we have already looked at and the many factors which influence the way in which messages circulate and are received good communication is perhaps more difficult to achieve than good product design , manufacturing productivity or success in the market place .
11 Their methods of forecasting the way prices would go proved ad hoc and unconventional , unhampered by hard examination of figures and ratios , such as accountants might undertake .
12 I 'm gon na write and say and seeing that they 're going to reorganize the way they 're gon na collect the community charge , you know , they 're gon na do it on houses
13 This is good news to anyone who has witnessed the way art museums have come to regard paintings and other objects placed in their perpetual trust as a kind of stock portfolio that can be traded at will .
14 On temporarily sober reflection , I think I 'd better just stay the way I am , and settle for the occasional bursts of adulation down the pub .
15 Er on the spindle side , you know , it 's gon na stay the way of the hydrostatics cos of the damping ab capabilities of it so There 's not it 's not an area where
16 He thinks I 'm a tramp , she thought , almost dispassionately , and he hates what he 's done , hates the way sexual desire 's lured him , tricked him .
17 ‘ She hates the way everyone goes on in England .
18 Briant might despise the job , despise the way they presented facts to the gawping idiot public , but he could recognize ability when he saw it .
19 We might feel tempted to say that Wittgenstein 's account may be true of sensations ; but that there is no such thing as a sensation of blue , and so there is no reason why a private linguist could not start by naming the way things look to him before moving on to the more difficult talk of the way things actually are .
20 They divided the way we communicate with each other into.three categories and called these Parent , Adult and Child .
21 Along the way they 're also finding new ways to optimise the way their organisations manage the use of spreadsheets .
22 This involves the way these firms perceive their marketing effort .
23 For example , part of the evaluation is to monitor the ways in which these sectors have the opportunity to determine policy and the allocation of resources within the Urban Programme machinery .
24 The removal of the requirement , while retaining the broad objectives , ended the controversy as a question of principle and placed the responsibility on the subject boards and their panels to monitor the ways in which institutions and their courses interpreted the changed policy .
25 Indeed , the screenplay is credited to one American and two Japanese writers , an effort which parallels the way the film was actually shot — with both Japanese and American units completing sections which were later blended together in the editing rooms .
26 In other words , the guitar is going to sound the way it wants to sound , and there 's not a lot you can do about it .
27 ANDES has criticized the way in which the mass media portray women and in 1975 staged a protest march against the Miss Universe beauty contest held in San Salvador that year .
28 Feminists active in the disability rights movement have criticized the way many women have used the fear of disability to argue for abortion rights , and ask us to reassess our relationship to genetic screening .
29 In telling such stories , people display the ways in which they think about health and illness , and this is of central interest to this study .
30 Since most Christian teachers are kind persons who prefer to avoid controversy when they can , and doodle anxiously during fierce argument at meetings , things tended to go the way of Bethune-Baker ; partly because he was devastating , and partly because often he was devastatingly right .
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